Back home, Min Qili saw the message from Cong Shang.

【Qingqing is fine, she is fully awake now and can eat. 】

After taking a bath, Min Qili took a change of clothes for Song Yuqing, and went to the hospital tomorrow to bring them to Song Yuqing.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, Min Qili held the hair dryer and stared at herself in the mirror in a daze.

The mobile phone vibrated to remind her to rest in the early morning, and Min Qili quickly dried her hair and went to bed to rest.

dreamless night

The next day, after breakfast, Min Qili drove to the hospital.

After the morning rush hour, the number of cars on the road began to decrease.

Min Qili drove carelessly, turned left at the intersection, and was about to arrive at the hospital, when suddenly a woman with messy hair rushed out.

Her mind returned instantly, Min Qili braked in time, did not touch the woman, and avoided a traffic accident.

However, the situation of the woman on the opposite side seems to be not so good.

The woman fell to the ground, clutching her stomach and starting to twitch.

Thinking of the news she had read, Min Qili was worried about touching the porcelain and dared not get out of the car.

He dialed Yaoyao Ling's phone number and stared at the woman without blinking while holding the steering wheel.

The woman's abdomen is swollen, and there seems to be bleeding under her body; she has experienced the feeling of miscarriage, and she can hear faint cries for help in her ears.

The feeling of miscarriage at that time haunted me again.

She knew the feeling of being powerless to protect a little life and watching him disappear when she had a miscarriage.

Finally, she relented; before the police arrived, she got out of the car and checked the situation of the woman.

"How are you, are you all right?"

Just as she opened her mouth, the twitching woman suddenly hugged her thigh, "It was you, you killed my child, it was you, you killer."


Like a madman, the woman pulled Min Qili's thigh and started yelling, calling many people.

People will sympathize with the weak, especially roles like women.

People on the stage noticed the blood under her bulging abdomen, some people condemned her, some people called an ambulance, and some people watched the show without their business
"Girl, you see that you drive such a good car, you just admit it; you are always like this, and you will lose a little money"

An old man in a Chinese tunic suit "kindly" stood up and wanted to be a peacemaker.

"You know what happened, you are a good person, you are not her accomplice, are you, you belong to the Pengci Group." Min Qili glanced coldly.

The police came and dispersed the uncles and aunts who were watching the theater.

The old man in the Chinese tunic suit kindly introduced the situation to the police, and Min Qili couldn't help but sneer when she heard the facts that had distorted Country X.

"Mr. Police, should we send this person to the hospital now? Her child seems to be dying."

The gentleman in the Chinese tunic suit took the opportunity to leave, and Min Qili grabbed it, "Since you said it was me, let's wait for a result; it seems that you are free. I will take full responsibility for anything, and you can apologize to me for nothing."

Min Qili stared at the old man in the Chinese tunic suit, not caring about the pregnant woman touching porcelain.

The pregnant woman had the emergency contact information of the family members on her body, and the police called the family members according to the number.

The pregnant woman suffers from a mild mental illness. She suddenly became ill during the pregnancy test yesterday, and the family members searched for it all day and night.

The monitoring was mobilized again, and it was finally confirmed that Min Qili was wronged and did not hit the pregnant woman at all.

Pregnant women are disease attack, mental confusion.

"Please apologize to me."

Min Qili looked at the man in the Chinese tunic suit.

The man in the Chinese tunic suit didn’t feel that he was wrong at all, and poked his neck, “That’s right, that’s right, don’t do it next time; young people, don’t be so fussy, there is still a long way to go, so I won’t bother with you this time.” gone."

"Really, since you choose to forgive me," Min Qili pursed her lips and smiled kindly at the old man in the tunic suit, "then I will start to care."

The old man in the Chinese tunic suit was speechless.

The police also began to persuade her with good words, hinting openly and secretly.

"However, he violated my right of reputation; many people recorded the video at that time, what should I do in the future? Just because I am young, should I be wronged for no reason?"

The two sides were at a stalemate, and the man in the tunic suit called his daughter to uphold justice for him.
Su Yi hurried over and saw the old father sitting pitifully on the chair, an unknown fire was instantly ignited.

"Min Qili," sneered, "I mean, my dad is usually an honest man and doesn't provoke others, so how could he enter the police station? Min Qili, are you avenging private revenge, or are you taking this opportunity to contact Li Juehong? Want him to change his mind, remarry you, and let you enter Li's house again?"

"What did you say?" Min Qili crossed her arms and rubbed her eyes irritably, "Were you talking just now, suddenly there were mosquitoes screaming, can you repeat it?"

Su Yi gasped and clenched her fists; her eyes blazed with fire and murderous intent, and she said, "Mr. Police, this is a misunderstanding; this is a family matter between us. This woman is divorced and wants us to meet her." Change your mind, thank you for your hard work."

