Chapter 229 Aunt Gu's Flattery
Yan Jiaruo gave her the little ornament and followed her gaze.

saw nothing.


Attracted by the heavy feeling in her arms, Min Qili looked down at this exquisite little ornament.

"Very good, your vision is very good."

"Of course, I want this."

Yan Jiaruo happily went back to pay the bill with the small ornaments in hand.

In the direction just now, there are hotels around; as a result of the detective investigation, she hasn't had a chance to see it yet.

Isn't Ling Qiuyu pregnant?
How could Min Wanxing, a good man, rest assured that his good wife would go out alone?

"Get up, what's wrong with you, you look very unhappy; do you think we left you out?"


Min Qili shook her head, "I was thinking, these candied haws should not be eaten by you."

"How can this be done? The doctor said that this kind of food should not be eaten too much. I will help you solve it, Qili."

Distribute the candied haws to Yan Jiaruo alone, and push the wheelchair to continue forward.

The fate of human beings is really wonderful, you will meet whoever you don't want to meet.

Just around the corner, Min Qili ran into Gu Wan, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Miss Min, why are you here?"

The surprise in Gu Wan's eyes wasn't deceiving, but it wasn't sincere; there were still people around, and it was mostly a performance.

"Long time no see, why are you here?"

In the eyes of outsiders, their relationship is not that bad.

"I come……"

Before Gu Wan could speak, she was snatched away by the people beside her.

"You are the friend who often takes care of Xiaowan, right? I am Xiaowan's aunt, thank you for always taking care of us Xiaowan."

Although Min Qili was in a wheelchair, Aunt Gu still felt that she was a head shorter than her; she pulled her clothes awkwardly and smiled unnaturally.

After being robbed of speaking, Gu Wan's face instantly darkened; she looked at Aunt Gu's side face indifferently.

"No, Miss Gu worked hard, and I have to thank her."

"Auntie, let's go, Miss Min is injured, let's not bother her anymore."

Gu Wan wanted to quickly drag the embarrassing aunt away.

How could Aunt Gu do what she wanted?
These days, she has been looking for an opportunity to integrate into Gu Wan's world. As long as she integrates, she will be threatened when she is kicked out; how can she give up such a good opportunity?
"Where are you going, Ms. Min, let me push you; just take it as a thank you for taking care of us Xiaowan. We country folks haven't read much, so we still have a little strength. I hope Ms. Min won't dislike her."

"How come, this is hard work for you."

Song Yuqing quickly agreed, and handed over the wheelchair to the simple and honest Aunt Gu.

Finally having a chance to perform, Aunt Gu pushed the wheelchair in high spirits.

"Miss Min, just tell me where you are going or where you will stop."

Gu Wan took a deep breath, smiled and nodded at Song Yuqing and Yan Jiaruo, "Excuse me."

Follow behind Aunt Gu.

It was a mistake to come out today.

It should be said that she should have driven Ami out of this city in the first place; seeing that, why did she soften her heart and let her continue to stay here?

Also met her, gave her a chance to show off to others; then, let this family of blood-sucking bugs catch up?

Aunt Gu didn't know much about this place, and wanted to get closer to Min Qili, so she gave a lame introduction.

"Thanks, can you be quiet? I have a headache."

Aunt Gu's rough voice and wrong introduction attracted a lot of attention from around; she didn't feel embarrassed, Min Qili was already fidgeting.

If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't walk on the ground, she must have run at the speed of light.

"Headache, I have painkillers here, do you want to take some? Or let's go to the hospital now, and I will pay for the treatment."

Aunt Gu cared eagerly.

"No, it should be the problem of the sun; just find a cooler place to rest for a while."

"It's quite hot, Miss Min, what would you like to drink?"

"no need."

Aunt Gu's enthusiasm is really overwhelming.

Gu Wan sat at the farthest place, her back was straight, and she couldn't see her eyes while wearing sunglasses.

But it's not a compliment.

"Miss Gu, aren't you hot? Do you need something for you?"

"No need, I want to keep fit, and I have another shoot in a few days; unlike some people who are being hacked now, they can't fight back at all."

Although Gu Wan was looking at Min Qili, Song Yuqing who was sitting next to her was also hurt.

"Hey, there is something wrong with you. You have conflicts with Qili, so don't involve outsiders, okay? Besides, don't you know what your own virtue is? I am not afraid of shadows, and I will definitely clarify; maybe when the time comes I'll be hotter than you."

The Yan family is watching a play.

"What do you think is false about this kind of black material? They only want to see what they think is the truth. Miss Song, you are still too young." Gu Wan's red lips parted slightly.

"When I was young, my capital was not like you, tsk tsk tsk..."

Song Yuqing also knew what Gu Wan said; but, how could she bow her head in front of her, and immediately refuted it.

Aunt Gu listened for a while, thinking she understood; as the only elder here, Aunt Gu immediately made a gesture.

"Xiaowan, why did you talk to Ms. Min and the others? Ms. Min helped you, why don't you know how to be grateful, since you have such contacts in the circle, you go to help Ms. Min's friends. In this way, your relationship will be smoother." If we go one step further, we can communicate for a long time.”


There was silence on the field.

It doesn't matter if someone pretends to understand, but if you pretend to understand and muddy the water, there is a problem.

"Is the relationship between Qili and Miss Gu very good? Why do you think so?"

Holding the ice cream, Yan Jiaruo looked at them innocently, "I remember that Miss Gu Wan didn't welcome Miss Min very much. If this is the relationship you mentioned, it would be too ridiculous."

"There is a saying called Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it; from the moment we met, you tried your best to cultivate relationships. Do you want to gain any benefit from Qili? Or do you want to use this to hurt Qili again?"

"Although Min Qili and I are not good friends, I still have a conscience and understand some basic principles. If I want to speak, I can say it, it's not that embarrassing."

From a young age, Yan Jiaruo is sometimes more fearless than Song Yuqing.

After she finished speaking, the expression on Aunt Gu's face made her feel ashamed to look at the barometer.

"Is that so, Xiaowan, tell me."

The only thing she can say is Gu Wan, she has lost her face, so she has to pull Gu Wan.

"Why didn't you say that, wearing sunglasses and a mask, I really thought you were a big star?"

Aunt Gu pulled off her mask.

Working on the farm for a long time, the palms are rough; the nails have just been trimmed in the morning, and Gu Wan's face has been scratched during the movement.

An obvious bloodstain instantly appeared on his face, which was as delicate as jade fat.

Gu Wan covered her face, and looked at Aunt Gu in disbelief; her suppressed temper suddenly came up.

(End of this chapter)

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