Chapter 294 Thanks
"Qi Li, there are guests here, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"I didn't, Lingsi, did you not have a good rest, don't slander people casually here, this is bad behavior, you know?"

After waiting for so long, Min Wanxing still hasn't come down.

"He's not in now?"

"Dad is up there, Qili, what do you want from him?"

Min Qili glanced at Ling Si, then looked at Ling Qiuyu behind him.

"You seem to be dissatisfied with something, and you seem to want to eat me? You have such a big stomach, why are you angry; don't label me, or I don't know how to treat you."

Ling Qiuyu stroked her belly and smiled, "I'm not satisfied with you. It's just that it's not in accordance with etiquette for you to come here early in the morning without notice; moreover, when the nanny left, the door was locked tightly. , how did you get in? Looks like the house needs to change the lock."

"Why do you want to change? Guard against me? It was you who kept saying before that I am a member of the family, so don't be polite; are they all fake? Your benevolence, righteousness and morality are full of words, and you really don't want to act."

"What am I playing? Qili, don't wrong people." Seeing Min Wanxing coming down, Ling Qiuyu was pleasantly surprised, her momentum weakened instantly, and she held her stomach weakly.

"Wanxing, you're here; Qili came here early in the morning, and brought a friend with her. Qili has brought a lot of treats, do you want to catch up?"

An old friend brought by Min Qili?
They are all poor relatives.

Min Wanxing made no effort to hide his disgust, "Brother Wang, why did you come? Min Qili is not sensible, so you mess around here with her; if you need anything, just call me, why are you here?"

"There is a problem at home, and I can't explain it in person; what if you talk nonsense? You have to confirm your mental state in person." Min Qili said sarcastically.

Min Wanxing's eyes turned cold for a moment, "I'm very healthy, just tell me if you have anything to do, I have to go to work soon."

At this time, the nanny also came back from shopping.

Looking at the tense atmosphere in the living room, the thought of leaving was strong again.

After a timid glance, he quickly slipped into the room to make breakfast.

"It's only natural to pay off debts; moreover, it takes such a long time, and according to the currency shrinkage and the interest rate of the debt, you don't have to pay too much, just 50."

50 million!
Uncle Wang was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

"It's too much, we can't use so much; the amount borrowed at that time will do."

"Uncle Wang," Min Qili interrupted, pushing him on the sofa, "You don't need to worry about it, I'll take care of it; the money is yours in the first place, and you have to plan for your own future."

"Planning for the future? Do you want me to support him in the old age? Min Qili, don't open your mouth like a lion."

"This is a normal appeal. How come it turns into a lion with a big mouth in your eyes? Don't slander people."

At this time, Min's mother also led Min Jiawei downstairs.

Seeing a familiar person, Min Jiawei jumped downstairs; when he got near the crowd, he stopped again and looked at him eagerly.

"Jiawei, why are you here?"

"Uncle Wang, I live with grandma and dad, why are you here?"

"We're here to ask for debts." Min Qili didn't care about the warmth between them, and Min's mother's cannibalistic eyes were obviously not that warm.

"Pay back the money. It has been in arrears for so long, and the total is 50. Pay it back quickly."

"It doesn't take that much, does it?"

Min's mother asked Min Jiawei to go to the kitchen to find food, and he would be late for school later.

"Time, shrinkage, tax rate, if you can calculate, you can calculate whether it is this amount; if it becomes bigger, I don't mind."

"Wanxing, give him the money."

Min's mother has money, but she won't take advantage of it; in this situation, Min Wanxing must pay the money.

"I won't give him the money. At the beginning, I didn't ask you to borrow it; you wanted to be a good person, and I didn't say anything."

"It's really a wolf. Ling Si call me 55, and I want to see you before noon."

Min Qili looked at Ling Si indifferently, she was sure that Ling Si would not say no.

"Min Qili, what are you doing, why did you let A Si out?"

Ling Qiuyu stood up while supporting her stomach, feeling aggrieved.

"Your body, his body; your face, his face. What things are not given by the Min family, what about paying some money? The money spent on training you over the years is more than 55."

"Don't quarrel, I'll take the money; Qili, I'll transfer it to you right now. Don't quarrel today."

Be a good person and give yourself back to the sewage.

Now it has become unreasonable.

"Don't say too much about some things, have you been a human being with your eyes closed all these years?"

"I have already transferred the money, Qili, remember to check it; it was my fault just now, I hope you will not be angry with me."

"How could I be angry with you, Uncle Wang, I have received the money; do you have anything else to say? If not, I will take you back."

Uncle Wang shook his head.

Min Qili took him away.

After driving out of the villa area, Min Qili stopped the car.

"Uncle Wang, were you okay just now; you and Min Wanxing haven't seen each other for decades, and some changes are inevitable. You may never see each other again in the future, so you just keep the money; just pretend you haven't seen this ungrateful man Take care of yourself, I will find you a hotel in a while, you can rest and go home."

"Girl, thank you for asking for so much money for me; send me to the station, I'll go back now. The harvest is in progress at home, I'll go back early, so I can go home faster."

Uncle Wang smiled honestly.

"Okay, let me buy you breakfast first."

A steaming hot breakfast, Min Qili bought a lot of supplements; Uncle Wang returned with a full load.

Send him into the site, looking at the gradually clear sky; take a breath, and tidy up the broken hair on his face.

"Is there something wrong? Lingsi, do you regret it, or do you want to do something else?"

"Dad asked you to go back. He was very angry about what happened this morning."

"Isn't it his problem? What's more, what does his anger have to do with me? Lingsi is your filial piety, but I'm not filial, and he regrets being born. If I become filial, wouldn't it be wrong, how ridiculous."

"Qi Li, you don't want to come back?"

"Did I say anything?"

Min Qili said ignorantly, "Lingsi, don't talk nonsense, be careful that your words will cause disaster."

"I'm sorry, Qili. I won't bother you anymore."

Ling Si doesn't know how to cultivate recently, she always looks like green tea, sorry everywhere.

"What kind of ecstasy did this person take? It's ridiculous to think that I can't do anything about it."

Seeing the thank you letter from Uncle Wang, the bad mood was instantly dispelled.

Uncle Wang wrote it by hand, one stroke at a time; the language is simple and contains endless emotions.

[Uncle Wang, you don’t need to thank me; your greatest gratitude to me is to live a good life, just take care of yourself in the future. 】

(End of this chapter)

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