Moreover, he told Li Juehong about this, and they were already comrades-in-arms.

Li Juehong already knew what kind of virtue he was.

Thinking of this, Su Qin played games with more peace of mind.

So, except for Su Qin, everyone in the Su family stood at the door to welcome Li Juehong.

Seeing two cars stop, they went straight to Li Juehong's car.

"Boss Li, you're here."

Su Kang looked at Li Juehong with a smile, with a flattering and obvious smile on his face.

Li Juehong froze for such an undisguised flattery at such a close distance, and nodded.

"Uncle Su, you are an elder, just call me Juehong; today I was invited by you as a guest, so don't be so reserved." Li Juehong said politely.

Hearing his politeness, the Su family thought that the marriage contract could not be escaped, so they smiled more sincerely.

Su Qi laughed along with her, and looked at Li Juehong begging for help.
Can you please stop talking this time?

Li Juehong ignored him and was polite to everyone in the Su family.

Surrounded into the living room, Li Juehong saw Su Qin who was fighting fiercely; he smiled inexplicably, "Who is this?"

Seeing that his son was only playing games and didn't come to greet the guests; Su Kang snatched his mobile phone, "What are you playing, Mr. Li is here, hurry up and say hello to Mr. Li."

"Dad, I'm about to win, give me your phone."

Su Kang, who lost face, put his phone away, forced Su Qin to be a good baby, and said hello to Li Juehong.

There was no hope of getting the phone back, so Su Qin reluctantly greeted Li Juehong.

"Hello Mr. Li, my name is Su Qin, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

Li Juehong greeted with a smile.

The last dish was brought to the table, and Su Kang greeted everyone to serve quickly.

Looking at the table full of dishes, Li Juehong understood that they attached great importance to this marriage contract; but he was sorry, he didn't like Su Qi, and he would not feel guilty towards them because he couldn't fulfill the marriage contract, so he gave up on Min Qili .

"Uncle and aunt, today's dishes are very rich. First of all, I would like to thank you for your hospitality; however, I will not eat here. I was invited to come today, and you should know some answers, so I will get straight to the point."

The engagement failed, Su Kang poured a glass of wine, and drank it affectionately and gloomily.

"Today I am here to withdraw the engagement. I did not agree to this engagement from the very beginning; from the discussion to the engagement, you and grandma have been discussing it. I am honored to have such an excellent fiancée as Ms. Su; sorry, I must The reason for rejecting Miss Su, because I have someone I like."


"I hope you can understand. In the meantime, we can connect on other things. Can I borrow a printer?"

Su Qin raised his hand positively, "Yes, here."

Guided Li Juehong into the study.

"Boss Li, you know how to use it."


Li Juehong replied indifferently, and began to print the documents.

Su Qin leaned against the wall carelessly, looking at Li Juehong's cold profile.

"When will you need me? I can't wait. Can my eldest sister really come back?"

After printing, Li Juehong held the ink-scented document and glanced at Su Qin.

"This matter depends on how hard you work; if you are sincere, she will come back immediately."

After finishing speaking, Li Juehong came out with the sorted documents.

"Mr. Su, this is the cooperation plan for the new century. Although the Su family is no longer what it used to be, the reputation of the Su family is still the highest in the industry. As long as you are willing to cooperate, Mrs. Li is willing to help you replace the latest equipment and help you Accelerate the completion of a new round of financing. In the future, the Su family will be Li's most preferred partner."

Su Kang is in a dilemma.

He has three children.

The eldest daughter has no sense of shame and has been kicked out of the house; the younger son is ignorant and useless; the second daughter is sensible since she was a child, and has already started to contact the company's affairs and help him share.

Li Juehong is an excellent husband.

Similarly, a fresh and fat temptation is in front of them, what the Su family needs is such an opportunity.

However, such an opportunity was indeed exchanged for her daughter's marriage.

"President Li, can you give us some time to think?"

Li Juehong nodded, "Yes, but time is limited; many people are waiting for this opportunity, Uncle Su, I was the first to think of you, I hope you don't let me down."

After Li Juehong left, Mrs. Su asked people to remove all the delicacies from the table.

Su Kang picked up the plan and glanced at Su Qi.

"Let's go upstairs."
second floor, study

"Xiaoqi, Dad knows that you have always been a proud person; it may be very difficult for you to give up this engagement and miss out on such an excellent husband as Li Juehong. But our family really needs such an opportunity."

Su Kang looked at Su Qi in embarrassment.

Su Qi nodded, "Dad, I know. If Li Juehong and I get married as soon as possible, Li Juehong will not give up on the Su family. I don't have to miss such a good husband."

