Chapter 503 Growth
"You'd better be like this, it's late, go home, Qili is gone."

Li Nuannuan pulled down Li Juehong, who was eager to see through, and said a little sarcastically, "If you want to show off, there are still many opportunities in the future. It's not like Qili will get a certificate with someone else tomorrow."


Li Juehong almost fell on the spot.

"Auntie, don't be so crow-mouthed."

Li Nuannuan shrugged indifferently, "Now I know I'm in a hurry, why bother if I knew today?"

Back to his and Min Qili's wedding room.

One year after the divorce, many things have changed between them.

Li Juehong didn't want to come back more and more.

There are traces of Min Qili's life everywhere in the house, and he seems to see Min Qili everywhere he looks.

Touch the scene hurt.

He will only come back once a month when the housekeeper comes to clean up.

His eyes fell on the unopened skin care products under the mirror.

These things were bought by him for Min Qili.

When she got divorced, she only took away her own things; she didn't take any of the things she bought for her, and put them all away.

After he came back that day, looking at the empty house, he put all his things back to their place in one night.

Create an illusion that Min Qili is still there.

To seek Min Qili's forgiveness, Li Juehong must first not let there be a gap between himself and Min Qili.

Min Qili is so young and beautiful, it is impossible for her to understand him; he can only change himself hard to catch up with Min Qili's footsteps.

Taking out men's skin care products from the cabinet, according to the above tutorial, Li Juehong started to take care of himself.
When a man starts to take care of himself, he is full of love.

Jiang Yunhui squinted his eyes, and looked at Li Juehong, who was full of spring, inquiringly.

Who else can make him like this?

Did sister-in-law forgive him?

"Brother Li, have you noticed that you are like a big cat wagging its tail now; your heart is full of love, and your smile is going to go downstairs to the company."

"Have it?"

Li Juehong looked at him coldly.


Jiang Yunhui nodded firmly, looking at Lin Mu seeking approval.

Lin Mu also nodded.

Are you being so obvious?

He cleared his throat in embarrassment, "Let's talk here for today, just send the selected items to XXX."

Li Juehong stood up and walked to the desk.

Jiang Yunhui played tricks and suddenly shouted, "Brother Li, you are not old; if you really go after your sister-in-law, you will succeed."

The hand pulling the chair trembled, almost throwing the chair out.

"Aren't you too busy recently? The bar is in peak season now. Don't you need to preside over the overall situation every day?"

"Brother Li, the matter of the bar is not as important as your matter? They can't make any big waves, and they dare not do anything."

Jiang Yunhui didn't feel Li Juehong's expression of wanting to kill at all, and continued to talk.

Lin Mu quickly covered him.

If you continue talking nonsense, you may have to call an ambulance.

"Brother Li, don't worry, I'll take care of him. I'll send someone to deliver what you want this afternoon. Don't worry, he'll be a fool from now on and won't say anything."

Dragging Jiang Yunhui away.

When they reached the parking lot, Lin Mu shook the drool off his hands in disgust; he took out the tissues and wiped his hands clean one by one.

"The matter of Brother Li and sister-in-law, unless Brother Li takes the initiative to mention it, none of us can take the initiative to talk about it, you know?"

"Why? Is it because his sister-in-law despises him? Brother Li is indeed a little old; but he has a sense of maintenance. How can he manage and control this company like the butter boy on TV?"

Jiang Yunhui said straightforwardly.

Lin Mu 囧.

"Just drive it, Brother Li probably won't see you in the future."
Min Qili got up and opened the window of the room.

The fresh air with morning dew outside the window came in, instantly refreshing.

"Qi Li, are you ready?"

Downstairs, Song Yuqing was standing on the grass, wearing a knee-length gauze skirt, as graceful as a fairy.

Min Qili leaned on the window, picked up the camera next to her, and started debugging.

The data has been debugged well, and it has been cleaned up.

Song Yuqing started to pose.

Gu Wan was eliminated from the program, and everyone needed to take a new promotional photo.

The crew needs to change props and venues, and there is no time to organize new promotional photos.

Each guest participating in the show is required to shoot by himself.

There is no need to highlight anyone, everyone can choose the subject of shooting at will.

Song Yuqing took advantage of the outdoor light and shadow and the grass to choose a group of fresh photos.

Posing in various poses by herself, Min Qili switched the camera to capture shots at any time.

After finishing a set of clothes, Song Yuqing ran in, and Min Qili went downstairs slowly.

The two were in the sun room and took a new photo.

For the entire shoot, Song Yuqing changed five sets of clothes, leaving her own marks in every part of the villa.

Lie down on the coffee table and choose the photos to take; Min Qili sat behind her, facing her back, and began to sketch.

After drawing ten pictures in a row, Song Yuqing finally chose the picture.

"Qi Li, the photos you took are really great; if you are not empty grass, you will definitely have your own name if you take pictures."

"These photos are well taken. If the program group didn't specify the number, I would definitely put them all up."

Swiping the screen, Min Qili shook her head slightly.

"It's better for you to choose these. Some photos can't withstand detailed scrutiny; they are all professional photographers. If it's those photos, you will be compared."

"Gu Wan is not here, every time you go abroad, you are showing yourself to the audience."

"In this independent shooting, everyone will definitely show their carefulness; these photos are really no problem to show the audience. However, if we want to pursue those carefulness, it is far from reaching. Otherwise, we should find some professional People, reshoot."

Song Yuqing looked at these photos reluctantly.

"But we have also paid a lot for these, why must we be careful?"

"These are all good, I don't need to be compared; I show myself normally, if they like me, they will find me."

"Trying hard to show yourself may be self-defeating at that time."

"No one wants to be the second Gu Wan. However, her position is vacant, and there must be many others to fill her place."

"Qi Li, I just want to finish this section steadily, and I don't want to pursue anything more."

"The more you get, the more you will lose in the end."

After Song Yuqing finished speaking, Min Qili hugged her.

"No. As long as you walk upright and sit up straight, you've earned them, and they won't lose them."

Song Yuqing curled her lips and hugged her back.

She knew that there was comfort in her words.

Min Qili does this every time, comforting her and not wanting her to face the horror of reality.

She needs to grow up, she will have to deal with this on her own one day.

"Qi Li, I have grown up. I have to be responsible for my choices, I have to be responsible for myself; I will use these photos, if it is really because of being cautious. It is also my choice, and what I gain must be lost. I get I am very lucky to have this opportunity.”

Song Yuqing's eyes were firm, and she held Min Qili tightly, making her believe that she had really grown up.

Feel the warmth of your hands, the power passed on.

Warm and firm.

Min Qili finally nodded in reassurance.

"We, Qingqing, have grown up and are already adults; from now on, I will need your protection. You must protect me well."

"Of course, I will definitely protect Qili. Qili, if someone bullies you, tell me and I will help you deal with him."

Song Yuqing crossed her hips, her expression was waxy and ruthless, like a kitten who only wants to catch people.

(End of this chapter)

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