Chapter 607 Yan Jiaruo: Why?
As Xu Dong talked, he talked about the "moving" "love history" between him and Yan Jiaruo.

"What did you say?"

Yan Wei's thunderous voice came from far and near, and the voice was full of tyrannical displeasure, "Can you be responsible for your words?"

Xu Dong knew Yan Wei, and when he saw him coming, he thought he had neglected him, so he hurried forward to shake hands, "Hello, Uncle, I am Xu Dong, Xiao Ruo's fiancé; Xiao Ruo should have told you about this. We are going to get married next time."

Yan Wei's nose was almost crooked, he pointed at him and looked at Yan Jiaruo, "What he said is true, do you really want to get married?"

"It seems that you are very happy. Did you participate in this matter?"

Xu Dong waved his hands again and again to help Yan Wei get rid of the suspicion.

"Uncle didn't know about this, but it was my aunt who contacted me; I didn't expect that Xiao Ruo and I could really have a marriage."

"Who is your aunt?" Yan Wei was on the verge of breaking out.

It happened that Xu Ying came over, and Xu Dong pointed at her excitedly, "Uncle, she is my aunt, and my aunt is Xu Ying; I met you last time at your wedding, have you forgotten?"

Xu Dong's words involved another matter that the Yan family didn't know.

"When did you hold your wedding?" Yan Jiaruo felt strong betrayal and deceit.

Yan Wei contributed a lot to Xu Ying being so arrogant; is it fun to keep everything from her and treat her like a fool?

Every time she and Xu Ying quarreled, would Yan Wei coax her as gently as possible at night?
The atmosphere became tense, and Xu Dong also began to shut up.

"Xiao Ruo, listen to me explain to you."

"There's no need to explain, you all think of me as an idiot; am I not worthy to know anything? Since you keep everything from me, there is no need for me to exist in this family."

If the Yan family turned around and was about to leave, Xu Dong grabbed her.

"Where are you going, Xiao Ruo? Aren't we here to discuss marriage?"

Xu Dong's hypocritical appearance made Yan Jiaruo feel disgusted, and everyone on the field felt disgusted.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? What qualifications do you have to make me like you? Go to whoever says I like you; let her give you a daughter-in-law, don't try to join me in the fun. Next time if I see you , I'll beat you back to your original form."

Yan Jiaruo doesn't care about anything now.

It's all deception, what else is real?

"So you lied to me just now?"

"I never knew you, and I won't know you; don't implicate me in the mess between you and Xu Ying, I think it's dirty."

If the Yan family didn't want anything this time, they opened the door and ran out.

It's all fake and not worth it.

Running wildly on the street, if the Yan family didn't feel sad, they just felt that their chest was getting colder and colder, as if they were pierced.

The mobile phone was also lost during the run.

Now she is lost in the city.

Only the hunger and cold reminded her that it was both true and false.

Now, she began to rejoice.

Without Song Jinyi's "devil's exercise", she might really become a "dodder".

After mastering the survival skills, the Yan family can survive in this city by themselves.
When you are hungry, you can always find delicious food in the city inadvertently.

If the Yan family is just walking on an ordinary street, they can smell a lot of fragrances.

Rubbing his stomach in pain, he suddenly began to regret his arbitrariness.

After being annoyed, he looked energetic again.

"It's already gone, what do you still think about those?"

Clutching his hungry stomach, Yan Jiaruo made plans for his future while walking.

Passing by a barbecue stand, Yan Jiaruo finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Boss, are you recruiting here?"

The boss looked up at Yan Jiaruo.

"We don't recruit workers here."

"It's ok."

Yan Jiaruo lowered his head in frustration, and the moment he turned around, the boss flipped the barbecue.

There was an obvious "cuckoo cluck" sound, and she shyly found a crack in the ground to get in.

He strode wildly.

Yan Jiaruo slowed down when she ran to a place where no one would recognize her.

"Song Jinyi is right, I really can't live on."

Looking up and seeing the road sign, Yan Jiaruo discovered from his thin memory that this place is very close to Song Jinyi's apartment.

Do you want to ask Song Jinyi for help?

The urge to give up is defeated by the reality of hunger.

"Go ahead, grown-ups can bend and stretch; how many times has Song Jinyi seen him make a fool of himself?"

With a goal in mind, the Yan family's actions speeded up significantly.

Soon they arrived at the door of Song Jinyi's apartment.

Looking at the familiar house number, Yan Jiaruo frowned and closed his eyes, "As an adult, you can bend and stretch."

After knocking twice, Song Jin opened the door with a click, just like Xianle.

Yan Jiaruo swears that he has never been so pleasing to the eye.

"You..." Song Jin didn't hide his disgust, causing Yan Jiaruo's flattering smile to froze on his face.

Is her image really not that good now?
But, who can guarantee that there will be no downtime?

