Chapter 220

next day
"I won't go, I have some documents to read." Li Nuannuan refused.

Grandma Li walked into the house and covered her computer, "You should know better than me how Qili treats you; she is injured now, shouldn't you, as an aunt, take a look at her?"

"Mom, Qili probably doesn't want us to go; she has divorced Juehong, so let's stop pestering her, okay? She should have her own life instead of being around someone all the time. Forced feelings will not bring happiness of."

Compulsive feelings will not lead to happiness, this is Li Nuannuan's true feeling; Grandma Li doesn't understand, she stubbornly thinks everything she thinks is right.

"Having said so much, you still don't want to go; forget it if you don't want to go, I hope you can always be so stubborn."

"be careful."

Li Nuannuan sent Grandma Li away, and after thinking about it, she called Li Juehong.
"I can go up by myself. Qili is recovering from her injuries and definitely doesn't like many people around."

"Pay attention to your body, if there is anything wrong; you call me, I will go up and help you."

"No need, what can be the big deal."

When I was young, Grandpa Li was unreliable and it was Grandma Li who supported the family; now that I am old, although I don't manage the company's affairs anymore, I am still used to being strong in daily affairs.

Asked all the way to the door of the ward.

"Why did you come?"

"I'll come and see Qili, is Qili still awake?"

Hearing her words, Song Yuqing sneered, "You are an elder, I don't want to say something impolite; therefore, please leave quickly, you are not welcome here."

"Qili is my daughter-in-law, she is injured, why don't you let me see her?"

Wu Ziyu and Cong Shang were still having breakfast downstairs, Song Yuqing tried her best to control her anger.

"Qili and Li Juehong are already divorced, even if they are connected; the child is gone, so you don't need to see Qili anymore. It's not worth the hypocrisy. If you don't have a child, you should find someone else to live with. Qili won't be there anymore The one who gave birth to Li Juehong is not a tool for pregnancy."

"You think that's who I am?"

Grandma Li sat on a chair in the corridor, watching the situation in the ward.

"I care about Qili not only because of the child; even if the child is gone, she will always be my daughter-in-law. Is there anything wrong with coming to see her?"

"no problem."

Cong Shang and Wu Ziyu are coming back soon, Song Yuqing doesn't want to tell her anymore.

"You are Qili's friend, you should know who hurt Qili?"

Song Yuqing ignored her and went to fetch water with the kettle in her arms.

After receiving the water, I poured him a cup from a disposable cup.

"If you don't go, drink some water; I still have something to do."

After visiting the driver, Wu Ziyu and Cong Shang also came back.

"Grandma Li came to see Qili, what do you do?"

"How can I deal with it, deal with it coldly; I'll go and see her."

Cong Shang brought Song Yuqing a cup of milk tea.

"Hello old lady, I am Qili's suitor. My name is Congshang, are you coming to see Qili?"

Grandma Li glanced at her lightly, she was not interested in this kind of person whose hair was not fully grown.

"Do you know why Qili got into a car accident? Because of you, why did you come to Qili; do you know how long Qili was rescued in the emergency room? I thought Qili was going to explain it inside."

"Qili's life is not good, and the Min family is useless; the married husband doesn't like her, and the mother-in-law's family is also making things difficult, and she meets a stalking grandma. Do you really like Qili, or is it because of her child that she treats her like this?" OK?"

Don't know, so fearless.

Since he was not a good and sensible boy, he didn't care.

"Has anyone in your family ever told you that it's rude for you to speak like this?"

"My family doesn't care about me, so it doesn't matter what I become. If you think it's rude, you can leave, and you won't find me annoying if you can't see me."

Grandma Li had a serious face, "How can Qili have a friend like you?"

"How could Qili meet someone like you? It hurt her, made her sad. I just finished breakfast, and I don't want to be angry; what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to visit Qili and see how she's hurt and how she's recovering," Grandma Li said.

Cong Shang chased away the guests, "You have seen it now, can you go back?"

"I want to see Qili's attending doctor to understand her condition; I will ask the doctor to take care of Qili, so that you don't have to stay with her all the time."

Wu Ziyu interjected, "Qi Li is not only our friend, but also a family member; we are willing to take care of her. If you are willing to send someone here, we are of course very happy. I can take you there as Qi Li's attending doctor."

Grandma Li was taken away by Wu Ziyu.


"There's no reason, she always brings it here, I feel like I can't digest it; how could Qili meet such a person."

Congshang couldn't figure this old lady out; he couldn't make her angry, so he informed Li Juehong to take his grandma back.

"Sorry, I'm going now."

After receiving the news from Cong Shang, Li Juehong quickly put down his work and rushed to the hospital.

Coming out of the attending doctor's office, Li Juehong also arrived.

"Grandma, didn't I tell you last night that when Qili gets better, I'll let you see her. Why did you come by yourself?"

"Why can't I come by myself? If I don't come, I don't know that Qili's injury is so serious; Li Juehong, why didn't you tell me?" Grandma Li reprimanded sharply.

"I didn't tell you because I was worried that your body would be ruined by anger; even if you knew it, could you do this? Qili has been injured, why can't we replace her pain; and this matter, do you think it has nothing to do with you? And then, go to Qili again and again. If Qili is not found, Qili will not be hurt."

"So you're blaming me?"

Grandma Li pointed at herself, feeling agitated, as if she was going to get sick at any time.

"That's not what I mean, you pay attention to your body."

"Hey, Li Juehong, take your grandma aside, the doctor is still at work."

Song Yuqing leaned against the wall and sounded a reminder.

"Actually, we have to think about the same thing. We can be an alliance; but I will never agree that Qili will continue to get along with you."

"Qi Li's previous feelings for you are in the past tense, so people should also become the past tense; Mr. Li, I hope you will understand this meaning sooner, pay attention to your body, I am going to see Qi Li. You can come anytime you want to see, let me know in advance Just one click."

Of these two people, Song Yuqing chose to play badly.

Intergenerational communication is very difficult, and she is tired.

"Thank you."

"If you want to thank, speak with actions; the person who hurt Qili has not been found yet, I hope Mr. Li can speed up his pace. In a few days, the board of directors of the Min family will be there. I hope you can pay more attention to ensure that Qili can get back to the company without any risk. "

(End of this chapter)

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