Chapter 225 Min Qili Remembers Motorcycle
"Why doesn't Qili want to talk to us? Did you tell her something?"

As soon as she went out, Grandma Li's expression changed; she looked at Song Yuqing with a cold face, as if she had stolen her treasure.

Song Yuqing, who was playing a game, was very innocent. She immediately left her teammates behind and locked the screen to argue with Grandma Li.

"The reason why you think so is because you are such a person. In fact, my friend, does what I say to her have anything to do with you? And even if I say something, the choice is still in Qili's hands; she doesn't want to leave You, you should find your own reasons, not me or others."

Song Yuqing's momentum became sharp, "You are so old, I didn't want to quarrel with you; now that you have said everything, then I want to ask you. Isn't Gu Wan your ideal daughter-in-law, is she just Qili?" When they got married, you were very unhappy; you forgot what Qili did to build a good relationship with you, but I remember. Li Juehong, you should also have an impression. "

He did remember what happened back then.

Grandma didn't like Min Qili very much at the beginning, so her attitude changed for some reason.


"I didn't discover Qili at the beginning, but now that I do, is it wrong for me to try to chase her back?"

"Of course it is true. But if the method is wrong, it is wrong. I don't care what other people are, I just care what she thinks; as long as Qili thinks it is wrong, I will follow her to the end. Qili chooses to divorce, which shows that she I want to let go; is it too cheap for you to choose to continue entanglement."

"Normal care is acceptable, but if you want them to get back together; I hope you will use this time to exercise more. I won't send it away."

After speaking, Song Yuqing opened the door and went in.

Min Qili turned her face sideways, not sure if she was resting or looking out the window; Song Yuqing squatted at the door, guarding her.

The commotion outside the door has nothing to do with her.

Min Qili turned her head and saw the poor Song Yuqing, "Why are you squatting there, come and sit down."

"I thought you were resting, Qili, are you okay? They didn't say anything to make you unhappy just now, did they? If so, tell me, and I'll go to her and apologize to you"

Min Qili smiled and shook her head.

"I've heard all the bad things, I don't care anymore. And they didn't say anything, you don't have to be so nervous. I want to sit up, can you ask the nurse?"

Song Yuqing walked to the head of the bed, pressed a button, and the bed lifted instantly.

"How about it, is it convenient? Do you feel uncomfortable, do you need me to find a doctor?"

"No, I'm fine. What's the date today, and how long have I been lying down?"

Her tone was so flat that no emotions could be heard. Song Yuqing couldn't figure out what she was thinking, and told her honestly, "Today is the last day of the National Day holiday, and you have been lying down for almost half a month."

"Has it been this long?" Min Qili murmured looking at the scenery outside the window, with unresolved melancholy in her eyes.

"It's not long, how can it be long; I feel that I haven't enjoyed the game yet, and my teammates are about to go to work. I am left alone, no one is with me, I am so pitiful."

Song Yuqing looked at Min Qili pitifully.

"Qi Li, when you get better, let's play games together; although I'm not good at technology, I think I'm familiar with these. Then you take me to lie down and win."

"At that time, the two of us will either lie down and win or be ashamed."

Min Qili smiled, and suddenly some fragments flashed in her mind; her painful body twisted, "What?"

"What's wrong with you, Qili? Are you okay?"

The sudden appearance scared Song Yuqing at a loss.

He hurriedly rang the bell and stood aside waiting for the doctor's examination results.

"Doctor, what's wrong with her? Are you okay? There can't be any complications, right? Why do you have a sudden headache?"

After Wu Ziyu sent her here, the company urgently notified him to go back; leaving herself here alone, Song Yuqing looked at the doctor at a loss.

"Don't be nervous, the patient just woke up and is too tired; family members don't be nervous."

"Okay. Doctor, do you have anything else to say?"

"The patient's brain was injured, which may cause memory loss; the headache just now may have part of the memory back. If there is a similar situation, immediately ring the bell to notify us, and then conduct further examinations."

"Thank you doctor."

Although the doctor said there was nothing wrong, Song Yuqing's heart was still beating wildly.

"Qi Li, do you feel unwell? Is it because the doctor here is not good enough, why don't we transfer to another hospital, or I can find you a better doctor."

Min Qili was overwhelmed by Song Yuqing's nervousness, which warmed her heart.

"I'm fine. According to the doctor, I do remember some things, but unfortunately my hand is in a cast and I can't draw it; otherwise, it will definitely help the case."

"I'll draw, Qili, just wait, I'll go downstairs to buy paper and pens."

Song Yuqing ran out in a hurry, not wearing a mask or a hat.

After shopping, he rushed back and saw her at the stairs.

Holding her back, "The hospital is chronic, why are you in such a hurry? Could something happen to Qili?"

Panting heavily, Song Yuqing waved her hands; her throat was so dry now, she snatched the unopened milk tea from his hand and took a sip.

"It's Qili, she said she remembered the person who hurt her; I immediately went downstairs to buy a pen and paper, and wanted to draw it."

"Then go soon."

Now Cong Shang also forgot the hospital's regulations, "quiet, slow down, chronic".

"Qi Li, do you remember?"

Seeing Cong Shang's anxious look, Min Qili nodded.

"You describe it, and I will draw it. With your help, I will definitely catch it out soon."

They breathed evenly. After Min Qili organized the adjectives, she began to paint.

"He rides a motorcycle, and I can't see his face clearly when he wears a helmet; but there is a very obvious logo on his helmet, HT or something"

According to Min Qili's description, draw that person's appearance; the tacit understanding between them is enough for Cong Shang to draw this person into seven images.With a little more modification, it won't be much worse.

Looking at the last picture presented, try to remember what that person looked like.

Min Qili was determined, "That's how it is."

"Okay, Qili, take a good rest."

The motorcycle man's helmet is custom-made, HT is not a logo, but his custom-made pattern.

Motorcycle models are not popular in the market, and those who can own such models should be professionals.

With these clues, I believe he will be arrested soon.

"I know this."

The more you look at the picture, the more familiar it becomes. Song Yuqing frowned, pointed at the picture and looked at Cong Shang.

"I'm sure I've seen it."

"Have you seen it, where have you seen it: are you really sure you've seen it?"

Knowing that the clue was around him all of a sudden, Cong Shang grabbed Song Yuqing excitedly, trying to get the answer out of her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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