Chapter 273 Mother Min, Ruthless Behavior

"It seems that you are determined?"

"Of course, I'm the bastard who ate the weight."

Don't give them a chance to refute, just shut down.

Their behavior today reminded her.

And the ashes were not taken.

The more you care about something, Min Wanxing will take it as a reason to threaten; even if she wants to bear the reputation of being unfilial, she can't let Min Wanxing know.
After Min Qili hung up, Min Wanxing received a call from his hometown.

Ling Si was very discerning, she nodded slightly to signal that she was going out.

When Ling Si walked away, Min Wanxing replied softly.

"Didn't I say, send me a message before you call me next time?"

Hearing Min Wanxing's angry words, Mother Min's hand holding the phone trembled slightly; looking at the lovely grandson next to her, she took a deep breath.

"Sorry, I didn't think about it this time; I came to you because a woman came to me yesterday; she said that she came for you. She saw Jiawei and said that he was very similar to you. She is not it……"

Both the grandparent and the grandson were shining brightly, hoping to get a positive answer from Min Wanxing.


Min Wanxing's cold and heartless tone knocked them back to the cold reality.

Mother Min lovingly hugged Min Jiawei on her lap, and patted him gently; she was not only comforting Min Jiawei, but also comforting herself.

"Isn't she? Wan Xing, I know it's not easy for you to work hard in the big city these years; we never asked you to say anything, but Jiawei is getting bigger and bigger. What others want, he wants too. You It can't be so cruel."

Mother Min's voice almost collapsed.

"Aren't you cruel? Where is my sister, do you know? You sold my sister for a few hundred dollars, and you really believed you at the time; this is your biological daughter. If you say I am cruel, you will not Cruel?" Min Wanxing's words broke the image she had worked so hard for for many years.

"This incident can be explained. The family was very difficult at that time; we were also very embarrassed to send her away, but you can't deny the painstaking efforts my father and I have made to you over the years." Mother Min wept.

Min Wanxing listened to her cry for a while, and tapped his fingers on the table; the clear voice passed along the message, and Min's mother's crying gradually weakened.

"Don't cry anymore? When my sister left, she cried worse than you. Why didn't you feel moved? You treat me well because you want to make up for your guilt towards my sister; I give you every year Isn’t the money enough? It’s your own decision to go out to avoid debts, don’t think I don’t know what you say about me outside.”

"You want a grandson, and I've secured it for you. My tolerance for you is not an excuse for you to step on my head now; this child has no mother, so you don't have to think about it, and you don't have to look for it. You take good care of her That's fine, that person is not his mother. Don't bother her."

When it comes to his sister, Min Wanxing is no longer so cold and indifferent, showing human-like emotions.

However, these emotions are only short-lived; after the emotions pass, he is still a person who will do whatever it takes.

"I see, is that lady your child?" Mother Min asked cautiously.

"Do you not understand us? Or do you want money again, I will give you an extra million this month; don't let me hear these words again."

It's not like Min Wanxing has never thought about the fact that when people are old, they will act guilty about some stupid things when they were young; however, the facts of that time woke him up.When you are young, you are full of infinite possibilities, and when you are old, you can see the end at a glance; choosing to change at this time, it is true that crocodiles have no tears, and Pinocchio has no nose.

"Is she your daughter? My dear son, do you think there's nothing I can do if you don't let me know?" Min's mother changed her previous sadness and said calmly. "The last time I took Jiawei to see a doctor, I saw her; private detectives are really hard to find, but I also found them. I have been following you for these years, and I thought you were in contact with Jiawei's mother. Didn’t find out, but saw a lot of interesting things.”

"My dear son, I receive your photos every month; you have many wrinkles on your face, don't always stay up all night. Don't pull out the white hair, just dye it black; take good care of it when you are pregnant, and take care of the outside Those people are still not as clean and warm as their families."

Min's mother was very smart when she was young, because of the special age and family problems; she didn't want to be controlled like this for the rest of her life, and rebelliously chose to be with Min's father who seemed talented.

The few years after marriage were also happy days, but he did not expect that his gambling face was exposed; the exposed truth not only did not stop, but intensified.

At that time, Min's mother gave birth to a second child; her husband owed a lot of money, so they reluctantly sold their daughter to a barren family, and got the money to replace the debt.

For the next ten years or so, Father Min did live a good life; it wasn't until Min Wanxing went to college that she realized that he hadn't changed, but had played a little less.

To celebrate Min Wanxing becoming the champion, he played a big one; the hole started again.

Knowing that her husband was completely unreliable, Min's mother put all her hopes on Min Wanxing; fortunately, Min Wanxing did not disappoint, and gradually became the current President Min.

Father Min's hole has never been mended, and she has saved the money given by Min Wanxing by herself; when the debtors came, they ran away, and she would not return the money to Father Min.

The child that Min Wanxing brought back for no reason, Min's mother was not that stupid; she went to the city to do a DNA test to confirm that it was her own grandson, and then she took good care of it.

With offspring, one more dependence.

Min's mother is even more indulgent to Min's father.

"What do you want to do?"

"Take us over, Jiawei is going to junior high school; the academic conditions here are not up to standard, and there is a transition period for going to school in a big city. This is the right time. Even if there is no Min Qili, I will give you this call. Don't worry, I will also take good care of your pregnant wife, she is my grandson after all, and I will not do bad things."

"I need to prepare to come here. The schools here are not so easy to find; you have to give me time, and I will reply to you at the end of the year."

The current life is so comfortable, how can Min Wanxing allow others to break it?

Mother Min sent him a string of pick-up codes, "I've already prepared the materials, and I'll need you next; Jiawei will also need rehearsal time to participate in the New Year's Day party at the new school."

Mother Min said lightly, rubbing the top of Min Jiawei's head, her eyes full of love.

She has planned everything, and now she just wants to let her know.

Even without Min Qili, she would have caught him by surprise.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance, what if such an important document is lost?"

"Post Express, I also bought insurance; my dear son, Jiawei and I look forward to your good news."

(End of this chapter)

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