Chapter 292 Min Qili Is Sick
"So, you're not going to tell me?"

Hearing Zero Four's words, Min Qili rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Does this person not understand human speech?
"I'm not interested in wasting time with livestock. Ling Si, before you plan to make a phone call next time, use your brain that has been failing high school."

After Ling Si heard it clearly, Min Qili hung up mercilessly.

"Qi Li, this is Ling Si's phone number, he knows how to be ashamed, why is he always calling you?"

"Ling Si has a crush on me."

Noticing Song Yuqing's expression, Min Qili chuckled and shrugged her shoulders, "Just kidding, he doesn't like me at all; what he said was just an excuse, I don't know, he can act for more than ten years?"

"Qi Li, no matter what he does, as long as he dares to hurt you, I will definitely not let him go."

Seeing Song Yuqing's arrogant and high-spirited look, Min Qili felt a warm current in her heart.

"Qingqing, he won't do anything to me; I will protect myself, and I will need your help at that time, it may be a very troublesome situation; so you have to take care of yourself, it's time to sleep, cultivate yourself, and raise yourself Good spirit, you will have the energy to help me when something happens."

Min Qili pushed Song Yuqing into the room and pushed her down on the bed.

"Take a good rest, I will go back to rest too."

dreamless night

next day
Wu Ziyu placed the bought breakfast on the table, and Song Yuqing came out yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"Wu Ziyu, what did you buy? Isn't Qili here?"

"Qi Li, she is still resting, wash up quickly, I'll call Qi Li."

After knocking on Min Qili's door several times, but there was no response, Wu Ziyu thought that Qili didn't hear; she sat on a chair, drank a glass of milk, and kept looking at the door of Min Qili's room.

"Strange, why didn't Qili wake up today?"

After Song Yuqing washed up, she went straight to her favorite food; she picked it up and ate it voraciously, "Last night, I played games for too long, and my energy was exhausted. Before going to bed, I was still thinking about what to eat tomorrow; fortunately you Breakfast is here."

After the two finished their breakfast, Min Qili's room remained still.

"Qili, why has there been no movement today? Qingqing, you are full, go and have a look; is it Qili, what happened?"

Song Yuqing pushed open the door of Min Qili's room, and saw her lying on the bed flushed, her forehead dripping with sweat.

"Qi Li, Qi Li."

Song Yuqing didn't know that it was a sign of fever, so he yelled twice but there was no response; he pushed and pushed, but still nothing.

He stretched out his hand to touch Min Qili's forehead, and retracted his hand because of the astonishing heat.

"Wu Ziyu, Wu Ziyu," called Wu Ziyu in in a panic, "Qi Li, I have a fever, what should I do? Should I call the doctor, or should we go find medicine for him?"

Wu Ziyu took a closer look at Min Qili's condition, and comforted Song Yuqing, "Don't worry, I don't think Qili's problem is not serious; wake her up first, and let's go to the hospital for a check-up. She should be fine after a drip. Don't worry, let's wake up Qili first."

"it is good."

Song Yuqing staggered to find her clothes, woke up Min Qili, who was in a coma, and dressed her; together with Wu Ziyu, she got down to see a doctor.

It was the morning rush hour, and the car was blocked.

"Wu Ziyu, can we change the road, I feel that Qili is getting hotter and hotter."

"Don't worry, it will be fine in a while; the morning rush hour is like this, walk slowly, and you will be fine in a while."

Wu Ziyu is also very anxious when encountering the morning rush hour suddenly.

Moving at a snail's pace, they finally left the peak traffic jam.

When I arrived at the hospital, after the doctor's examination; it was just a fever caused by a simple seasonal cold.

After a fever-reducing shot, they prescribed a few doses of medicine and they went back.

On the way back, Min Qili's temperature slowly dropped.

Looking at Min Qili who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, Song Yuqing placed the medicine on the bedside and wrote down how to take it.

"Qili is too tired. The recent events happened one after another, and we are a bit overwhelmed; Qili must be too. When she is sick, she should treat it as a good time for self-cultivation. During this period of time, none of us should talk nonsense, let Qili Take good care of your body."

"Don't worry, don't worry too much."
As evening approached, Min Qili opened her eyes,

Looking at the setting sun shining into the room, he shook his somewhat confused head.

Looking at the medicine on the bedside table, "I have a fever? No wonder I feel so uncomfortable."

Putting on a thick dress, Min Qili opened the door and went out.

"Qi Li, you're awake, how are you doing, do you feel unwell?"

Seeing that she was awake, Song Yuqing rushed over to take care of her.

"I'm fine. Do I have a fever? Why do I have a fever? I don't feel anything."

"The doctor said it was caused by the change of seasons. I still feel that Qili, you have been too tired recently; taking advantage of this illness, you should take a good rest for a while, and wait until you are fully recovered. I absolutely agree with what you want to do. During this time , just take good care of your illness and relax yourself."

Min Qili thought for a while, "Okay, Qingqing, don't worry, I'm fine, my fever subsides, which means I've recovered; what's for dinner tonight, I haven't eaten all day, I'm so hungry now."

Touching her empty stomach, she took Song Yuqing's hand and acted like a baby.

"Wu Ziyu went to buy it, you want to order; he is very healthy, he can be handled as he pleases, so don't worry about it."

"No, I won't pick anything; besides, I believe Wu Ziyu won't buy what we don't like."

"of course."
As expected, today's dinner is very rich, and it is very suitable for Min Qili who has just recovered from her fever.

"Wu Ziyu, you are so heart-warming; I really don't know what kind of person He De He Neng can marry you, Wu Ziyu, do you have someone you like, do you need me to introduce you?"

Song Yuqing slowed down the cooking and listened attentively to what they said.

"I haven't, but I must like someone who is very gentle, pleasant, and usually soft-spoken, very gentle."

This seems to be inconsistent with myself.

Instantly, I felt that the rice in the bowl was not tasty.

"What's the matter, don't you like to eat?"

Song Yuqing asked the question knowingly.

"No, I'm full; Qili, eat slowly, I'm going back to my room first, you take your time to find that gentle and soft-spoken person."

Seeing Wu Ziyu's suppressed smile, Song Yuqing became even angrier and snorted at him; she turned her head back arrogantly.

"Wu Ziyu, I think you are very promising; if you want to find a time to confess your love, I think Qingqing will agree to you."

Wu Ziyu shook his head.

"The change of identity takes time, and according to Qingqing's performance just now, she has not yet realized this level; I can see that he is already very happy with his performance today, and there is no rush for other things."

(End of this chapter)

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