shooting scene
Today's shooting content is a test play, and the screenwriter writes and shoots.

The background is the state of mind of the winners, losers and bystanders after the giants compete.

The shooting progress of the winning team was very fast, and the emotions released were easy to grasp and control, and soon everyone called it a day.

The script Song Yuqing got was a character that had been painstakingly planned many times and ended up with a crippled character.

"This role is not suitable for me at all. I am suitable for the heroine. I am the winner."

NGed a lot, but she didn't show the kind of psychological loneliness; the director asked her to go to the side to figure it out, and shoot other people's shots first.

"Qi Li, how did you shoot this scene?"

"I have never studied acting. But if I were to perform, I would bring myself into it. I have put in so much effort, everything I want to hold on to, the way I think I am successful; in the eyes of others it may be Play house, tickle. But, I don't care, as long as the Min family is still there, I still have a chance. However, when the one I want to protect will leave in the end, I can only reluctantly let go."

"Qi Li, you can definitely do it. Xu Qinglai is nothing, he is just a clown; an illegitimate child, why should he show off his power. The one who did the wrong thing is Min Wanxing, and it has nothing to do with you."

Min Qili shook her head and nodded again, "Do you understand the state of mind of the script now? You don't need to deal with Min's affairs first, and handling the work at hand is the greatest help to me."

Song Yuqing nodded deeply, "Qi Li, don't worry; I can do all these things, I am an excellent graduate. Wait for my good news."

After sorting out her mood, Song Yuqing stood in front of the spotlight, ready to shoot.

Min Qili's mood slowly fell to the bottom as she walked away bit by bit.

Since she decided to take back the Min's, she has already felt sorry for the Min's employees.

These people are destined to be bumped because of their contention.

However, the Min family does not only exist because of them; it is the painstaking effort of a generation, and instead of falling into the wrong hands, a sudden decline may be the best ending.
With Min Qili's tips and help, Song Yuqing got into the mood very quickly this time.

All the shots were taken one by one, and she lived up to her title of top student.

After the filming ended, Song Yuqing was in a very happy mood, but Min Qili's condition didn't look very good.

"Qi Li, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Jian Kai handed the full water glass to Min Qili, "I brought medicine, what's wrong with you?"

Min Qili shook her head.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, don't worry about me; have you finished work today, let's go back quickly."

"Okay. Jian Kai will meet with the crew tomorrow, and you can go back today."

Cong Shang went back to deal with work, and only Jian Kai was with her in the group; obviously, Song Yuqing's attitude towards him was much better.

Jian Kai is very hopeful to stay.

On the way home, Song Yuqing looked at the takeaway details page on her phone and swipe her finger on it.

"Qi Li, do you want to eat something?"

Regarding Min's matter, she is not in the mood to eat now.

"I'm not hungry, you can just order it yourself. I'm too tired today, I'll go back later, I have to rest quickly, and you can solve it yourself; if you really can't solve it, you can call me and I will solve it. "

Song Yuqing promised.

"Don't worry, if there is any big problem, I can solve this little thing by myself; Qi Li, you just need to rest well."
When she got home, Min Qili watched Song Yuqing happily turn on the TV, then put the words back on her lips.

"Wait a little longer, maybe everything doesn't have to be so pessimistic; Li Juehong has personally controlled the Li family for so many years, maybe he will come up with a better solution; the Min family, don't need to be a victim of this struggle."

Seeing Min Qili standing motionless on the stairs, Song Yuqing looked at Min Qili curiously.

"Qi Li, what's wrong with you?"

"I was just thinking about a question, has Jian Kai passed the trial?"

Song Yuqing pondered for a moment, "Well, I'm investigating him further; I can't see Gu Wan's demeanor in him for the time being, but who knows, what's in his bones. Get along slowly and see clearly. knew."

Jane Kai can probably stay.

Except for the people around her, Song Yuqing has always had a low opinion of others.

Being able to comment on Jian Kai in this way shows that he is really a good person.

"Get along more, if you are not satisfied with him, I can replace him with my brother at any time."

Back in the room, open the chat box with Li Juehong.

Li Juehong had already sent the first plan.

This plan is to restore the Min family as much as possible and reduce the biggest loss.

But at the same time, Xu Qinglai got the least price.

His background can help him escape everything. After going abroad, domestic affairs can't hinder him.

After the plan was finished, the people on both ends of the phone fell silent.

"Li Juehong, please send the second copy. Xu Qinglai must be punished as severely as possible."

"This plan will lose part of your rights and interests. Are you sure about the method of Qishangquan?"

"I'm sure. Now this is the best solution."

