Chapter 289 Take care of yourself

"Why don't you know?"

Wu Ziyu muttered softly.

"What, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, what is Qili looking for me for?"

"Qili asks to help investigate Ling Qiuyu's information. I don't know what it is; do you know what happened between Qili and the Min family?"

Wu Ziyu shook his head, "Recently, I have been dealing with the company's affairs, and I have no contact with you; since Qili asked you to investigate, maybe we will find out after the investigation. Where are you waiting for me now, I will let you Personnel information."

Wu Ziyu dialed the internal number, and his subordinates began to investigate.

Wu Ziyu's office is always stocked with snacks and toys to relieve stress.

Song Yuqing pressed the game console along with her, and looked around the office casually.

"Tell me, does the monk know anything?"

"Cong Shang?" Wu Ziyu looked up at Song Yuqing, "Ni Qi has just been discharged from the hospital, and Cong Shang is taking her out to relax; he seems to have disappeared, and he can't be contacted, so he probably doesn't know anything."

"You can't get in touch either?"

Song Yuqing was shocked and discouraged.

"It's unreliable. When I see him, he will definitely feel the dangers of society. He has been with Ni Qi recently. Wu Ziyu, do you think there will be any good news after they come back?"

"Good news, what good news do you think Cong Shang can bring?"

Wu Ziyu asked knowingly.

"Since you don't know, forget it."

Song Yuqing also has her own little temper.

Watching the flop in the console, put it back in place.

"Grandma Li is sick. She entered the emergency room last night. She was called away by Li Juehong; do you think she will make the same mistakes again? We all know Qili's feelings for Li Juehong very well. I hope Qili can find happiness , but I am worried that she will be hurt again; Li Juehong seems to have changed, but I don't know about human nature."

"Qingqing, since Qili has intervened, it means that she has her own plans; we all believe that Qili is a smart person, and she can handle these matters well. Is Grandma Li seriously ill? After a while, the data investigation will be sent, let's go Let's see."

"I'm currently observing. I heard from Li Juehong's assistant that as long as he takes good care of him, he will be fine. However, this is the third time that Grandma Li has been admitted to the hospital this year; I'm afraid..."

She has heard about Grandma Li's deeds since she was a child. It is amazing that a woman can run the Li family like this.People who were healthy when they were young are now sick.

Thinking of this, Song Yuqing let out a long sigh, "Okay, we just happen to be with Qili."

The first half of Ling Qiuyu's life was desolate, promiscuous, and chaotic. Only after he succeeded in ascending the throne did his life become organized.

Song Yuqing looked at the content of the first half of the life, one east and one west, and showed it to Wu Ziyu puzzled.

"She used to be a princess, so how did Min Wanxing like it? Why did she work as a nanny in the Min family?"

Wu Ziyu took the information and put it away, "We don't care about these things anymore, I have almost dealt with the company's affairs; it's time for dinner, should we eat now, or take it with Qili?"

"Let's eat first. It should be time for the evening inspection. Even if it's delivered, Qili and the others should have nothing to do. The food won't taste good if it's cold."

"it is good."

Wu Ziyu took the signed documents to the secretary outside, and tidied up the office; took the car keys, and went to the tea restaurant near the company with Song Yuqing.

As the meal time approached, there were more people eating in the restaurant, and the serving speed was a bit slow. Song Yuqing began to look through Ling Qiuyu's information again.

"Huh?" Song Yuqing pointed to the paragraph above, "Before entering Min's house, Ling Qiuyu was still in contact with this person; this person is Ling Si's father, and there is no reason for their divorce, nor is there any record of their marriage. It's strange that Ling Si was born out of wedlock."

Wu Ziyu took the information and looked it over, "What's so strange, her career is doomed. Maybe Ling Si is not this person's child. I don't want to think about these things that we don't know; I will give it to Qili later. Maybe combined with her information, we will find something new."

"Okay. The meal is here, let's eat quickly."

The fragrant and rich dinner was combined with the lively atmosphere of the restaurant; Song Yuqing ate with a full belly, and dragged Wu Ziyu out of the restaurant satisfied.
After the night inspection was over, Li Juehong looked at the inspection reports of the injuries one by one.

"How about it, is it okay?"

"No, grandma's condition is very good. You stayed in the hospital for a day and a night, now grandma is fine, you can go back and rest; there is no problem here with me and Gao Cen."

"After a while, it's time for Qingqing to deliver meals. If she doesn't see me, she will throw a temper tantrum, thinking you've done something to me; when she comes, I'll go back. My phone is always on. If you need something, you can contact me anytime."

"I have said a lot, but I still want to say thank you. My parents are abroad, and my grandma doesn't want my second uncle to know about it; my aunt locked herself in the research room, and my mobile phone cannot be contacted. Thank you for coming to see grandma, if grandma I'll be glad to know you're here."

The stubble on Li Juehong's face, the decent clothes on his body became crumpled; the tidied hair became messy.

Min Qili laughed when she saw the distressed look.

"We have known each other for three years, Li Juehong, and this is the first time you have done this; don't tell me I think it's funny, even if grandma sees it, she won't be happy. You get someone to send you identity clothes and go to a hotel near the hospital. Take care of yourself; you are the face of the Li family, your image is not good, and it will become a scandal if you are photographed by someone with a heart."

The situation of Gao Cen beside him was not much better.

"Yes, Mr. Li, I'll give you the clothes, you can take care of your own."

"Take care of yourself first, and then get me a suit. Don't worry, pay attention to safety."
Song Yuqing and Gao Cen met downstairs in the hospital.

"Wait a minute, why did you leave? Where's Qili, is Qili still there?"

Gao Cen stopped his hurried steps and looked at the meal in Song Yuqing's hand.

"Miss Song, I don't need you to deliver it next time; Mr. Li has already booked a restaurant, and someone will deliver it on time every day. I went back to get a change of clothes for Mr. Li, and Ms. Min is still upstairs."

"I know, I brought these food to Qili; Li Juehong is not lucky, so I won't give it to him; you should pay attention to safety, someone will worry if something goes wrong."

"Thank you."

After nodding his greetings to Wu Ziyu who was behind him, Gao Cen hurried back.

Song Yuqing looked at his back as he left, opened a box, and took out a steamed bun, "It's actually ordered, Wu Ziyu, let's go."

As they walked, they ate, and ate their portion.

(End of this chapter)

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