"Lawyer Song, I'm so hungry now, can you give me something to eat?"

"come in."

If the Yan family has been here countless times, they always stop at the door to deliver materials; they have never been inside, just to visit the cave inside.

The decoration of Song Jin's family is very simple, which is very different from his impression.

"The things are in the kitchen, you can make whatever you want later."

If the Yan family is locked in the kitchen, Song Jinyi will do whatever she wants.

Before entering the door, Yan Jiaruo was still worried that Song Jin would dismiss her casually in a while; unexpectedly, let her be casual.

Now she is like a mouse that fell into a rice bowl, very happy.

Yan Jiaruo soon filled his stomach, and began to taste in small bites; while eating, he looked at the things in the kitchen.

No one wanted Song Jinyi's traces of living alone.

After eating enough, the Yan family had nothing to worry about, so they leaned against the cupboard and fell asleep unknowingly.
As soon as Song Jin finished processing the documents, he walked to the door of the kitchen; he tapped the door twice, "Are you full?"

No one responded.

"You don't answer me, I came in; this is my home, don't do bad things."

Push the door to enter.

The kitchen was cleaned up by Yan Jiaruo, there should be something good in the dream, Yan Jiaruo had a soft smile on his face.

"If you listen to me, will you suffer like this?"

After Yan Jiaruo ran out of the house, Yan Wei looked for everyone she knew; among them was her former boss——Song Jinyi. house to rest.

Waking her up, "Take a shower and rest in the living room."

As soon as Yan Jiaruo woke up, Song Jinyi threw over his clothes and covered his head.

"Also, wash your dirty clothes."

Noticing Song Jinyi's disgust, the Yan family dared not speak up, "Okay, Lawyer Song."
Song Jinyi had already taken a shower, his hair was slightly dripping, and he was sitting in the living room, flicking the channels and watching the evening news.

The sound of splashing water came from the bathroom, and Yan Jiaruo was taking a bath in it.

The host's voice filled every corner of the room.

At this moment, no one is aware of the ambiguous atmosphere, they are like husband and wife.

The sound of water stopped abruptly, and Yan Jiaruo came out wearing Song Jinyi's clothes.

As soon as she came out, the ambiguous atmosphere dissipated, and became dull in an instant.

"Lawyer Song, I've washed and dried my clothes; you've already fed me, can I ask you one more thing, take me in for a night?" Yan Jiaruo begged.

Song Jinyi showed Yan Jiaruo the interface where Yan Wei contacted him, "Your father has already contacted me, and you ran away from home; Yan Jiaruo, why did you run away from home? With me, if you feel wronged, you will Will go back with a yell; how did you become a quail with them?"

"It's different." Yan Jiaruo grabbed the folded part, "Lawyer Song, they are different from you; you are a reasonable person, and they are unreasonable and unreasonable bastards."

"I once taught you, Yan Jiaruo, do you still remember?" Song Jin asked, ignoring the tears in Yan Jiaruo's eyes.

Yan Jiaruo nodded.

"Just use the method I gave you to get it back; remember, no one can help you all the time. Do you understand this truth?"

Yan Jiaruo nodded again.

"Okay, I'll accompany you tomorrow, let's find it together."

"But, I lost my phone and everything is in there."

"I'll help you find your mobile phone. Is your Weiyun turned on? As long as you have Weiyun, you will get twice the result with half the effort tomorrow."

After leaving Song Jinyi's studio, Yan Jiaruo uninstalled Weiyun.

Now I can only store my hope in my mobile phone, "No."

"It's okay, just remember it later."

"Aren't you angry, Lawyer Song?"

"Why should I be angry?"

"Because I deleted Weiyun and didn't listen to you."

Song Jin laughed lowly, "It's understandable. I'm too strict with you, and I will definitely have a rebellious mentality; everyone has rebellious times, and they will understand after the end. Moreover, I set an example first, No one else will say anything."

Yan Jiaruo nodded affirmatively.

It was precisely because of Song Jinyi's self-strict example that so many people came to apply for the job one after another.

Compared with these people, I am really lucky.

"Lawyer Song, do you think I'm wrong?"

"You are not wrong about this matter. No matter what the reason is, you should not hide it from you."

"They also found Xu Ying's nephew and said that I would marry him; I don't know what I was rumored to be. Lawyer Song, I never hurt Xu Ying. Why did you do this to me?"

Yan Jiaruo's eyes were full of painful struggle and paranoid puzzlement.

"Yan family, if you wake me up, this matter is not your fault; if you keep blaming yourself, you are consuming yourself. This will let them get what they want. Can you accept this result?"

Yan Jiaruo shook his head, "But."

"No, but, I'm here; I'll accompany you tomorrow, don't be afraid, don't worry. My client never worries about whether I will fail, but only worries about whether his rights are the best. "

(End of this chapter)

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