Chapter 283 Meeting Wen Rugu for Dinner

After reprimanding the nanny, Min's mother sat on the sofa in the living room refreshed; drinking good tea, waiting for Min Jiawei to come back.

At this moment, Ling Qiuyu supported her heavy pregnant belly and carefully went downstairs step by step.

"Mom, Ah Si just called me and told me that he has received Jiawei; the teacher said that Jiawei performed very well today and praised him in front of the whole class."

Mother Min raised her eyes to look at Ling Qiuyu, her eyes moved to her stomach.

"When do you go for a pregnancy test?"

Hearing Min's mother's question, Ling Qiuyu was taken aback for a moment, and then continued to answer gently, "Wan Xing has already made an appointment with the hospital next weekend; let's check together, Mom, do you want to come with us?"

"Although I don't know why Min Qili doesn't like you, but don't call me mom, I don't like a daughter-in-law like you."

Ling Qiuyu was not surprised that Min's mother didn't like her.

From the first day they entered the house, Min's mother always picked things up.

"You are Wanxing's mother, I am Wanxing's wife, and I am still his child in my womb. You may not know that if you have not been with Wanxing these years, I have been with me in all matters of catering in the company's family. spent; the friendship between us cannot be erased just by saying you don’t like it.”

"In these years, I am very grateful to you for your company with Wanxing; but, don't forget that some things are not revealed, and it's not that no one knows."

Like Min Qili, Min's mother always likes to say some nonsense.

Ling Qiuyu couldn't figure it out, so she continued to choose to smile.

"Mom, Jiawei is coming back, I'm going to check the kitchen."

He got up slowly, and deliberately lowered his footsteps when passing by Min's mother.

How could Ling Qiuyu's small thoughts escape Min's mother.

If his heart is filthy, no matter how beautiful and upright others are, he will think it is filthy.
"Jiawei will be home in a while, can I show this test paper to Aunt Ling?"


Min Jiawei carefully smoothed out the wrinkles on the test paper and shook his head.

Ling Si's eyes instantly turned cold.

Realizing that he was exposed, the extension instantly recovered.

"Why, don't you like Aunt Ling?"

Min Jiawei pouted and said nothing.

It's not that he doesn't like Ling Qiuyu, but grandma keeps saying that she is a bad woman; although she doesn't know why, but grandma is right, grandma won't lie to him.

Even if he has a crush on Ling Qiuyu, he still has to suppress it.

Because he knows that only grandma treats him wholeheartedly in this family.

I don't know if Min Wanxing will come back for dinner today, but Min Jiawei's eyes are full of hope.

If I see that I am so cute, will my father like me a little bit?

After arriving home, Min Jiawei didn't see Min Wanxing's car; he trotted into the house and handed her the full score test paper judged by the teacher.

"Grandma, I got a perfect score in the class test today."

"Jiawei is awesome, hurry up and wash your hands and eat; we'll finish eating in a while, and when Dad comes back, let's show Dad the test paper."

Min Jiawei washed his hands obediently.

There are two broccoli on the dining table.

One was broccoli with garlic and the other was broccoli in a cold salad.

Seeing this dish, Min's mother's eyes instantly turned cold.

This nanny didn't listen to her?

Min Qili is disobedient, she has nothing to do now.

However, the nanny made a point that if she wanted to have a certain prestige in this family, the nanny could not stay.

At this time, the nanny didn't know how she would be punished by Min's mother.
After browsing the message, close the page.

"She wants to cooperate with me, why do you cooperate with me? Didn't Min Wanxing stand by her, family?"

Puzzled, and this matter is not important, Min Qili gave up thinking.

Wen Rugu sent a message to sell the painting.

[Min Qili, do you know how much I sold? 】

[Thank God for giving me a pair of eloquent mouths, and thank you for your hard work in the past few years; because of your fame, the price of my painting has soared. 】

[Dayin is hidden in the market, and I have sold a lot of new paintings of empty grass. These Ws can nourish me for a long time. As a thank you, I would like to treat you to dinner, will you agree? 】

[It's fine if you don't agree, it just saved me money. 】

After reading the news, a slight smile appeared on Min Qili's face, and she dialed Wen Ruyu's number.

"Dear Miss Wen, I agree to your invitation. Where is your restaurant?"

Hearing the question, Wen Ruzhi pursed his lips, then grinned and said.

"Dear Miss Min, in fact, you can take advantage of your fame and sell it for money. You can also customize it without deducting from me at all; but since I promised you, I will choose a restaurant and rotate the restaurant at [-] o'clock in the evening."

"But, I'm bringing a friend."

Song Yuqing didn't know Wen Rugu yet.

Wen Rugu has helped her so much, and they are all her friends, so it will be troublesome to introduce her in the future; moreover, Song Yuqing will also be of great help after she gets to know Wen Rugu.

"Friend? Well, I'll work harder. At eight o'clock in the evening, bring your friend."

"OK, thank you Miss Wen."

After a pleasant phone call, Min Qili got up, put on a mask, and opened Song Yuqing's room.

"Qi Li, what are you doing?"

Song Yuqing was lying in the pile of snacks, surfing happily.

"Put on a mask?"

Song Yuqing focused on the screen and shook her head.

"I invited a friend for dinner in the evening, and I said I would take you; since you don't want me, I'll leave. Let's set off at 07:30."


Song Yuqing turned around and sat up, "Qi Li, I want it."

Put on the mask and study the skin care products on the table, "Qi Li, who is the friend you want to meet? Do I know you?"

"I don't know, this person has helped me a lot, and I am very grateful to her; she knows everything about me, and she should know about you too. So, it is better to get to know you later, and I will introduce you to her."

Know everything about Min Qili?
Song Yuqing patted on the mask, her brain is a bit down right now.

"So, you have something to hide from me? I'm still not your best baby? Why did you hide it from me? I'm so sad, Qili, you have to make it up to me; tell me everything I don't know, and I won't be sad anymore. Your compensation is complete."

Concealing Song Yuqing's matter, Min Qili thought about telling her; but telling her would only increase her troubles.

"I can't tell you these things yet; but, I can guarantee that on the day when I can't tell anything at all, I will help you answer any questions you have, and I won't hide anything from you anymore."

"Is this about Li Juehong? If it's about him, I'll kill this idea."

Min Qili chuckled, and said helplessly, "It's not about Li Juehong, it's something else. The matter between me and him has already ended, and we shouldn't start again; the matter about grandma is just an accident , you can rest assured that it is sunny."

(End of this chapter)

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