Chapter 539
The three of them split into three ways to find Min Qili.

Song Yuqing followed Min Qili's usual return route and walked it again, hoping to find Min Qili.

Li Juehong investigated and met with the surrounding surveillance at that time.

Cong Shang started from Min Qili's signal to investigate whether Min Qili was really in danger.

The three investigation directions of the three are different and do not intersect each other.

All ended in failure.

When the three of them met, Song Yuqing lowered her head in frustration.

"Where is Qili? It won't be taken away by people from Xu Qing, right?"

Although I don't want to admit it, but Xu Qinglai is elusive; maybe, there is this possibility.

"I'll go find Xu Qing."

Li Juehong stood up.

Suddenly, Song Yuqing's cell phone rang.

When he fixed his eyes and saw that it was Min Qili, he was instantly ecstatic.

"Hey, Qili, do you have such a thing?"

Song Yuqing pretended to be reserved, but her ears were already pricked up, wishing she could hear even a needle drop on the phone.

Min Qili opened the refrigerator and unscrewed a bottle of water.

"As soon as I got home, I saw a table of dishes on the table. Where are you guys? I called you for a long time and no one responded."

"Qi Li, are you already home?" Song Yuqing asked tentatively.

Min Qili was puzzled and answered honestly. "Yeah, I'm home, what's wrong?"

"Then did you encounter anything, such as..." Song Yuqing racked her brains and couldn't think of a bad example, "For example, some bad things."

"If something bad happens, don't think about it; are you outside, come back to eat quickly, and work will start tomorrow, remember to rest early."

Min Qili was not only fine, but also told her to go to bed early.

That Min Qili was right.

However, what happened during the time when Min Qili disappeared? ——
hang up
Min Qili lost the look of pretending to be relaxed just now, looking at the USB flash drive in her hand that was already soaked in sweat.

The things here can make Xu Qinglai collapse, and he said that everything he built will come to naught.


Obviously, as long as it is checked on the computer, nothing can be done.

However, Min Qili was still hesitating.

It's not because of Xu Qinglai, nor is it because of pity for Ling Si.

This USB flash drive was given to her by Wen Ruzhi.

That's why she disappeared during that time.

Seeing that Wen Ru was fine, Min Qili was both happy and sad.

"Awen, long time no see."

Wen Rulu didn't say much, and took out a USB flash drive.

"This thing can help you solve your current predicament, enough to make Xu Qinglai collapse and overturn everything he owns; you don't need to do anything else, just plug it into a computer connected to the Internet."

Information attack and release.

The easiest way.

Min Qili looked at the computer that turned off automatically several times.

Wen Ruyuan disappeared in such a hurry at the beginning, if he plugged in, would it cause trouble to her again?

Also, can the things in this really subvert Xu Qinglai?

Such a lunatic should be able to do everything right.

Even if it wasn't, it wouldn't reveal too much of a tell.

However, Xu Qinglai had to be eliminated.

His very existence is a threat.

After a lot of inner struggle, Min Qili finally made a decision.

Insert the USB flash drive into the computer.

Read the progress, multi-task at the same time.

Min Qili stared nervously at the screen without blinking her eyes.

The fast-running system has been successfully breached time and time again.

Xu Qing is over.

Everything that Xu Qinglai established was destroyed.

A lot of negative news about Xu Qinglai has been exposed, and there are more legitimate and serious ways to deal with him.

(End of this chapter)

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