Chapter 579 Of course I want to help you
"May I be here, please?"

Su Qi held the plate and looked at Min Qili provocatively.

Min Qili loosened her grip on the chopsticks, and took a deep breath, "Of course, Miss Su, sit down."

Su Qi sat opposite Min Qili, and Li Juehong sat beside Min Qili.

"When did Miss Min come? Juehong is a clumsy man. Tell me next time. I will definitely take good care of Miss Min."

"I invited Qili to come, and Qili is my guest; my guest, I don't need you to entertain me."

Li Juehong said, "I remember that the Su family's company is far away from here. Would it be too hard to come to Li's for lunch?"

"My fiancé is having lunch with another woman, and the employees in your company are talking about me, saying that I am not worthy of you, and you are a match made in heaven; Li Juehong, my face is lost here, if I don't come again , is the next step, you go to get a certificate to remarry?" Su Qi sullen.

"Sorry, I don't know what kind of trouble this incident has caused you; since, you think I saved your face, do you need me to apologize to you?"

Min Qili didn't want to let the flames of war burn on her, so she took the initiative to resolve it; unexpectedly, Su Qi refused directly, and taunted her mercilessly.

"How dare you apologize? Ms. Min, you and Juehong have gotten together, do you still care about this?"

"Your Min family really has a fine tradition."

"They said this, you must be very proud; you have been recognized, you are the most suitable. My decent fiancee has been demoted to nothing."

Su Qi is a strong woman, how could she be so narrow-minded?
Min Qili thought it was funny and didn't want to explain.

"Miss Su, you misunderstood me so much and slandered me; should I admit it or deny it? No matter what you do, you look down on me. Now that the conclusion has been settled, you can continue to misunderstand me. There is no relationship between us." It is necessary to communicate."

The rice on Min Qili's plate is a daily special, and some people still can't eat it.

After Su Qi made such a fuss, Min Qili lost her appetite.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"I'm full, I have no appetite."

Li Juehong directly poured her rice into his bowl.

With such an action of swearing sovereignty, everyone on the field froze, subconsciously looking at Su Qi.

Su Qi's face turned red and blue for a while.

"Li Juehong, I'm your fiancée, why are you doing this? Is Min Qili really worth it? Don't you know that she is a flirtatious bastard; you probably don't know, he and a man They are living together, and the relationship between them is very intimate. Don't wear a cuckold without knowing it."

Suki pulls out the ultimate weapon.

Throwing a stack of photos on the table, Zhang Min Qili smiled at Cong Shang.

There are several photos of the living room with the curtains not drawn.

"I'm really pretty."

Min Qili was not afraid of the oblique shadow, so she picked up a photo and began to appreciate it.

The male owner of the photo is Cong Shang, and the female host is Min Qili; from Zheng Ding, Li Juehong has learned that Cong Shang is not a suitor.

It is their brother who has fought together for many years.

Congshang is just his senior brother, they are family members who have struggled with each other for many years.


Li Juehong picked up the photo and praised, "Qili, you are really beautiful, but it's a pity that the man opposite is too obtrusive."

The two started exchanging photos.

Su Qi didn't understand, she sent people to follow her hard, the best weapon for alienation, was it resolved like this?
"Li Juehong, this is a green hat, so don't be angry. They've been together for a long time, maybe they even slept together"

Min Qili threw the photo in her hand to the ground, and looked at Su Qi with a cold face.

"First of all, you are Su Qing's younger sister; secondly, you are Li Juehong's fiancée; and because you are a capable person. That's why I respect you so much, but it doesn't mean that you can make progress every time; say something Rumors, rumors to slander me."

"If you like to spread these photos, I can send one to each of them. But, Miss Su, please read the law well. It is against the law to spread rumors."

Min Qili left with a plate.

Li Juehong picked up the photos and put them away one by one.

"I don't want to see these photos in the future. I know what you want to do; the situation of the Su family is getting more and more difficult. You want me to marry you and help the Su family."

"I won't marry you. If you need me to help the Su family, I've already given you the solution. Let's see if you catch it."

Li Juehong put away his things, and looked at her with both disappointment and coercion.

This glance made Su Qi tremble.

Then, clench your fists so that you don't look scared.

She is a fiancée who has gone through the engagement ceremony, so she is not afraid.

The Su family has stood up again, and she is Mrs. Li.
Li's Restaurant has an elevator that goes directly to the rooftop.

"Qi Li, don't worry, I will take care of this matter."

"Li Juehong, I'm not worried about this; I'm just wondering why it happened like this. Since grandma chose Su Qi to be your fiancee, it means that she has let go of me; you should let me go too, she is so persistent to you. This time it’s a photo, Congshang is my senior brother, this matter can be made clear; what about next time? People are awesome, you won’t worry if you are Li Juehong, but I’m already an ordinary person.”