"you want"

"Dad, Li Juehong has someone he likes; the person he likes hasn't accepted her yet. Grandma Li liked his ex-wife very much before, and has been urging them to get back together; but so what, it's not that I am now fiancée."

Su Qi looked firm.

She has been a competitive person since she was a child, and she will definitely hold such an outstanding person like Li Juehong firmly in her hands.

And have the confidence to succeed.

"Xiaoqi," Su Kang tore up the plan, "Dad can find other opportunities, and you can also find better people to entrust your life to; Regrets. The future life is still very long, and Dad doesn't want you to be unhappy."

The previous Sukang could pay any price for profit.

As he grows up and his eldest daughter leaves home, he begins to understand the importance of family members, and a happy family is more important than anything else.

"Dad, I won't have anyone I like anymore, so it doesn't matter who I marry; Dad, let's find another way together. In the end, there is no way, and you can't hinder me."

Su Kang hated his incompetence, and nodded in agreement helplessly.

They edited the text messages together and rejected Li Juehong's invitation to cooperate.

[President Li, I am Su Kang from the Su Group, thank you for your invitation to cooperate, and hope that we will have the opportunity to cooperate next time. 】
When Li Juehong went home and saw Su Kang's text message, he was surprised for a while.

Reply to express understanding.

Call Su Qin again.

"Mr. Li, did my dad agree? Do you have anything to tell me?"

"Keep an eye on your father and your sister, and let me know if they make any moves; as for your elder sister, there is a chance for you to meet, and you try to ask her why she was kicked out of the house."


Su Qin opened his mouth wide and spoke with difficulty, "President Li, my eldest sister doesn't even answer my phone calls, can she see me? I will keep an eye on my sister and my dad, and don't see my eldest sister."

"Your eldest sister misses you family members very much. If she knows that you don't want to see her, she will be very sad."

Su Qin is a person who is easy to soften his heart. He frowned and pondered, and suddenly decided, "Mr. Li, it's all up to you."
After the ointment was absorbed, the color of the scar became significantly lighter.

Song Yuqing was amazed as she walked.

"Qi Li, I only heard that it is very useful before, but I didn't expect it to be so miraculous; how can there be such a miraculous thing in the world, but the price is beyond my imagination. If I work harder, maybe."

Balabala, Song Yuqing said a lot, but Min Qili didn't respond at all.

Gently nudging her, "Qi Li, what's the matter? Looking at this miraculous ointment, what are you thinking; are you thinking about its maker, or the person who sold it to you? Is it a handsome guy or a beautiful woman?"

"It's Li Juehong."

Min Qili replied subconsciously.

". Li Juehong?"

Song Yuqing suddenly felt that this ointment didn't seem to be so.
"Why did he suddenly give you this ointment? Could it be that you were injured? Qili, why didn't you tell me where you were injured? You are worried about my hand, and I am also worried about your injury. You have to tell me."

"I am fine."

Min Qili held Song Yuqing's hand that was checking her body, "I met Su Yi on the way to the hospital, and something happened; I went back to the old house to deal with it, but accidentally got injured. Li Juehong gave this special medicine to her. Me, he said to give it to me, and he wants to remarry me."

". Qili, do you want to remarry?"

"He has a fiancee now, so it's meaningless to say these things; Qingqing, I won't go back for a few days, I will accompany you to shoot tomorrow. The brother said that he will support us. If there are still people in the crew who bully us, we will take revenge on the spot. ,Don't worry."

Song Yuqing nodded, "Congshang is still useful in these matters. The crew are all very nice, except for Nan Huan who is making trouble."
Due to the rubbish director, the internal staff of the crew regrouped again; the progress of the filming was not delayed, and the progress was crazily rushed every day.

Today's shooting is a big scene.

From the top to bottom of the crew, from the leading role to the extras, all must be present.

There are big names in guest appearances everywhere in the crew.

Nan Huan pulled a senior to greet him.

"Come back, I thought you would quit the crew; everyone likes you very much now, and helped everyone drive away a big gangster."

Nan Huan said proudly, she didn't say a single thank you, the meaning of gratitude was everywhere.

"So, you miss me? Don't worry, I am very happy to have a friend like you; as long as I am still in the circle for a day, I will try my best to find you to play with. You also have to come to play with me."

Song Yuqing said playfully.

"Whoever wants to play with you, just pretend to be affectionate."

Nan Huan left angrily.

"You seem to have a good relationship, but Nan Huan is actually not that kind of heinous person."

"She's not a bad person, but she's not a good person either; Qili, let's go and see Su Qing, she's getting married today."

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