"However, she doesn't seem to mean to praise me much."

Min Qili turned her head to look in the direction she was leaving, and reacted slowly.

At the end, Min Qili couldn't help laughing.

While smiling lightly, he walked back.

When passing by the manager, there was a sudden noise in the recording room, and someone screamed, "Ah——"

The two looked at each other in shock.

The manager resisted the discomfort and walked over in a panic; Min Qili also walked into the crowd.

During a small indoor rock climbing activity, the climbing rope suddenly broke; Nan Huan fell to the ground and her palms were worn out.

Nan Huan covered her hands, her face wrinkled into a ball; the wound on her hand had no blood at all, but she was so painful that her bones were broken.

Because of the pain, there were big teardrops on his face, and he looked like he was going to faint at any moment.

A crybaby has candy.

Nan Huan got the attention of the audience.

Song Yuqing was in the distance, slowly taking off the safety protection equipment on her body.

There was also a wound on her face, and the shallow bloodstains kept oozing out.

The pain made her fingers tremble non-stop, she took off several times, and the lock of the protective device slipped from her hand.

At this time, Min Qili finally walked through the crowd to Song Yuqing's side.

Looking at her with a frown, with shocking wounds on her face, her voice trembled and deformed, "I'll get you medicine."

The medicine box was opened and placed over there, and the medicines Nan Huan needed had already been taken away.

As soon as he stumbled over, it was taken away by Nan Huan's assistant.

"My friend is injured, her wound is deep, can you give me a medicine to stop the bleeding?"

The assistant shook his head, holding the medicine box tightly in his hand.

"Huanhuan's wound is also very serious. Is it important that your friend has Huanhuan? If Huanhuan has scars, her fans will be sad. There is a pharmacy outside. Please work hard for your friend and go outside to buy medicine. "

With the most kind-hearted appearance, the assistant mercilessly took away the only medicine box.

The filming will continue, Min Qili doesn't want to make the relationship very tense; she hooked her lips, but there was no smile on her face.

"My friend can't hold on, is it really not possible?"

The indifferent back of the assistant told Min Qili the cruel answer.

Smiling stiffly, he turned around; his entire face froze completely, holding back his anger, not to explode.

Fists clenched, trembling slightly.

Gu Wan disappeared, and everyone in the circle wanted to replace her.

An Qi is a lunatic, it is impossible to pose a threat to her; she is the girl with the biggest position in the show, and the person who is most likely to take Gu Wan's place.

She is now in Liwei, one by one eradicating people who may threaten her.

Let everyone dare not rob her.

They were all bullied by people riding on their necks. If they didn't resist, they would be idiots for more than twenty years of life experience.

"Nan Huan's assistant took the medicine box away, let's go outside, I will definitely not let you get a scar."

Song Yuqing used a disinfectant wipe to treat the wound briefly; looking at the overly concerned Nan Huan who was surrounded in the distance, her eyes turned cold.

Holding Min Qili's hand, "Qili, I'm fine; Nan Huan wants to dominate the crew, and I won't make her happy."

"I won't either."
Song Yuqing's face was injured, so she couldn't wear a mask, and only had a pair of sunglasses on her face.

When he was about to go outside, he was stopped by security guards.

"Sorry, you can't leave now."


The good-tempered Min Qili finally broke out, "My friend is injured, and she needs to see a doctor. If you stop her like this, it will delay the best treatment time; she is an artist, and she cannot leave scars on her face."

Hearing Min Qili's sonorous speech, the security guard looked at them strangely.

"What kind of artists are you guys? Those who are injured are the big shots. Nan Huan is the one who will take over Gu Wan's position, the first sister in the future; who is your friend? Is she famous? After this variety show ends, she can get a job Is it? Since it is disfigured and has no commercial value, you should quickly quit the circle, people like you, heh—”

In the end, there was a disdainful mocking sound, and the atmosphere on the field fell to the bottom.

"You, don't look down on people. Even if we are not in the entertainment industry, you can't look down on us. You are just the outermost personnel hired by this program group to take care of you. You have no right to interfere with other people's development."

"I don't know who gave you the chicken feather. You treat it like a sword and want to stick it on us? Then let's find the real big shot in the crew and see who is going to leave?"

Min Qili made a call.

She actually didn't want to take the initiative to embarrass others, but these people went too far today.

It's not that you have a loud voice, everything revolves around you, and the earth revolves because of you; everyone will suffer from cold and starvation, should they be unlucky?
Soon, the director who was still surrounding Nan Huan ran out.

"What's the matter with you guys? Why are you all here? The sun is so bright here; Nan Huan's injury has been healed, and we can start shooting again in a while, you guys go get ready."

"Director, my friend is also injured; we need to go out for treatment, but your security guard said that we are not as good as Nan Huan, and if we are disfigured, we will leave the circle and not let us go out for treatment. Excuse me, does Nan Huan have such great power? ? Because she's hurt, and everyone's going to make way for her?"

The director, who was supposed to show off in front of Nan Huan, was called out by a call from the higher-ups.

I thought I could see the legendary boss, but I didn't expect to see these two grievances.

Nan Huan's company increased investment, hinting at her praise and giving her a good way to express herself in the camera.

These people can only open the way for Nan Huan.

"How can you say that, Ms. Nan Huan will not be happy when she hears it; everyone in the crew is equal, there is a medicine box inside, you can use the medicine inside, why do you have to go out?"

The director's words are blaming them.

The crew is already in such a mess, why are you still making trouble?

"The medicine box was taken away by the assistant of Ms. Nan Huan who is equal to you. She asked us to come out. There is not a single medicine left. Do you use air?"

He was holding the only medicine box just now. Of course, the director knew that it was impossible for them; but, he is the director who controls the whole team, so if he admits it like that, what will happen to him in the future?
"Nan Huan's wound has been treated, you go back now; hurry up and treat the wound, the filming will start soon,"

Seeing the wound on Song Yuqing's face, she shook her head regretfully, "I'll put on a thicker powder later, after the night's shooting, I must remove my makeup quickly."

"Director, are you avoiding the important and choosing to stand beside Nan Huan and the others?"

"I don't know how to be a team, I don't want to delay the progress of the filming; please don't disturb the progress of the crew because of some trivial matters."

"Small things? Director, can you stop looking at people like this? When investors inject capital, they are for making money, not for anyone to dominate here. Since you must do this, I think we can withdraw the capital; Your side, we If you can’t climb up, you are not worthy of being a partner.”

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