Chapter 227

"You are my child. After such a big incident, I am very happy that you can recover. How can you be unhappy?"

Min Wanxing still had a fake smile on his face, and his concerned tone seemed to be genuine.

He can hold his breath, and so can Min Qili; isn't it just acting, has he never eaten pork or ran away with a pig?
Min Qili took a deep breath and squeezed out two tears.

"I used to think that you wouldn't care about me, but I didn't expect you to say such a thing;" I sniffed, and the tears disappeared in an instant, "It really surprised me. I thought you were really so indifferent, since you If you really care about me, leave the Min family to me; I will take charge of it for you, although I did not study related majors under your expectations. However, the contacts of the Qi family can also help me manage the Min family well; and , better than under your leadership. Would you like to?"

"Rehabilitation is the most important thing now. The Min family will be yours sooner or later. Don't rush this moment; you are still young, so you should enjoy life. If you are in a bad mood, go travel and relax; tell me how much money you need, and the family will definitely be able to meet it yours."

Min Wanxing put his arms around his beloved wife and said softly.

Although time has left traces on his face, the demeanor when he speaks can still see the appearance of his youth.

"Is that how you lied to little girls when you were young? Do you think I'm stupid, like those people you were fooled by? The calculation was wrong on me, I don't want to act with you anymore. No matter where you get the news , It has nothing to do with you; where do you come and go, or I will drive away in a while."

Min Wanxing was already prepared for a long-term stalemate, he didn't have a good rest last night, and now he felt tired.

After Min Qili finished speaking, she closed her eyes.

"Please, Qili is going to rest."

Song Yu walked up to them and asked them to leave.

"Little girl of the Song family, I have cooperated with your father; I can also be regarded as your elder. You treat me like this, and you don't respect the elders~"

Min Wanxing spoke hypocrisy in a humorous tone.

"Elders do need respect, but are you that kind of person? My dad told me when I was a child that people who are not polite can only be respected after they learn to be polite. Uncle Min, are you right?"

Song Yuqing smiled.

"Yes, it's all right; your aunt and I are leaving first, take care of Qili, and I will come over for spot checks."

Min Wanxing protected his beloved wife and left, and Song Yuqing closed the door heavily when they left.

"What, if you weren't Qili's father, I'd hit someone directly."

Suppressing the anger in her heart, Song Yuqing washed a bunch of grapes.

It is stuffed full, and the mood is calm after eating a whole bunch.

"Better? I just saw that you were about to knock down this door. For this kind of person, only if you don't care, he won't really hurt you; the angrier you are, the happier they are. Your own purpose is also If you succeed, you hurt yourself and make others happy, it’s not worth it.”

"Then I'm not happy either."

Song Yuqing turned her back to the past.

"I suspect that when you got into an accident, he must have hired someone to do it; you can see that he looks like a villain, and his motorcycle is just an excuse for pretending. I'll tell Wu Ziyu right away and let him investigate."

The anger in her heart needed to be vented, so Song Yuqing went outside and called Wu Ziyu, asking him to investigate Min Wanxing.

Min Qili was lying on the bed, unable to make any big moves; looking at the remaining crack in the door, she sighed helplessly.

She was still so impulsive and impatient.


Few people knew the news of her accident; they would never tell Min Wanxing, how could Min Wanxing know?
Was the person who told him the perpetrator; or had he always known?

Min Wanxing is an excellent actor, unless the evidence is in front of him; otherwise, he will be right.

"when will it done?"

The injury on my body is very serious, and I don't know when it will heal.

Now lying on the bed and unable to move, it is no different from a caged bird that has lost its freedom.

"Qi Li, are you unwell?"

Song Yuqing came back from the phone call, looked at Min Qili's dull look and said with concern.

"No, I'm wondering when I'll be better; I've been lying in bed for half a month, although I'm in a coma. However, as long as I think about it, I feel like I've been lying down for a lifetime; I'm really in pain now, when will I Can you leave the hospital?"

"The doctor said, you are recovering well, and you should be able to walk on Double Eleven; during this period of time, wherever you want to go, I will push you with a wheelchair. But not now, a comprehensive examination will be conducted in the afternoon , if the doctor allows, how about I push you out tomorrow?"

"It's decided."

They hit it off immediately, and the next time will not be hard to avoid.

After lunch and a nap, the nurse took Min Qili for a checkup.

Song Yuqing went to the ward to see how Ni Qi was doing.

"Qiqi, Qili has woken up; when will you wake up? Qili has recovered very well recently. If there is no problem in today's examination, I will bring her to see you tomorrow. You don't have to worry about Ni Huan, as long as I am here , no one will hurt you; brother, he likes you very much, and he will definitely help you."

"You can't choose your own origin, but you can choose your future. As long as you can wake up, we will pursue the future together; you are so good, you will definitely have a very bright future."

When she had time, Song Yuqing would go to Ni Qi's ward to talk to her.

It seemed useless, but she felt much better after speaking.

After speaking, I went back for a walk, and Min Qili's inspection was over.

"Doctor, what's the result of Qili's examination? Can I push her out to play tomorrow?"

"The patient is recovering well. The weather has cooled down recently. If you want to go out, keep warm. You can go out."

"Thank you doctor."

Song Yuqing enthusiastically sent the doctor back, and jumped to Min Qili's bedside. "Qi Li, did you hear that? The doctor said that I can push you out. Tomorrow, let's go to see Qi Qi first, and then I will push you around the hospital. Wherever you want to go, I will satisfy you."

"I don't know where I want to go. I'll go outside first to breathe fresh air; I've been in the ward for a long time these days, and I think the smell of the air is the smell of disinfectant."

Then they found out the map and made a detailed strategy for going out for the first time tomorrow.

There was no big change in the plan, and when I was online, it suddenly started to thunder and rain.

"Qili, it's raining."

"It's raining?"

Min Qili yawned, opened her eyes and looked at the rain on the window and the thunder outside.

"Would you like to come up to bed with me?"

Song Yuqing got up from the bed, hugged the quilt, and went to bed.

"Qi Li, don't worry, I won't move around; the rain won't last till tomorrow, the air will be fresher after the rain, so let's dress up and take pictures."

(End of this chapter)

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