Chapter 276 Can You Sell Paintings?
"Let's eat."

Min Wanxing took a quick look at Min Jiawei, and helped Ling Qiuyu walk to the dining table.

Min Wanxing doesn't like Min Qili because of certain things; Min Jiawei is an existence he didn't expect, and he left it to his hated mother since birth.

Because of his younger sister, Min Wanxing has always had a pimple in his heart, and he doesn't even like this child.

The father who had been waiting for a long time didn't look at him, Min Jiawei lowered his head discouraged; suddenly, he buttoned his clothes, and walked in front of Min's mother.

"It's okay, Dad is a little tired, and we are not familiar with us yet; we will behave very well in the future, Dad will like you very much."

This is Min's mother's usual rhetoric, and Min Jiawei is very useful every time he listens to it; he nodded vigorously, and led Min's mother to the dining table.

At the dinner table, there are old and young, male and female.

"It's so sweet."

The ice cream in his mouth was no longer sweet and boring in an instant; his eyes turned cold, and he threw it in the trash can.

"It's time to eat, let me see," said the five chairs, "call me here, there is no chair for me; why call me here? Stop talking nonsense, what did you ask me for, talk nonsense quickly."

Min Qili has never felt the warmth of such a warm home; now she doesn't bother to overthrow the landscaping of this home.

"Qi Li, don't make trouble here; how about having dinner?" Ling Si dissuaded her as a good person.

"In this case, let's make it clear. We don't welcome each other, and there's no need to force us to get together; after Min's anniversary, I will announce everything. I'm not delaying the time for anyone at your table, don't have this illusion; I It is for those hard-working employees, and no one hopes that their long-term efforts will not see results."

Ling Si wanted to continue to dissuade her, but was shut up by Min Qili's eyes.

"Everyone here, do you have anything to say?"

Sweeping over one by one, only Min Jiawei's eyes were looking at her.

"What do you see me doing, do you think I'm your mother? Your poor mother, I don't know who, but I know, she must be very poor. Don't look at me like this, I won't have anything to do with you, You don't even want to have anything to do with me."

After saying these words, he went upstairs to Min Wanxing's study.

The ashes have never been brought back, and she will definitely get them back this time if she has the chance; she will not give them a new opportunity to threaten.

The study was turned into a mess, and nothing was found.

"Should I open the safe myself, or you will open it for me."

"Min Qili, don't go too far."

"Then I'll do it myself, I know your password, don't ask me how I know it; I'm a gentleman, this is my first time opening it."

The ashes are in a safe with a notebook inside.

It's Qi Landuo's post-marriage diary.

I flipped through them casually, put them in my backpack, and left with the ashes in my arms.

"Don't blame me for losing something, you found it yourself; you don't want to, shame on you in advance, right? Although I'm not a businessman, I still know something; you have to know how to choose."

Putting the ashes on the co-pilot, Min Qili gently wiped off the non-existent dust on it.

"Go home."

Put the ashes in your room and watch the texture.

"Am I being unreasonable today, and I don't want to; but I can't help it. You left and let go of everything. Do you know that I'm tired? Now my mother is here again with a child. I know there has never been me position; but when my share is eroded bit by bit, I feel very uncomfortable. Why don't you take me with you. "

Previously, I guessed Qi Landuo's mood based on the data.

In the diary, she wrote the content with each stroke by herself; there are records every day, with different despair.

After writing so much content, anyone who reads it will feel uncomfortable for a while.

Min Qili didn't feel as bad after the child was lost.

Min Wanxing locked it in the safe to warn himself.

She had already bought the cemetery.

That location is quiet and secluded, just like Qilando wrote, "flying freely like a bird, going to a place where no one knows, and living again vigorously."

He dug out the charcoal brazier at home and burned Qi Landuo's diary.

"The matter is over, and you don't want to be disturbed again; if you see this thing, do you treat it the same as me? I will get it back for the harm he did to you, and I will work hard to live in the future, although I I worked very hard before; I will continue to draw, draw a lot, and many people will like me."

Watching the last spark go out, let the ashes go down the toilet.
When the plane landed, Wen Ruzhi stretched, and mercilessly slapped Xu Qinglai on the face.

"Wake up."

Waking up from the dream, Xu Qinglai was ninja angry, "Can you be gentle."

"Brother, you are not my client, you didn't give me money; why should I be gentle with you, what are you, people have to have a clear position for themselves. We are also strangers when we meet in the future."

They met by chance at the airport. Although Wen Rugu stayed out of the incident, he didn't have a good impression of this kind of person.

You think you're attractive, but you're not.


After packing his bag, he watched Xu Qinglai cursed in a low voice, and got off the plane according to the flight attendant's instructions.

"The air in the motherland is fresh."

I jumped off the plane and opened my hands to feel the beauty of the sunset.

"Min Qili, I'm back home, treat me to dinner."

"You're back home, so soon?"

"I'm not welcome," stopped a taxi, "I'm not welcome, I'm back too; you said it, you invited me to dinner when I returned home, you can go back on your word."

"I haven't regretted it, so how about it, at eight o'clock in the evening, I invite you."

"no problem."

Wen Ru's episode lightened Min Qili's heavy heart.

Speed ​​up the movements of your hands, and simple works will be completed quickly.

If she can investigate, she must know that she is nothing; treat it as a welcome back home gift, and let her dispose of it.
Wen Ruzhi arrived early, "Is this for me?"

Taking the painting from Min Qili, she looked left and right, "You paint really well, I don't have a sense of taste, can I sell it?"

Min Qili was warmed by her cute expression, "Others will praise me, is it really okay for you to be so direct? What is given to you is yours, it is your hard work for so long."

"Oh my god, it's hard work? Then I will help you investigate more in the future; I will help you buy a good price, and Min Qili will not let you down."

Wen Ruyuan wandered in Min Qili's life, and their relationship was very close; however, it was not the kind of intimacy with Song Yuqing.

After dinner, "Do you know what day it is? You should have looked into it. I got something to confirm. I think I'm a joke now. Are you going to laugh at me?"

Wen Ruzhi held his chin and looked at the painting beside him.

"No, because you gave it to me; everyone in Min Qili will experience something, you have to be more open-minded like me, if you want to learn, I can teach you."

(End of this chapter)

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