In the evening, it rained suddenly outside.

People in a hurry passed by one after another.

Li Juehong straightened his back and looked at them quietly. In the blink of an eye, there was a brand new person in front of him; he looked down on the world indifferently like a god, and the hustle and bustle of the world could not arouse his interest.

Suddenly, the convenient wind chime rang.

Yin Jin, who was covered in water vapor, opened the door and came in, shaking the water droplets on his head casually, like a puppy, youthful and charming; he found where Li Juehong was, and walked straight over.

"President Li, I'm so excited, I'm not late."

Li Juehong looked at him steadily.

The face of the less than 20-year-old has both the deepness of an adult and the childishness of a teenager.

When she looked at him, she was firm and confident, with a smile on her face.

He had seen this expression on a person before.

Min Qili in high school.

Although, before that, he had heard of their "big names"; but, the encounter at that time was purely by chance.

It was the same with Min Qili in high school, stubbornly fighting against Min Wanxing.

Faced with such a competitor, the self-confidence accumulated in the business field suddenly collapsed.

They are very similar, about the same age, full of youthful vigor, and have never hurt her. The image in her heart must be the best.

In addition to my experience in these years, the characteristics of the boy have long been clear.

Is such a self really competitive?
He was too confident.

Too impulsive, should not meet.

"You're not bad either. I thought you'd be a drowned chicken."

Yin Jin spread his hands indifferently, "I am now, but who made me young."

Looking at Li Juehong's meticulous clothes, Yin Jin smiled ruffiantly.

"As for you, Mr. Li, at such an age, you must take care of yourself; even though it's summer, you still catch a cold and have a fever."

"Thank you for your concern. My driver is outside; he will pick me up in a while. If you need an umbrella, I can give it to you."

"This is a convenience store, you can buy everything, so don't worry about it. The driver is not omnipotent, and you have to rely on yourself for some things. Listen, see, and feel; what others convey to you will always be someone else's stuff. , I can’t get it myself.”

"Some things can be done for you by others, why do you have to do it yourself; time is very precious, and it is more meaningful to use it to do it."

"So, Mr. Li spent all his precious time on Mrs. Li, no wonder Mrs. Li has the status he has today."

Li Juehong's handsome face turned cold, and the glass reflected his face ugly.

Li Juehong was jealous.

Jealous of his youth, jealous of his vigor, jealous of him not hurting Min Qili, jealous of his own time to do what he likes to do.

What he likes to do, he forgot when he inherited the Li family.

There is only him in the family, and this is the responsibility he must bear.

For this responsibility, he gave up a lot.

Even the marriage with Min Qili is the same.

Li Juehong raised the corners of his lips to make himself look less ugly.

"You're not bad either. You can also catch up with your brother and become an excellent Mr. Yin."

"It's enough to have my brother at home."

Yin Jin's cell phone rang.

"Sorry, Mr. Li, please wait a moment."

he's gone.

Li Juehong breathed a sigh of relief, straightened his back and slowly bent down.

If he had a brother or sister, their ending might not be like this.

Responsibility is something that cannot be shaken off in one's life.

When was the last time you were as reckless as Yin Jin?
He has no answer.

But, the next time is now.

Because of the excitement, at the beginning, he almost had the same hands and feet; after gradually getting used to it, his breathing became regular, his movements began to coordinate, and his stiff and tense expression gradually became natural.

This is the feeling of being alive, this is the feeling of running away from responsibility.

Although, the clothes were wet by the rain and stuck to the body sticky.

But this is wanton.

I ran for a long time, wanton and carefree.

The mobile phone has died due to water.

Li Juehong was not nervous at all.

Walking back to the parking lot of the convenience store, ignoring the driver's surprised gaze, he sat in naturally and said, "Go back and tell Gao Cen to prepare a new mobile phone for me."

His whole body was wet, and he was wearing wet clothes; he brought in the water vapor and mud from the outside, and Li Juehong, who was usually a bit of a clean freak, didn't care at all.

Under the surprised gaze of the driver, Li Juehong tried his best not to see the emotional fluctuations.

There is no wave on the face, but there is a storm in the heart.

It's like, when I was young, I wanted to go to the QQ of my sweetheart, and I went home non-stop to add it, and found that it was passed immediately, and I sent you a message.

After taking a hot bath, plug in your new phone and turn it on.

A text message from Yin Jin came in.

【President Li, are you leaving? 】

【Looks like you're gone. 】

【Qili was there just now, it's really a pity that you left. 】

[Mr. Li, we will see you next time if we have a chance. This chat is very pleasant. 】

After he left, Min Qili came?

As far as he knows, the shooting location of the variety show is not near here. Is this kid trying to anger him?

Deleted the message record, hesitated for a while and still didn't block it.

Observe every move of your rival at any time to prevent him from occupying higher ground.
After Yin Jin came back, he found that the man who was sitting upright had disappeared.

After sending the inquiry message, while waiting for recovery, he started to brush up on economic topics.

He had just figured out a knowledge point that had puzzled him for a long time, and at this very moment, Min Qili came to ask him about this topic.

At this time, he thanked Li Juehong, thanked him for not being there, and thanked himself for learning.

The corner of Yin Jin's lips curled up, and he happily showed off his skills to Min Qili.

Halfway through the speech, he glanced at the window from the corner of his eye, saw Li Juehong, and rubbed his eyes uncertainly.

In such a mess, with rain all over his body and no umbrella yet, did he fall into the river?

Yin Jin resisted the urge to laugh, and continued to finish speaking as if nothing had happened.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Min Qili was taken aback, "What's the problem?"

"I have an exam tomorrow. I may not have time. We can teach online. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me at any time; lengthen the study time and improve the efficiency of study."

"Yes, as long as it doesn't delay your studies."

After the chat was over, Yin Jin turned around.

Li Juehong had already left.

That's not what he wanted to ask.

Just now, he wanted to use only his own knowledge, but deceitful method of deceiving himself - Li Juehong was present, he also knew, seeking the answer.

He wanted to say, what is Li Juehong's position in your heart, can I like you?
Fear of hearing the worst possible answer.

Glad I didn't ask.

Li Juehong asked him to meet because of Min Qili; even if he couldn't hear him, Yin Jin would not allow these words to come out of Min Qili's mouth.

Saying it out seems to define the matter.

He has no chance.

Efforts that hadn't even begun were aborted.

Secret love is an act of sensitivity and low self-esteem, and suddenly I was a little lucky to meet the current Min Qili.

Li Juehong was the one whose competitiveness was greatly reduced.

It's not that he was too naive, unachieved, and forced to quit.

So, he sent such content to Li Juehong.

Missing Min Qili is his loss, not Min Qili's loss.

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