Chapter 522
Song Yuqing used practical actions to prove to Cong Shang that she cared.

Su Qing, who was reciting his lines, was suddenly dragged by Song Yuqing to run.

"what happened?"

"A friend of mine heard that you are excellent and wanted to meet you."

Song Yuqing's friend...

Su Qing stopped suddenly.

The agent said that they were rich, so he asked himself to associate with them more; maybe he could get her, and even make her angry.

This is contrary to the principle of making friends in her heart.

She believes that friendship is pure and cannot be contaminated with interests.

But she couldn't control herself and wanted to listen to her manager; if she knew more powerful friends, she would be able to eliminate Nan Huan's influence of suppressing her.

She is really mean.

"I'm not ready yet, and I'm not in a good state right now, can it be next time; I'm going back to filming tomorrow, and when I adjust, I'll definitely go see him in person."

Seeing that Su Qing was really embarrassed, Song Yuqing didn't force it.

"Okay, come on tomorrow, my friend will always be waiting for you."

"Thank you."

Su Qing thanked politely.

She didn't trust it in her heart.

In the past, there were countless times that I would wait for my chance, but it was just a verbal promise.
"What's wrong with you, why are you like the cabbage beaten by Shuang."

"I just wanted to pull Su Qing over, but when she saw you, she thought you were too ugly and refused to meet."

"My little bastard, I just saw it; I've seen this Su Qing, he's a nice guy, but he's a little bit unlucky. But I won't be such a good person, I won't do things that lose money; and Who knows, will she always lack this bit of luck?"

Since it is still a businessman's thinking, the answer is very clear.

It's useless for Song Yuqing to talk too much.

The director will review the film tomorrow morning and have a half-day holiday.

After making up the last shot, the three of them went home.

"My big sofa."

Song Yuqing threw herself on the sofa and occupied most of the seats, forcing Congshang to go to the small sofa next to her.

Min Qili opened the refrigerator and poured herself a glass of water, but the moment she opened the refrigerator, she lost her strength.

Someone put a bloody pig's head in the refrigerator, thinking that when the refrigerator door was opened, the blood flowed all the way to the ground.

The pungent stench rushed straight into her brain, and Min Qili retched on the spot.

Song Yuqing looked at her distressedly, "Qi Li—"

"I'm fine, it was just too sudden."

Everyone distributed disposable gloves to avoid accidentally leaving fingerprints and called the police.

The police arrived quickly.

A note was found under the bloody pig's head, which warned Min Qili not to compete for the Min family, you are not qualified.

"Don't compete for the Min family?"

"Comrade police, can you find out who it is?"

"Please don't worry, the current technology is very advanced, it will definitely be possible."

After the police extracted the traces, they cleaned up the blood on the ground. The refrigerator will be thrown away tomorrow and replaced with a new one.

"I'm fine, you go and rest."

Min Qili smiled comfortingly at them.

Before going to bed, an anonymous email suddenly came into her mailbox.

【Do you like the gift I gave you?I hope you can be an obedient person. 】

【Obedient person, I have never been an obedient person, who are you?Why can you come into my house? 】

[Does it matter who I am?The important thing is, just be obedient; don't try to investigate me; you won't be able to find out.Be good, I won't bother you. 】

The tone of this person is very similar to a person.

The yin and yang called her sister Xu Qinglai.

Does Xu Qinglai have this ability?
[You are Xu Qinglai. 】

There was no movement on the other side.

【I know you are Xu Qinglai. 】

【Xu Qinglai】

The mail cannot be sent.

Min Qili found Xu Qinglai's number.

The avatar on the phone seemed to be waiting for a long time, but he picked it up right away.

"What's the matter, sister, do you miss me?"

"What the hell do you mean?"

"It's not interesting, it's just my sister; it's better for you not to work hard on some things, it's good for you and me."

"Is it good for you? Who are you, why should I care if you are good or not? The blood relationship brought by Min Wanxing? He is sorry for you, not me; he is dead, if you want to settle accounts with him, go down, don't Find me, I am also an enemy with him."

Min Qili gritted her teeth.

Xu Qinglai smiled lightly, "Family love is the most inseparable thing, even if you try to deny it, it can't eliminate the benefits he brought you and the good life you enjoyed."

"So you come to ask me for a family debt?"

"I don't need family affection, but I'm very happy if you don't live well. The final result of the Min family will only belong to one person, which is mine. As long as you listen to me, I will give you shares and let you enjoy it comfortably. The rest of my life."

"However, what I dislike the most is comfort."

The call came to an abrupt end.

What kind of person Xu Qinglai is, he can be so grandiose.

After thinking about it all night, Min Qili didn't think of a reason that could convince her.

She fell asleep slowly in the early hours of the morning, and slept until noon the next day.

Song Yuqing left a note, and she and Congshang went out to buy a refrigerator.

Without a refrigerator to store food, Min Qili simply ate something to satisfy her hunger.

At this moment, the doorbell rang.

"Hey, dear sister, we talked on the phone yesterday, remember me?"

"If you forget anyone, you won't forget you. What's the matter?"

Xu Qinglai came here uninvited, directly passed Min Qili in, and introduced to her his trajectory yesterday.

"Yesterday, I came in like this. The door lock of your house is really not good. I opened it lightly; then I slowly walked in with the pig's head. I thought for a long time before putting it there. When I brought it here, it was still steaming. I thought you could make a brain teaser, but I didn’t expect that you called the police and the police took him away. Sister, what you took away was not only the pig’s head, but also me for you. A true "heart". "

Min Qili vividly remembered the pig's head yesterday.

Suppressing nausea.

"I don't like eating brains, so I don't need it next time."

"If you don't like it, how about I buy water for you? Pork, beef, and sheep offal soup, barbecue, stir-fry, whatever you like."

"Crazy, you are crazy; what on earth are you trying to do, are you trying to drive me crazy so that I won't fight for the Min family anymore?"

"I just care about you. I didn't expect you to be angry and call the police; even the refrigerator has been changed, but it doesn't matter, your friend has already bought the new one, and next time I will treat you to something else."

"Thank you, if you want to come next time, let me know in advance; if there are guests at home, I should welcome them, right, my dear brother."

Xu Qinglai is crazy, the more you get mad, the more excited he will be.

Follow him, learn from him, if he can't feel the fun, he will let you go.

"You have worked so hard, I can do it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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