Chapter 285 Zhou Yaoyang's New Song

"the first time……"

Lin Mu almost expressed his feelings, but fortunately he reacted in time, "Do you have someone you like? Tell me. If you can't tell, just say a little bit. I promise not to tell others."

"I don't believe you, and neither do I."

It's just a sudden good impression after meeting, it can't be counted as liking.

A person will meet many people in his life, and if he meets her by chance, it is just a meeting, and there may not be any results in the future.

"It's fine if you don't tell me, I'm just curious."

Jiang Yunhui entered the room arrogantly, Lin Mu looked at him with a smile.

Since the last time we met, he and Yan Jiaruo hadn't seen each other for more than a month.

At that time, I thought it was the turning point of their relationship, but unexpectedly, their relationship was still the same.

Their worlds do not intersect.

Lin Mu sighed dejectedly.
"Qi Li, I'm so sleepy, I'll go to bed first; you should go to bed early too, good night."

Song Yuqing yawned, rubbed her head and went back to the house; being infected, Min Qili also yawned.

"I'm really tired today."

After washing, she tapped her phone while wiping her hair.

It was the little star who asked for cooperation at the beginning, and his album was ready.

"Why is it pushed to the homepage?"

Click on the watch list, and there are neatly arranged: Zhou Yaoyang, manager Feng Man, Dicheng Film and Television.

"It's really fun."

"Buy powder."

Rest your finger on Unfollow, and turn your fingertips, but there is no unfollow.

"It's not good to make trouble by yourself now that you have done it so hard. I want to see what you are going to do."

Exit the program, shut down and rest.

Overnight, things develop randomly.

What Min Qili saw just now was just the tip of the iceberg. If she searches further, she will know that someone has used her work and style of painting.

Although this is just a gossip, when the news broke out, it was already a customary period; the two fans struggled with each other all night.

Fans of Zhou Yaoyang: We Yaoyang are excellent, you are jealous because you are jealous of our excellence; why don't you show your face when you are so mysterious?It must be ugly, our Yaoyang is the most beautiful woman in Europe, what are you guys?Cooperating with you counts as flattering you.

Those who fight for M: use your praise.Demons and sprites really think of themselves as ghosts, you are a ghost, the most rubbish thing; see your own position, Ok?The number one beauty in Europe, did you brush it up or buy it?We are not gone, but we are too lazy to talk.What do you mean, you think that coming out of a small show is top-notch?You geigei have the popularity of animal artists back then, and they have more influence than you when they retreat to the second line.

Zhou Yaoyang's fans' unreasonable troubles were all refuted by M's grievances one by one; they were all about to explode, not understanding where their confidence was, and began to attack in an all-round way.

Fight all night.

The morning sun shone in through the curtains, Min Qili opened her eyes and covered her face with her hands; she turned on her cell phone after a night of rest.

The system reacted for a long time, and then the news flooded in at the same time; Song Yuqing also pushed the door open at this moment, holding the phone in her hand, "Qili, Qili, something happened, have you checked the trending searches?"

Min Qili shook her head while holding her mobile phone, "I'm getting ready, did something happen?"

"Your fans, no, no, it's precisely M's fans and Zhou Yaoyang's fans who fought all night until now; I'll tell you when I saw it, I know from friends in the circle that they are Prepare to deal with you. Although I don't know the content, the method must be very dirty."

"is it?"

While checking her phone, Min Qili got out of bed and pulled Song Yuqing onto the bed.

"It just so happens that you also brought your mobile phone, let's watch it together and discuss the countermeasures together."

The whole news has almost disappeared, and you can still see from the legend that everyone was angry at that time.

On the hot search, I can only see that M's fans are at fault; fans represent idols, and some people who don't know anything have somehow become M's black fans.

"Qi Li, what should I do, these people are so dirty, I can't scold them anymore; do you want to make a similar statement from Dicheng Film and Television?"

Min Qili yawned and leaned on Song Yuqing's shoulder.

"Their purpose is not here. If I get hacked, I get hacked; go to buy trending searches and delete the content about fans. Help them catch a big fish when they close their nets."

I didn't want to understand, but the two leaned together and fell asleep again.

When she woke up again, the noon sun was gentle; Min Qili tiptoed out of bed, walked to the kitchen and started preparing lunch.

Song Yuqing smelled the fragrance and came out like sleepwalking.

"Qi Li, so fragrant; you are my ideal life, let's live together in the future, I will definitely not treat you badly."

"Is it so exaggerated? I bought these and made them, just heat them up casually. Don't be surprised, it looks like you are too ignorant."

"Qi Li, let's go for a beauty treatment now, after which we can go to Wu Ziyu's bar for a party; have you thought about how much you want to drink tonight?"

"Five bottles. First of all, I will serve you as a hero, and then it depends on my mood; and you, how do you want to play. Since it is for you to celebrate, we will promise you."

"I will promise you anything?" Song Yuqing smiled treacherously, "When I was young, I liked watching the episodes of the matchmaker the most. Would you please satisfy me and let's cosplay?"

"In this interview, your weird ideas are all silenced, all broadcasted are mosaics, and the shooting is all on a large scale. It doesn't matter to you, we are the ones who are hurt."

"Forget it then." Song Yuqing put down her chopsticks heartbroken, "You don't love me anymore, let's just be a familiar stranger..."

The drama addiction has come up, and Song Yuqing is now crying and wiping away tears like the heroine of a bitter drama.

"If you are like this, I can inform Wu Ziyu now that this is a Hongmen banquet, so be careful."

Song Yuqing withdrew her expression in an instant, "Qi Li, don't be so cruel, I'm just joking; in fact, as long as we are all here, it's fine to have fun for one night, and I haven't thought about anything else. Change, let's discuss and adjust according to the actual situation, we are all friends, so I can't explain it."

"Okay. Let's start now, the first stop is the beauty salon."

The dishes were put in the dishwasher, and they changed and headed out.

An afternoon of meticulous maintenance in the beauty salon.

"You feel more beautiful, is it because I haven't seen you for a long time?"

Wu Ziyu stared at them, holding his chin, not thinking about the solution.

"That's because we went for a beauty treatment. If you go, you will also have the same effect; are you too busy with work recently? You seem to be older than any of us."

(End of this chapter)

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