Chapter 238 The Bear and the Parents
"It doesn't matter, Li Juehong also investigated the first step; further investigation will reveal something. There are still documents, let's continue to read."

In the video at both ends, tell them: What is Min Wanxing planning with one person.

It could be a good thing, it could be a bad thing.

From the investigation of Min Qili's matter, it must not be very good.

It can't be, everything he does is for reasons, he is actually a good father.

Min Wanxing is actually a good father?

She would rather believe that Gu Wan did all this for Min Qili.

"Qi Li, let's rest for a while, drink a drink and relax."

Song Yuqing suggested.


Min Qili accepted her suggestion.

When just ordering, Min Qili took the opportunity to scan the contents of the file.

Compared with what happened last night, it was nothing.

"Qi Li, I want to eat rice bowl, let's eat rice bowl; I have already digested the vegetarian food at noon."

"it is good."

Song Yuqing tried in vain to make Min Qili stop paying attention by changing the topic.

Knowing her thoughts, Min Qili expressed her incomprehension; according to her suggestion, follow her.

It's time for lunch, and now the store is quiet.

Song Yuqing ordered a particularly complicated one, "Qi Li, wait a little longer, don't worry, let's watch when we're full; do you want to eat?"

"no need."

She ate too many tomatoes and broccoli at noon, and she didn't feel hungry because she didn't exercise very much.

Moreover, the doctor did not allow her to eat the food here.

"Qi Li," Song Yuqing's alarm sounded instantly as Min Qili took out her phone.

"Let's watch a movie together. If we can't go to the theater like you, it's simpler."

"it is good."

Min Qili looked at her dotingly.

The movie was shown on her mobile phone, minus Song Yuqing's worries.

Seeing Min Qili gradually getting into the mood, Song Yuqing quietly unlocked the phone.

【Big news, big news, everyone, Qili asked Li Juehong for help in investigating the person who followed her. We received two sets of pictures. The photos show Min Wanxing and a person. That person cannot be seen clearly. 】

[There is one more file I haven't read. I'm worried about Qili now, and I'm trying to delay the time. 】

After the news was sent out, Song Yuqing put her phone in her pocket; she continued to watch movies with Min Qili.

Donburi rice is served, and I watch it while eating.

The aroma was so tangy that Song Yuqing's mouth was full of greasy food.

"Qi Li is really delicious. After you recover, we must come again."

"Okay, when the time comes, don't think it's too far away."

After taking a spoonful, his mouth was stuffed, and he nodded.

After eating, the movie screening is coming to an end.

Before Song Yuqing proposed, Min Qili spoke first.

"Let's go to a nearby supermarket. You will be hungry after eating at this time; I will also be hungry. Let's buy some snacks as dry food, how about it?"

"of course."

As long as it can delay the time, Song Yuqing will agree.

In the supermarket, Min Qili was manipulating the wheelchair, and Song Yuqing was pushing the shopping cart.

After a circle, the shopping cart is already full to 5; they still have a lot of things they want.

Half of the purchases are snacks, and the other half are fruits and drinks.

Min Qili couldn't eat the snacks, they were all Song Yuqing's.

Looking at the bags full of snacks, Song Yuqing suppressed her smile.

"Qi Li, Cong Shang will pick us up later; we just wait here for him."

At the entrance of the underground parking lot, there are seats for resting.

Song Yuqing was bored waiting, opened a small bag of potato chips, and a packet of spicy sticks.

Potato chips and spicy sticks are the best combination, she has forgotten about them, she should watch Min Qili not let her look at her phone.

Seeing her contentment, Min Qili opened the mailbox and read the file.

The document briefly explained the matter.

It wasn't a bad content, but it also cleared up the good mood that Min Qili had accumulated just now.

Looking at the contented Song Yuqing, she took a deep breath and pretended nothing happened; she was thinking about the chances of these two things combining.

It's not enough for her father to kill his wife, but also for his ex-wife's children to disappear.

By erasing all of this, can the fact that he is a phoenix man be erased?

Thinking of this, Min Qili's eyes turned cold.

"Qi Li, I'm done eating, I'm taking out the trash."

Cong Shang is coming soon, these things will be enjoyed slowly when we get back.

Opening the email again, Min Qili focused on finding those details that might have been overlooked.

Suddenly, a child rushed forward; the hard head hit her injured thigh directly, and the pain almost caused her to pass.

How much this strength hates her.

The child didn't feel guilty at all for what he did, Min Qili pushed him away, "What about your parents, it's not good to run around by yourself."

A three- or four-year-old boy already has a lot of strength; Min Qili's leg is still injured and she can't use her strength.

Soon, she was pushed away by the brat.

Steering the wheelchair back, he took the things from the hands of the brat who was trying to open the package.

"We bought this. If you take it without saying it like this, it is an act of stealing; this bad habit is not good, you know? If you want to eat something, you can go to your mother and ask him to buy it for you; instead of Do you know about taking sister's?"

After hearing what she said, the bear child gave her a vicious look.

With just this one glance, Min Qili almost saw internal injuries.

He patted her hand heavily, and cold sweat broke out in an instant, and her face turned pale.

"What are you doing kid?"

After Song Yuqing finished throwing away the trash, she turned her head and saw the scene of the bear boy; her eyes widened and she yelled loudly.

He ran to Min Qili and hugged the bear away.

"Qi Li, are you alright?"

Min Qili was in so much pain that she couldn't speak, and she was sweating coldly.

Shaking her head at Song Yuqing, "Let's go back, isn't Cong Shang here yet?"

"Come on, Qili, let's go to the underground garage now."

He tidied things up in a hurry and took Min Qili back.

Just two steps away, the bear's father came threateningly.

Looking at her son standing obediently, Min Qili was sweating in pain.

"Da Baoer, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing the parents coming, the bear child burst into tears.

He was so out of breath from crying that the people who watched the excitement were stunned.

Seeing the child crying, the parents instantly exploded.

"Who is bullying you? You tell Dad, and Dad beats him up for you."

The bear child pointed at them and started to roll and play.

"You want to run away after hitting someone? Do you still have a sense of public morality, and you won't show it if you hurt our Dabao?"

"Sir, don't jump to conclusions until you know the truth of the matter; be careful we sue you for libel."

Song Yuqing stood in front of Min Qili, pretending to be calm and looking at her parents.

"Sue us?" The parents thought it was ridiculous, "Our Dabao has always been honest, who do you think was wronged in the end?"

(End of this chapter)

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