Chapter 259 Always meet by chance
Watching the students coming and going, Min Qili slowly finished the bowl of rice noodles.

She was bullied by Min Wanxing's ex-girlfriend when she was a child, and she also suffered from cold food for a long time.

"This rice noodle is really delicious."

Before coming here, she had seen it in the school's post bar and Chaohua, and they said that the taste of this rice noodle has not changed for decades.

"Student, are you alright?"

A man with a big schoolbag who looked like a top student; handed her a pack of tissues.

Hands are beautiful.

This was Min Qili's first feeling.

Looking up, his eyes blinked twice, tears hung on his eyelashes, shining brightly.

"Thank you, I'm fine."

Noticing the textbook in his hand, "Student, are you from the School of Economics and Management?"

"I'm not, my girlfriend is; what's wrong with you, classmate?"

"Then can I ask your girlfriend something?"

The boy responded and nodded in agreement.

"Sure, he's over there; she asked me to give you the tissue just now, and she'll come over after buying food, you can ask her."

The boy put the big schoolbag and the textbook in his hand next to her, and went to pick up the girlfriend who had a good meal.

The young lady is very beautiful, her eyes lit up when she saw Min Qili.

Greeted shyly, "Hi, young lady, you are so beautiful; I heard you have something to ask me, what is it?"

The young lady brought the food directly opposite Min Qili, watching her while eating.

"You are in management, do you know some ancient rumors in your courtyard? Or the stories that everyone is telling?"

The young lady thought about it seriously while eating.

"No. Our school has nothing but a weird old professor; what do you want to ask, can you tell me about it?"

"Since you don't know, forget it, I'm bothering you."

Take the leftover rice noodles and recycle them; continue to follow the map and wander around the school.

There are many kinds of pine trees in the school, and occasionally you can see little squirrels carrying pine nuts; the little squirrels live with students all year round, and when they see students coming, they are not afraid at all, and even come forward to interact with them.

"Miss Min, why are you here?"

A familiar and excited voice sounded behind her, scaring away the little squirrel who came up to her; holding the pine nut in her hand, Min Qili turned her head in a daze.

Looking back, I saw Xu Qinglai and a group of students.

"Xu Qinglai, why are you here?"

Min Qili complained from the bottom of her heart: It's so strange how I can see him everywhere.

"I won the prize in the last competition, and the school invited me to give a speech and guide the students."

"Congratulations, have you brought your students to your exhibition? Maybe you can inject fresh blood into your exhibition?"

The pine nuts were useless in her hands, Min Qili lightly threw it inside; the little squirrel, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly attacked and took it away.

"Not yet, we are going to sketch; Miss Min, you are also very good at drawing, do you want to show your hand in front of us?"

"No, I'm not good at painting; it's better not to embarrass yourself in front of professional art students. I wish you all the best, I'll go first."

Xu Qinglai was always overly enthusiastic when he saw her recently.

It can also be said that from a certain time, he became overly enthusiastic.

She wanted so much, eager to get something from herself; standing behind the number, Min Qili looked at the back of Xu Qinglai and her students, and thought for a while.

Did not want to understand.

Walk through the pine forest, and then pass through the laboratory building to the building of the School of Economics and Management.

Compared with the perfection of other colleges, the School of Economics and Management is much simpler; looking at the very old cultural wall, Min Qili carefully looked for something that might be useful.

Outstanding graduates.

Min Wanxing graduated from this school, and Min's is considered a relatively well-known company in the industry; why isn't he on the board?

"Didn't you graduate from this school?"

Worried that she didn't see it, Min Qili searched again on the wall.

After confirming that there was really no one, she gave up.

Look at the cultural wall again, and continue to walk in.

There were still students in class, so she didn't go far, and took a detour to the library.

Passing by the library, you will pass a large fish pond; flowers of various colors are planted on both sides of the road, and signs are inserted beside it.

Final assignment for the Faculty of Agriculture.

There is no barrier to entry in the library, and the students inside are actively preparing for the exam.

Among those photos, one was taken in the library.

Find the photos and compare the scenes in the library slowly.

After walking all over the library, Min Qili was almost exhausted; finally found it, the sun was setting, and the table was covered with gold.

Go to that table and feel what they felt back then.

The results of Lu Yiyi's interrogation came out, and Min Wanxing wasted a lot of energy as a result of this interrogation.

Could Lu Yiyi be his illegitimate son?

When this thought popped up, Min Qili was terrified.

Lu Yiyi is similar to her, if he is really his illegitimate child; then what are she and his mother?
His cleanliness are all settings?
Sitting until the sun went down, the sprinkled gold was taken away; the sky began to cool down, and Min Qili turned her head to look at the afterglow before the sunset.

Pack up your belongings and leave the library to go back.

When passing through the school, I saw Xu Qinglai again.

This time, he seemed to be waiting for him here; Min Qili walked around behind him and observed him.

How could it be possible to meet by chance all the time? Either there is a real fate or a purpose.

In his impression, he was married; according to moral standards, he could not be interested in married people.

Could it be that they are really destined?

This is too bullshit.

He didn't believe it.

The sky is getting darker and the dew is getting heavier.

Looking at the map, he changed his way and left.
Xu Qinglai waited for a long time at the intersection that must be passed, but he did not see Min Qili's shadow.

"How is it possible, Min Qili is not familiar with this place, so how could she not take this path."

Politely rejected many students who asked for contact information, Xu Qinglai also got impatient.

It doesn't matter, he didn't wait for the private enterprise this time, he can do it next time.

I heard that Min Qili is currently investigating Min Wanxing's past, as long as the order of investigation is consistent, he does not believe that he will not encounter it by chance.
The heating in the car is very good, but Min Qili has a creepy feeling.

With a chill behind his back, could it be that Min Wanxing and the others are going to do something unclean because of the dissatisfaction with the result?
On the way, I bought dinner and breakfast again, and bought a lot of fruit.

Downstairs, the feeling of being watched came back.

Deliberately go around and walk where the camera can see; take out the powder and look at the curved surface in the small mirror.

Are you being too sensitive?

The security room is nearby, so I checked the surveillance by the way.

Every detail in the surveillance is not missed, there is indeed a vague shadow.

You can't find it with just a single shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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