"Qi Li, I understand your concern. The condition I gave Su Qi to terminate the engagement is that she is not willing to terminate the engagement. I will speed up the resolution of this matter, can you wait for me?"

"The wind is very warm today, and the weather forecast says it will snow for the first time; do you remember the first snowfall last time? It was the first time we met after our divorce. We have been divorced for more than a year; I should also start a new relationship, always Being entangled with you will eventually become a bad debt. Starting today, let's try to let go, and you will start to let go too, okay?"

Min Qili said softly.

A few hours ago, he promised that he would not make Min Qili sad again; he didn't expect to break his promise so soon.

Nodding her head in agreement, she smiled sourly, "Qi Li, I will work hard."

"Give me the key."

After getting the car keys, Min Qili left.

They walked silently, leaving no trace of her smell in the air.
Min Qili was absent-minded all the way home.

After returning home, Min Qili lay on the bed and couldn't close her eyes.

"What's wrong with me?"

"This time it's time to get rid of it, why aren't you happy?"

"Am I unhappy?"

"I should be happy."

Min Qili was talking to herself, clutching her heart.

Enter one word at a time in the dialog box, "OK."

Yan Jiaruo is going on a business trip to the next city tomorrow, and there are only her and Song Jinyi; worried that she will be "mistreated" by Song Jinyi, Yan Jiaruo asks Min Qili to follow and help.

Going to the next door city is just a good way to relax; to get in touch with different things, life can be fresh.

After packing up her clothes, Min Qili soaked in the bathtub and watched the drama.

The afternoon passed quickly.

After tidying herself up, Min Qili feels at ease physically and mentally.

Tonight Cong Shang will cook with his own hands.

Song Yuqing finished work early and lay on the massage chair in the living room enjoying a brief moment of comfort.

"Qi Li, you are at home, I thought you went out again; I called you just now, but you didn't answer me. Cong Shang put the fruit cut for you on the fresh-keeping layer of the refrigerator."

Min Qili opened the refrigerator and poured herself a glass of milk, "I'm going to the next city tomorrow, do you have anything to bring?"

"Neighboring City?" Song Yuqing sat up halfway, the mask on her face almost fell off; after putting it on, she patted the mask on her face lightly, "Qi Li, what are you doing in Neighboring City?"

"If the Yan family is going on a business trip with Song Jinyi, and if the Yan family is worried that they will be bullied by Lawyer Song, they invite me to join them; there are a lot of troubles recently, so this is just a chance to relax."

Song Yuqing nodded affirmatively, "It's good to go to relax, Qili, you go, I fully support you; don't bring me anything, just have fun, Qili."

"What do you bring?"

Cong Shang came out with a plate and asked curiously.

"Qi Li is going to the next city to relax tomorrow, and by the way, accompany the Yan family on a business trip."

"Qili is going to relax!" Cong Shang clicked twice on the screen, and in the next second Min Qili received a transfer of 100 million from Cong Shang.

"Senior brother supports you, we Qili must have fun and relax; talk about those annoying things and throw them out."

Song Yuqing looked at Min Qili's transfer amount, shook her head and said, "Inhumane."

"Brother, filming has been too hard recently, can you reward me?" Song Yuqing acted cute.

"You are Wu Ziyu's girlfriend, and your boyfriend is away on a business trip, you can ask him to reward you."

"Don't mention this boyfriend." Thinking of Wu Ziyu, Song Yuqing was speechless.

"When we were on our [-]th day, I sent him those celebration videos on the Internet, and he would give me a hmm; I didn't understand what I meant at all. Why did I get together with him in the first place for such a straight man who doesn't understand the style?"

Song Yuqing said bitterly, "But. My boyfriend is still very good. I heard that he bought another company."

The two are noisy, and the relationship will get better and better.

Min Qili helped Cong Shang bring the dishes to the table.

In the kitchen, Cong Shang looked at Min Qili with an indifferent expression.

"Qi Li, Li Juehong told me everything that happened to you today; I will deal with Su Qi's matter with him, and you can relax. If the next city is not enough, go to another city, or go abroad. Wait for you After returning, Su Qi's matter will definitely be resolved."

"Brother, I am not such a fragile person; you have helped me solve many things, and I can also face them myself."

"We are family, you are Qili, of course I will help you."

"Then trouble brother. Su Qi is a very responsible person, and she did these things for the Su family; she did these things alone, can you not involve the Su family? The Min family is already in my hands destroyed."

The Min family disappeared, and the Min's building was auctioned off to pay off the debt.

Min's employees scattered, and now the Min's building has become a combination of various small companies.

(End of this chapter)

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