Chapter 528 New Assistant

"Miss Min, thank you for trusting me. If you really hire me, I will definitely work very hard to take good care of you."

Jane Kai promises.

"You didn't find me as an assistant, I found it for my friend; now that the two of us have talked, I'll take you to find her."

Min Qili drove Jian Kai to the shooting location.

Returning to the shooting location, Jian Kai had many wonderful feelings in his heart.

Cong Shang saw Min Qili's surprised expression, "Qili, what's wrong with you?"

"I found an assistant for Qingqing, and I'll let Qingqing see if she decides to use him later."

Cong Shang looked at Jian Kai, feeling familiar.

Seeing someone looking at him, Jian Kai hurriedly greeted Cong Shang, who responded politely.

"This person looks familiar, have you seen him somewhere before?"

Min Qili said calmly, "He used to be Gu Wan's manager. After Gu Wan was banned from the circle, he lost his job; but he is a nice person. I think he can take good care of Qingqing. Brother, do you have any questions?"

"He's Gu Wan's manager. He might have dealt with you with Gu Wan before. Qingqing hates Gu Wan so much, she won't agree."

"It's Gu Wan who does bad things, not him. Although he bears the title of Gu Wan's manager, he is actually working as an assistant, and can even be a decoration. Gu Wan doesn't trust him, and has never sent him important Work, deal with things like us, not to mention small fish and shrimps of his level."

"In this case, I don't have any objections for the time being; Qingqing will leave work later, you can talk to her carefully, she will understand."

After finishing speaking, Cong Shang walked to Jian Kai's side.

Jian Kai watched as he unconsciously removed a layer of sweat from his palms, wiped off the sweat, and hurriedly stood up.

"Hello, my name is Jian Kai. Although I was Gu Wan's assistant before, she has been against you all the time; however, Miss Min and I have promised that I will definitely be your assistant. Gu Wan and I have broken up. I won't deal with you with her, please believe me."

Never answered, staring closely at Jian Kai's eyes.

A feeling of being seen through, Jian Kai's heart was beating wildly, and his palms were sweating again.

When Gu Wan was the manager, although Jian Kai had seen many big scenes, he was still a spectator; only those who really experienced it would know the tension and excitement inside.

"You should cherish the opportunity when you have it. If you dare to lie to us, I can make it impossible for you to find a part-time job in this circle."

Cong Shang warned.

After hearing this, Jian Kai immediately straightened his back and looked at him solemnly, "Don't worry, it will never happen."

After work, Song Yuqing saw Min Qili waiting behind the camera, looking at her happily, bouncing around, "Qili, why are you here? Do you miss me?"

"I said yesterday that I will find you an assistant; today I was bored and wandered outside and found an assistant. My brother and I both thought it was good after reading it, so you should come and see it; if you agree, we will sign him. I will be your assistant from now on."

"Qili must be right in choosing someone. I believe in Qili's vision." Song Yuqing said.

Approaching and seeing Jian Kai's back, Song Yuqing stopped in her tracks.

"Is this the assistant you hired?" asked incredulously.

Min Qili nodded.

"Then I take back what I said earlier."

Song Yuqing, who was still immersed in the beauty of her new assistant just now, instantly withdrew her smile, "Qi Li, don't you know that he was Gu Wan's manager before? Why are you looking for Gu Wan's former manager? Is there no other manager in this market?" is your assistant?"

"I know. However, he has a good character; although he is Gu Wan's manager, he has not dealt with us like Gu Wan. Moreover, he is not with anyone, his character is just like him; we can't do this Arbitrarily judge a person."

"But I'm just not happy," Song Yuqing sulked, "Gu Wan treated you that way back then, and Jian Kai is his manager, so naturally he knows everything he has done; why didn't he stop him? He is the manager, so we chose him As an agent, is he just a mascot doll?"

"Any of Gu Wan's staff are indeed decorations. Apart from being oppressed, they have no real power."

Song Yuqing didn't believe it.

Min Qili found out about the agent and assistant in the joint scandal that Gu Wan broke the news.

After reading the content, Song Yuqing was half convinced.

However, Jian Kai's former identity is still a lump in her heart.

"Let me take a look first, I don't know him well; if he is really as good as you said, Qili, I will accept him, but if he has any crooked ideas, even if you found him, Qili, I will accept him." I have to go."

"No problem, he is your assistant, you can do whatever you want then."

After temporarily reaching an agreement, Song Yuqing walked up to Jian Kai and sized him up.

"Did you learn anything when you were Gu Wan's manager?"

Jian Kai shook her head honestly, "In addition to some basic work, operations and other work, Gu Wan handles it herself; although I have the title of her manager, I haven't learned any practical skills."

"real or fake?"

Song Yuqing didn't believe it, "Did Gu Wan really do everything herself?"

"Basically, she has almost no details about fan matters; she can handle work matters by herself, so she will go by herself."

