Chapter 270

"Why do I have to reflect? Why did I become like this, it is a lie and hurt."

The station alert sounded, and Min Qili stretched out her arms to make him hear it more clearly.

"You hear me, I know everything. What do you want to do?"

"What do you know? Raising you so big, you will threaten me. You have really grown up, Min Qili, and it is useless to raise you." Min Wanxing gritted his teeth, and the viciousness in his tone turned into a sharp blade, burning people.

"You are wrong, you did not raise for nothing; you used my marriage in exchange for Li Juehong's cooperation. Without him, the Min family would have collapsed long ago. Do you think you will still have the happy life you are now?"

Hearing Min Qili's question, Min Wanxing laughed lightly.

"Do you think this marriage will succeed without your subjective intentions? Min Qili, don't think I don't know your dirty thoughts. I have read your diary; if you don't have the slightest affection for Li Juehong, you Will you agree? After getting married, aren’t you happy? I helped you achieve your goal. I’m a bad person, and you have a vested interest.”

"Did you read my diary?"

"I'm your father, so it's necessary to care about your physical and mental health; and I didn't do it on purpose, if you don't litter, can I see it?"

When she was a freshman, Ling Qiuyu once flooded the house, and her room was the worst; she didn't go back that week, and only returned after half a month.

After going back, the furniture was refurbished and the location of everything changed.

The diary was also lost that time, Ling Qiuyu said she didn't know; it was Min Wanxing who took it.

"What Ling Qiuyu gave you, you saw and took away."

"Is it important?"

"It doesn't matter, you are so shameless. If your son knows you are such a person, he will proudly tell others, are you his father?"

"Without you in his world, does he know what's the matter?"

Min Wanxing didn't care.

"But he thought I was his mother, and he didn't want him for some reason; you imagine, what is the reason he guessed. You should be angry, this is not what I thought; who told you to hide it from me, I have no choice but to You can come and investigate in person. The investigation will pull up a lot of threads, and you should get a call from home in a short time."

"They will listen to my explanation. Yours will be broken one by one."

"Your I will also break down one by one. I will investigate what happened between you and my mother; I will let everyone know what you did and what kind of person you are."

Without waiting for Min Wanxing, Min Qili cut it off decisively.

There was still some time left for the train ticket check, and it was still time for Wen Ruyuan to rest.

Edit the information and ask her to help investigate Min Jiawei's relevant information.

The train started slowly, and the scenery outside the window changed rapidly.

The magnificent scenery makes people dizzy, and the quiet and peaceful atmosphere makes people forget many sad things.

Lie on the edge of the bed, looking out of the window like a child.

The sun slowly returned to the horizon, and there were more passengers in the car; the noisy people brought Min Qili back to reality.

Watch the people go by, put on noise-canceling headphones, and turn the volume up to the maximum acceptable level.

"Girl," just as the train started, she was unplugged before she could relax.

"what are you doing?"

The man put the earphone in her hand and looked at her with a simple and honest expression.

"Sorry to bother you. I noticed you when you came out of Min's house; I also listened to you when you were on the phone at the train station. What's your relationship with Min Wanxing?"

"What's your relationship with Min Wanxing?"

Min Qili looked the man up and down, who was about the same age as Min Wanxing.

"I grew up with him. You know him. Can you take me to him?"

"Why don't you go by yourself? You grew up together, and he should agree."

Hearing Min Qili's words, the man lowered his head and clasped his fingers shyly, "I went to look for it a few times, but I came back because I didn't have an appointment; you know him, can you take me to see him?"

"I have a good relationship with him. You can tell me what you want to do. Maybe I can help you do it without looking for him."

"It's like this. He borrowed money from our family when he went to school. Over the years, because his father is poor, he has borrowed a lot one after another; my son is going to college this year, and the tuition fee has not been collected yet. Can you let him use the money? Come on. I know it's not easy for him in a big city, and his family often comes to collect debts, and we really have nothing to do."

"Min Wanxing is so rich, why does he indulge in debt collection?"

"Hi, you know," the man waved his hand and leaned back on the chair. "It's hard to get rid of this thing. He also wanted to teach her dad a lesson. We didn't know when his dad borrowed money from our family. We thought it was because he didn't have enough money, and we were also cheated."

The man was cramped visible to the naked eye, and he smiled awkwardly at Min Qili after speaking.

"I will help you solve this problem; the money he owes you will be returned to you at the highest interest rate in the bank. I wish your child a smooth journey in his studies."

With Min Qili's help, the man couldn't help but be grateful.

"thanks, thanks."

"It's okay, you pay attention to rest and be careful."

After calculating the amount due, Wen Rugu also replied to Min Qili's message.

"Is my speed fast? I have already searched. This child is very simple and has nothing; why are you looking for him, Min Qili? He can't be your illegitimate child, he does look very similar to you."

" you think it's legal?"

"Just kidding, this kid is like your sibling, why his mother doesn't have information, it's strange; wait for me, I can definitely find out."

Wen Ruyu started typing on the keyboard, and the sound fell after a long time.

"There are still things that I can't find out? This person, if your father hadn't asked, no one might know about it."

"There are still things that are not on the data chain. How is this possible? Min Wanxing doesn't have such great power."

"I want to know too, I really want to see this expert."

Hearing the voice reminding the station, Wen Rugu asked in surprise, "Min Qili, where are you? Why is there the sound of a train? Are you traveling? Bring me special products."

"I went back to my hometown to check, but there was nothing to gain; Awen, can you help me investigate again, I want to know about my mother. No matter what you need, I can help you."

"Qi Li, don't worry, I will help you, you don't have to do this, we are friends; if there is any progress, I will let you know as soon as possible."

"Thank you, I will treat you to dinner when you return home."

The train drove into the cave, and the phone was automatically cut off because there was no signal; when it came out, the sun had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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