"You're wrong. Ling Si has always been running the Min family, not because he likes me. If Ling Si hadn't chosen to do business and instead entered the circle to act, there would be no place for these people."

Ning Zhu shrugged indifferently, "If you explain to me, they won't know. Besides, who told you not to explain; if you don't take the initiative to say it, everyone will think that Ling Si likes you because she loves you. He will do this. Although his background is not good, he has used his actions to prove that he is not greedy, and has won the favor of others with practical actions. Moreover, he is about to become a father, do you think it is really important?"


Ning Zhu raised his wine glass and lightly clinked it with Min Qili.

"You are the only child of Min Wanxing, and Ling Si is your 'licking dog'. You are lucky for not realizing the intrigue among the rich, but at the same time it is also your fault; before the bat sucks all the blood of the animal, it will give it the best. A comfortable experience. Min Qili, until the day when no one in the Min family recognizes you, do you think it is important that you are Min Wanxing's daughter?"

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Min Qili squeezed the cup tightly, her knuckles turning white.

"Thank you. I owe you two favors today. If you need my help in the future, I will try my best to help you."

"I'm just talking about it casually. If you really want to help me; introduce me to the best man around you. I need a marriage worthy of me."

"Everyone around me has someone I like. Next time, if I have the opportunity to meet someone better, I will definitely help you pay attention."

"Then it's a deal, Min Qili, it's up to you whether I can find a high-quality marriage partner."

Ning Zhu made a wink to Min Qili, and continued to return to the field, looking for a suitable marriage target.

The hustle and bustle on the court gradually faded away, Min Qili pursed her lips in thought.

Ning Zhu's words reminded her.

Boil frogs in warm water.

Ling Qiuyu used her own scheming to earn her life as a rich wife for more than ten years; as her own son, Ling Si, under her influence, how could she be a simple character.

The Min family has been unable to return to her own hands, and Ling Si pretends to please each time.

And Xu Qinglai, the illegitimate son who appeared out of nowhere and retired without doing anything?

Works that plagiarized Kongcao were exposed, but still appeared in a grandiose manner.

It is impossible for him not to know that Min Qili is empty grass.

"Qingqing, are you finished talking?"

Wu Ziyu came over with three cups of warm water, "Qingqing just told me about your affairs; unexpectedly, Nan Huan is such a person? Do you need my help?"

"No, people like Nan Huan are easy to deal with. Now there is a more difficult matter that needs your help."

"What is it, Qili, who do you want to deal with? I can help."

Song Yuqing was eager to try.

Min Qili helplessly supported her forehead.

Wu Ziyu restrained her, "Have you forgotten the previous cyberbullying? You are a public figure now, so you have to watch your behavior; even if you want to hit someone, you can't do it as Song Yuqing, you know?"

The two lovers looked at each other and smiled, and the black-bellied plan was born.

"I want to take back the Min family. Although Ling Si claims to help me control Ling Si, how sincere can he be?"

"Since high school, almost everyone knows that he likes me; a man from muddy background has become my brother in name, and he likes me despicably and patiently."

"He created a very affectionate role for himself, weaving a net and trapping everyone in it."

"Sincerely wanting Min's recovery, he was admitted to the hospital many times."

"Compared to Min Qili, who does nothing like me, he has won the hearts of the public more."

"When the Min family is on the right track, all the people in the company will become his people; by then, the Min family will no longer be Min Qili's Min family."

After finishing speaking, Min Qili already had a preliminary plan in mind.

"Qi Li, I support it. You can definitely get Min's back; Ling Si's liking for you is really still acting, I can tell clearly."

"Besides, there is Feng Man; she has become a film star, and she is sure of her skills. She likes Ling Si so much, she will definitely do anything for him. If we want to get the Min family back, we have to deal with not only Ling Si , and Feng Man."

Just when he was about to speak, the bushes next to him let out a burst of laughter.

"Are you all so bold in your circle? I remember that you are not very popular. It is really understandable if you can't borrow it. But, a fake? A counterfeit thing, dare to stand by Master Zhao's side?"

After finishing speaking, there was another burst of laughter.

"I don't know who the young master Zhao you are talking about. You should be mistaken. I am just a young actor. The dress on me was lent to me by the brand in cooperation with me. If you think I offended you, what will happen next?" Here, I can stay far away from you so that you can't see me."

After speaking, she made a gesture to leave.

The eldest lady, who is used to being arrogant, can't bear this kind of treatment.

Pulling her directly, the dress was torn due to lack of control.


The field froze for two seconds, and then the most intense laughter broke out.