"Mr. Police, what is the crime of spreading rumors?"

Min Qili took a step closer and looked at her.

Su Yi's face was covered with cosmetics, just like painting a wall.

"Miss Su, you're a fan; you said I asked for a change of heart, do you know how grandma would feel when she heard this?"

Min Qili took out her mobile phone which was in the middle of a call.

Seeing a series of familiar numbers, Su Yi glared at her angrily, "Min Qili, you deliberately framed me."

"I'm not interested in intentionally framing someone. You guys are too outrageous. Talking about something that doesn't exist confuses me. Of course I have to call for verification."

"Grandma, are you listening, it's about me."

"Go back to the old house, Qili, you come back too."

Grandma Li put down a sentence, and the phone call stopped abruptly.

Su Yi was humiliated, and it was the first time she lost face in front of her father.

"What are you looking at? I'll tell you not to meddle in your own business. Look, you're satisfied."

Unable to lose her temper with Min Qili, Su Yi vented her anger on the old man in the tunic suit, left him and left.

"You know Su Yi, she told us that Grandma Li likes her very much, what's going on now?"

The man in the Chinese tunic asked Min Qili kindly.

Min Qili shrugged lightly, "I don't know either, it's better for you to ask yourself about this matter; I don't need your apology, I'll go first."
Leaving the police station, Min Qili sent the changed clothes to the hospital.

Song Yuqing was eating a light sick meal when she saw Min Qili wink playfully at her.

"Qi Li, you're here; I'm already healed, so don't worry about me."

"You, if you are bullied on the set, you have to tell me; although my senior brother doesn't have any great skills, he is more than enough to protect you. Fortunately, you are fine this time. If something happens to you, I don't know what to do; you Do you know how worried I am about you this time, you must take care of yourself, you know?"

Min Qili's voice was slightly choked, and a tear slowly flowed down.

Song Yuqing was infected and cried out of breath, "Qi Li, I won't do it next time; this bastard, I originally wanted to clean him up after the filming was done. Unexpectedly, I didn't give him tofu, so he Started messing with me. I was hanging in the air all the time, I was scared to death at that time, but luckily you came."

The sobbing sound in the room couldn't be suppressed, and it floated outside through the crack of the door; Cong Shang stood at the door, listening to the suppressed crying of the two, dialed the phone, and made people punish the bastard director even more.

Hearing his miserable cry, his heart felt as still as water; his voice changed from clear to hoarse, and he told them to stop.

"Forget it this time, and continue next time; expose the matter, push it through multiple channels, and let as many people know as possible."

After explaining all this, Cong Shang opened the door and came in.

"Okay, don't cry; Song Yuqing, I can hear your voice in the hallway, you are a female star, let your fans know, they will laugh at you."

Song Yuqing left Min Qili's arms, took out a tissue to wipe off the tears and snot on her face.

"I'm posting this out of feeling, my fans will understand me, and I don't have any fans, who cares about me; how will that scumbag be dealt with, will he be blocked? I heard that there is a lot of power behind him, Can you?"

"Don't worry, there is no one I can't deal with, brother."

Cong Shang patted Song Yuqing's head affectionately, looking at Min Qili with red eyes.

"Qi Li, he has confessed everything; those who are bullied by him are willing to help testify, and he will be punished the most severely. Even if this kind of scum is punished, he has no shame; it is best to hit them The best way to do that is to let them know that they are nothing and that their harm is nothing more than that."

"Practice, you are right. Qingqing, don't shed tears either; shedding tears is a sign of the weak, and letting those who bully us weep is the best way to fight back."

Min Qili helped Song Yuqing wipe away the tears on her face.

They looked at each other and smiled.

"Brother, we're fine; can you tell us now, how do you deal with that bastard?"

Cong Shang turned on the TV in the ward.

The news about the director of the bastard was urgently interrupted, and the news was broadcast on every major screen in the country; the deeds of the bastard were exposed, and the people of the whole country knew about it.

On the Internet, there are 99999+ floors of crusades about this bastard director.

The programs and interviews he has appeared in are all full of barriers.

Among them, the most pitiful is the editor.

As the main guest, he participated in a show, which was scheduled tonight; because of his sudden accident, the editor who hadn't had lunch started to get angry again.

A filthy incident was exposed, followed by skinning one after another; along with it, the filthy maggots were caught along the way.

Seeing the intensifying online comments, Min Qili calmly turned off the screen.

"Brother, I didn't expect so many people to have suffered similar injuries."

"The harm will never stop, but some people will fight back and give themselves the best protection so that others will not dare to hurt themselves; and those cowardly people choose to calm down and give them the courage to continue doing evil. Our this time The counterattack gave many people courage; I will investigate the relevant deeds, and if it is true, I will deal with them one by one."

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