Reluctantly the best solution.

The second is twice as detailed as the first.

Min's employees will have a good solution, Min's will suddenly wither, and Xu Qinglai will receive the most severe punishment at this stage.

"Tomorrow, the first half of the first page will be executed. You don't need to do anything, I will help you to complete all this; as long as you can show up for the necessary scenes, it will be fine."

"Li Juehong, if the Min family still wants it in the end, I will pass it on to you; economics is getting harder to understand, and I am suitable for learning painting. Maybe you can bring it a new luster."

Reluctantly arranged things.

Everything is half settled.

Min Qili believed in Li Juehong's strength.

Min's employees have a place to go, and she is worthy of her conscience.

They were not implicated in this incident.
next day
In the morning, the team suddenly notified that today is a half-day vacation.

When Min Qili went to get the printed materials, Song Yuqing was printing the script.

Mistaking it as her own, she picked up Li Juehong's plan, and the script in her hand was scattered all over the place; the sharp paper even scratched her fingers.

"Qi Li, is this true?"

When Min Qili went downstairs, she saw the script on the floor, and Song Yuqing was holding the paper; she knew it, and let her know about it.

Know so early.

When they met, they took the initiative to admit it, and Min Qili nodded.

"Yes, it's true. Xu Qinglai wants to destroy me, so I can only do it first; the Min family is the work of so many people, and if it falls into the hands of a lunatic like him, it's better for me to finish it myself. I don't have the ability to manage it. It, the opponent is too strong."

Min Qili replied feebly, admitting the most painful fact.

"Qi Li, I'm sorry; let's figure out a way together, maybe there will be a turning point."

Song Yuqing walked over and hugged Min Qili.

"It will be fine, things will definitely turn around."

"It's okay. I've given Li Juehong full authority over this matter. No matter what the outcome of the matter is, I will accept it."
Song Yuqing already knew about such an important decision, so there was no need to hide it from other friends.

The two notified Cong Shang and Wu Ziyu respectively.

After the two received the call, they rushed over immediately.

Min Qili also called Li Juehong over.

Five people sit together.

"Everyone, please be happy, don't be so serious, this matter is nothing; why are you more nervous than me, this is my family's property, I should feel uncomfortable."

Min Qili is a person who does not shed tears easily, even if her voice becomes choked up now, she is determined not to let her tears flow out.

"I wrote this plan, and it is currently implementing the first page; next, every day I will adjust it according to the events of the day, and then implement it. I will guarantee that the Min family will be as complete as possible, so that the loss of Qili will be minimized." .”

Li Juehong spoke first.

Cong Shang looked at the two pages of the document.

"How much do you like Qili, and when did you start?"

"I like it very much. I thought I would give up my current life for her; accompany her to the life she wants, and be happy with her."

"Your grandma has only one grandson, what do you want her to do? What about your family's business? Don't you think it's too selfish to do so?"

"I still have an aunt at home. My aunt is taking over the work at home. If I want to leave, my aunt will manage the history well. Compared with me, she is actually more suitable to be President Li."

"Since you say your aunt is more suitable, then your method is not the best; what confidence do you have to achieve this result?"

Li Juehong looked at Congshang firmly, "My experience in managing the Li family, my practical experience in school, everything I have seen and experienced. These are the sources of my experience when writing this plan , I am not a person who likes to boast, but I can guarantee that this plan will definitely work. "

After hearing Li Juehong's determined attitude, Cong Shang calmly said "Oh" and started playing the game.

"Then I have no objection."

Two professionals clash on the field.

Wu Ziyu had just come back from surveying, and she was rather humble; if she touched the plan casually, her fingerprints were imprinted on it.

"I believe in you because Qili believes in you; if you need help, our family is always there."

Song Yuqing wiped off the dust on Wu Ziyu's face, and looked at Li Juehong with her face up.

"Is there really no way to deal with Xu Qinglai?"

Li Juehong shook his head.

Show Xu Qinglai's information to them.

"Wen Ruyuan suddenly disappeared, and we couldn't find anyone; there were no traces of her, as if she had never existed. Xu Qinglai and the others could only be better if they were trained together; it is impossible for us ordinary people to achieve This level."

Song Yuqing was discouraged.

Others were also a little deflated.

Min Qili stared at the plan on the corner of the table, her eyes were calm.

"It doesn't matter, there is always a possibility of a turning point, maybe we don't know it."

She believes that no matter what kind of background a child grows up in, he will have his own weaknesses.

Find the weak point and defeat the enemy with one move.

At that time, what can even Xu Qinglai do?

If the weakness is revealed, it is destined to be weak.

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