While Song Yuqing was shocked, she also expressed emotion that Gu Wanzhen was born to eat this bowl of rice.

"Then, when Gu Wan was against us, what were you doing?"

"I tried to persuade her, but she won't listen to me."


Song Yuqing obviously didn't believe it.

Gu Wan is blocked now, and she has disappeared; whatever you say is a "death without proof", people who exist will try their best to belittle the people who disappeared, to add luster to themselves.

"Qili said that you are a trustworthy person, I believe Qili; but, I don't believe anything you say, unless you show it to me. Now is the trial period, starting from now, the trial will last for a week; if within a week If you can't satisfy me, or if you make a mistake, I will let you go directly. The trial period is one hundred per day, how can I accept it?"

"Okay, thank you, I will definitely satisfy you."

After going through so many interviews, everyone was only interested in his former identity as Gu Wan's agent. Some wanted to prostitute Gu Wan's operational capabilities, while others wanted to drain Gu Wan's last bit of value; only Song Yuqing was willing to give him A chance to prove yourself, even if it's just a trial period.

As the new assistant took over, Jian Kai showed outstanding diligence and humility.

Song Yuqing was ashamed of her diligence.

Was I being too unkind just now?

Nan Huan, who had nothing to do, came over again.

"Yo, handsome guy, aren't you Gu Wan's assistant? How can you become her assistant? How much money do you have for you? Are you willing to condescend to come here? Come to me, and I'll give you double."

"Why are you here again? I don't know, I thought you were having a private meeting with a lover, and who was secretly in love with us."

Song Yuqing followed Nan Huan's example.

"I'm not as capable as you are. I studied in the crew, took people to dinner in the crew, and now I invite Gu Wan's manager to fill the show; there are some things that you don't have to see yourself, whether they are worthy or not. It's not something, you Such a little guy."

Song Yuqing folded her arms and snorted coldly, "So, why did you lose to me in the game just now? Could it be because you looked down on me and didn't bother to win me?"

In the quiz session of the game just now, Nan Huan had been thoroughly answered before the start; however, due to a staff error, the order of the questions was wrong, and Nan Huan raised her hand confidently, and she was wrong every time.

Seeing that she was so wrong, the host released the water a few times before she managed to get the score.

As for Song Yuqing, relying on her own reserves and accumulation, success is all right.

There was a stark contrast between the two. The host made fun of the show for the sake of the show; Nan Huan didn't hold grudges against the host, but Song Yuqing. Why was she so right?

"So what, who will remember? Your camera can only cut plums." Nan Huan said arrogantly.

Before today's shooting, the director counted all the crew members; today there are no paparazzi here, Nan Huan let out his instincts to his heart's content.


Song Yuqing could hardly suppress her instinct, and Min Qili suddenly reached out to hold her hand.

"Do not impulse."

Walking in front of Song Yuqing, she looked at Nan Huan, "I don't like people who are stupid, have you seen the scene of Gu Wan becoming a god in a variety show?"

Of course Nan Huan has seen it.

This time the topic is to reproduce the scene of the year, but it is a pity that Dongshi imitated and self-defeating.

Nan Huan had asked his agent to block the staff member who made a mistake overnight. From now on, he can only do the lowest jobs and will never have the chance to contact them again.

He will regret this mistake for the rest of his life.

Nan Huan thought proudly.
The director was on the side and saw Nan Huan passing by again.

Seeing the strong smell of gunpowder on both sides, he hurried over to smooth things over.

"You are all here. It just so happens that in the next session, the two of you need to lead the team separately. Remember to contact your team members in advance to think of a team name; it should be lively and interesting, have points of memory, and have a little discussion."

Song Yuqing kept the request in mind and nodded, "I remember the director."

"I've also remembered, director, don't worry, as long as it's your request, I will definitely fulfill it."

Looking at Nan Huan, the director started to have a headache.

Li Juehong had explained that Nan Huan could not be bullied by them; however, Nan Huan's agency had also negotiated, and they must promote her as "Gu Wan".

The Buddhas on both sides cannot be offended, and the director has a big head.

"Xiao Huan, come with me, there are a few separate shots here that need you to make up shots."

Find an excuse to send Nan Huan away.

The anxious scene was instantly resolved.

Song Yuqing turned around and saw Jian Kai looking at Nan Huan's back thoughtfully, "Do you have anything to say?"

"When I was Gu Wan's main force, I met her; she said that she wanted to fire CP with Gu Wan and asked Gu Wan to give her a coffee. Gu Wan refused, and in the subsequent filming, she has been suppressing her intentionally or unintentionally. .”

Hearing Jian Kai's speech, Song Yuqing raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Oh? Really, it seems that our Miss Nan Huan is not pure and kind on the surface."

An egoistic person like Gu Wan hooks up with her for the sake of fire, does Nan Huan really want fire?
(End of this chapter)

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