"This is the dress that the brand gave you. I'm afraid it's not to send a beggar; what kind of dress is so lightly torn and it will be broken. Could it be that you are playing with the brand. Oh my god, aren't you the sonorous rose who claims to be pure? ?”

She is just a small actress with no power or power; because she is not well-known, the economic company doesn't pay much attention to her.After suffering this kind of bullying, I can only endure it.

If these eldest ladies are really angry, the only resources she has now may become side dishes.
"I know this man."

After watching it for a long time, Song Yuqing's long-standing memory was awakened, "When I was abroad, I read her and Nan Huan's sisters draft; at the beginning, she became popular for a while because of her acting skills, and she and Nan Huan even claimed to be a double Shu. It's a pity that Nanhuan became more and more popular later, and she disappeared; I didn't expect to see her here, life is really wonderful."

Nan Huan was wearing a gorgeous limited-edition dress, wandering among the big shots in the infield; but Su Qing was bullied by those big ladies here, and her dress was torn.

"Then she is Nan Huan's opponent now."

Song Yuqing nodded, "For sure. I heard that Nan Huan has been suppressing her."

"We are also Nan Huan's opponents. Since we are all opponents, we are allies. Moreover, she has acting skills. Give her more opportunities and let her wash everyone's eyes."

Min Qili finished speaking and walked out.

"Excuse me, are you bullying someone?"

"Who are you, go away if you have nothing to do, our sisters are chatting."

Min Qili smiled faintly, as if she didn't care about their bad speech at all.

"I remember that everyone at this banquet can bring a female companion. It should be your father who brought you in."

"What are you doing? You know my dad."

"do not know."

Min Qili replied honestly, "But, he should be happy to meet me; would you like to introduce me?"

"What happened, what are you talking to them here?"

Li Juehong came from behind, and naturally grabbed Min Qili's shoulders, "The partner is still waiting for us over there, let's go."

The legendary Li Juehong.

The arrogant ladies were instantly dumbfounded.

"Sorry, we don't know, I have to leave beforehand."

A fool can see Li Juehong's affectionate attitude towards Min Qili; the arrogant young ladies ran away in despair.

Su Qing clutched the torn skirt, lowered her head and said thank you softly, and she also wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute, you shouldn't be able to wear this dress; I asked my friend to find you a new dress. My name is Min Qili. If you want to return the clothes, remember to ask my friend for the contact information."

"Thank you."

When Su Qing walked away, Min Qili changed her friendly and kind attitude.

"Why did you suddenly appear here?"

"Qi Li, you are so ruthless, I just helped you."

"I thank you very much for helping me, but how do you know that I must need it?"

"I was the one who was abrupt. I also received an invitation to today's banquet. I just came here to hide and relax. Song Yuqing saw me and said that you were in trouble and asked me to help you."

This seemed like what Song Yuqing could do.

Min Qili believed it temporarily.

"Thank you for helping me, you go to work."

"Qi Li," Li Juehong stopped her, "Song Yuqing just told me that you want to take back the Min family; I know there will be many difficulties, and I will always be there if you need my help."

"Thank you. But, I think, what belongs to me, I should get it back by myself, and always rely on others; you can't be with me for the rest of your life, right?"

Li Juehong hesitated to speak.

After all, he was the one who proposed the divorce first, so what does it matter if he says "I will" now?
She smiled bitterly at Min Qili.

"It's a good thing to be self-reliant. I suddenly remembered that there are things to go first."

Looking at Li Juehong's back, Min Qili blinked and sighed unconsciously.

Fate is a strange thing that teases people, when she likes him, he is waiting for a promise.

Now, there is no need for this promise, and the relationship between them cannot go back to the beginning.

"I hope you don't like me anymore."
Li Juehong didn't go far, when he heard Min Qili's words, a corner of his disguise mask was cracked.

After all, I hurt you, and I don't deserve all this.

Sitting there frustrated, waiting for Gao Cen to come to him.

"President Li, why are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time."

Looking at Li Juehong who had beaten the eggplant with Shuang, Gao Cen softened his tone, "Is it Miss Min?"

"Don't you deserve to be forgiven for doing something wrong?"

"Not every mistake should be understood. You will cause trouble to Miss Min and make her push you away."

"I know, I was wrong, I was wrong very much; this may be my punishment. Because of the guilt towards Mi Fang, I want to fulfill my promise and take good care of Gu Wan; but I don't want to hurt Qili. But, until now In the end, I failed at anything; greed is indeed the root of all failure."

"President Li, since you know, you can change from here. Gu Wan is gone, and the factors that made you worry have disappeared; everyone supports you, and we will all be your assists in recovering Miss Min."

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