Xu Ying used simple and straightforward words to describe the past that the Yan family did not know.

The story told is as straightforward, brutal and ridiculous as Xu Ying.

"It turns out that you have experienced so many things before I knew it; the first time was when I was a sophomore in high school?"

Yan Jiaruo looked at Yan Wei with a smile on his face, "At the beginning, I told you that I was envious of other people's families having mothers; I'm going to study outside the university, so I can't stay with you all the time. Find someone you like and accompany you. With you, so as not to be lonely in the future."

"Do you remember how you answered me?"
"Xiao Ruo, Dad is satisfied with you; as long as he has you, Dad will not be alone."

Recalling Yan Wei's gentle appearance back then, imitating his tender tone.

Yan Wei also murmured, and after finishing speaking, his lowered head lowered.

"Are you still my original father? Or, you are no longer the original father, and you have changed your core, so your words and deeds have changed?"

"Xiao Ruo, these are all explainable, just listen to Dad."

"Listen to your explanation, or listen to your deception?" Yan Jiaruo said calmly, "I am no longer a child, you have told me since I was a child, 'Everyone is an independent individual and should be respected.' Do you respect me?"

The concealed facts were revealed to everyone, and Yan Wei didn't know how to face the disappointed Yan Jiaruo.

"Father wants you to be happy all the time, and doesn't want these troubles to disturb you." Yan Wei finally spoke.

Yan Jiaruo sneered at something innocuous, "You have many ways to hide it from me, but Xu Ying still appeared in front of me."

"You have many ways to prevent Xu Ying from appearing in front of me. Could it be that you did it on purpose? Or do you think I'm a fool and won't find out?"

"If this matter has not been exposed, will I continue to be your silly daughter who doesn't know anything?"

"When she provoked me again and again, I was very unhappy. What are you doing?"

"Your words and deeds are not consistent at all. Are you a qualified good father?"

Seeing Yan Jiaruo's aura of daggers drawn, Xu Ying thought of Yan Wei's inadvertent words when they were warm with her after a certain movement of life.

She felt that this was a great opportunity to perform.

If Yan Jiaruo could be kicked out today, it would save a lot of trouble.

"My lord is doing all this for your own good. I have been with your dad for so many years, and I can clearly see how good he is to you."

"Yan Jiaruo, don't be dissatisfied."

"You take back these hurtful words now, and I can help you convince your dad that nothing happened."

Yan Jiaruo squinted at Xu Ying, "Nothing happened, including your child, can you put it back? Don't be so sanctimonious, I know what you are thinking."

"Then tell me, what am I thinking?"

Xu Ying behaved frankly, which was very different from usual.

"Since we don't understand this matter, let's talk about other things. When I died, her will left all the assets to me; when I was alive, all the assets should be transferred to my name. After a while The law firm is at work, let's go through the transfer procedures. What do you think, Dad."


"If you don't want to, you can say it directly. I won't ask you for the interest generated over the years."

"Yan Jiaruo, your father is still alive, just talking about property distribution, is there anyone who curses people like that?" Xu Ying said displeased.

Yan Jiaruo looked at her and said word by word, "This is my biological mother's will before she died, and it is for me; since my father doesn't love me, shouldn't I do it for myself? Are you planning to? Or, these assets have been eroded by you, the benefits are too much, I like it too much, and you don’t want to give it to me?"

Yan Wei's current assets are all worked together with Yan Jiaruo's mother when he was young; although their careers are closely linked, they are clearly separated.

Yan Jiaruo's mother is also well-known in the industry.

It was after her death that Yan Wei merged the properties of the two of them, and gradually became famous.

Now if the industry is separated again, Yan Wei's business map will be darkened by more than half.

"Xiao Ruo, I can give it to you; but, the employees will not accept a sudden change in management. I will return it to you, and remember to continue to take care of it for you? These are all our private actions."

"Then after you a hundred years, am I the bad guy who won't leave your brothers alive and robbed all your property? You want me to be a bad guy, dad, this is the last time I will call you dad; if you don't want to give me , let’s see you in court. You have your son and beautiful wife to accompany you, so you shouldn’t need my daughter very much.”

"Xiao Ruo, are we father and daughter really going to go this far?"

Looking at Yan Wei's sad look, Yan Jiaruo felt that it was extremely hypocritical.

Are you unwilling to give even a verbal promise?
Sure enough, men don't have a good thing.

When interests are involved, no matter how upright and kind people are, they will become devils.

"Lawyer Song Jinyi, you should have met him; he is now my lawyer and has accepted my commission. You can talk to him about the rest."

The Yan family was completely disappointed with this utterly hypocritical family, turned around and left, and handed over the place to Song Jinyi.

The wild man in front of him suddenly turned into a lawyer, and Xu Ying watched the change of roles on the field blankly.

"You" was surprised and couldn't say a complete sentence.

Song Jin looked at Xu Ying with a formulaic smile and nodded, "Yes, I am Ms. Yan Jiaruo's lawyer. You can talk to me about anything. As a lawyer, I will definitely protect my client's rights and interests. rights and interests."

"Xiao Song, I know that Xiao Ruo and I are angry, so you should help uncle, she was not such a child before." Yan Wei hypocritically asked Song Jin for help, but refused to give a false promise.

What can a promise lose?

"Sorry." Song Jin took a half step back to avoid suspicion, "Mr. Yan, I am now Ms. Yan Jiaruo's lawyer, please respect my profession."

"So, you want to help her too? Song Jinyi, do you believe that you can't continue in this circle?"

"Mr. Yan, my law firm's legal aid targets this year are Li's and Qi's domestic enterprises."

Yan Wei can dominate the entertainment circle.

Beyond the scope of the entertainment circle, he has to behave with his tail between his legs in front of the Li family, let alone the Qi family whose headquarters are abroad?

"I can accept this threat. Please ask lawyer Song to tell my daughter: Give me a few days, and I will sort out these things. I will give her nothing less, and don't feel that I have suffered a disadvantage in the end. Please also ask Song The lawyer's team, testify the whole time, don't let me bully Xiao Ruo."

"This is for sure. I will definitely protect what my people should have."

Song Jin replied with a smile.

Yan Wei felt the coercion being exerted unconsciously.
After Song Jin went far away, Yan Weicai gradually recovered from the coercion.

"You really failed to achieve more than you failed." Yan Wei looked at Xu Ying with resentment.

Xu Ying felt aggrieved, every step she took was for Yan Wei, and it was all under his hint, how could it become that she was not good enough?

"Yan Wei, tell me clearly, who is not enough to accomplish things? Don't you mean all this, you think I am willing to mess with your daughter; I don't want to touch that bullshit plaster. Don't forget How did you promise me in the first place?"

"You don't have to threaten me. If I'm finished, you won't feel good."

Yan Wei is still a loving father now, but has become a vicious ghost in hell.
If the Yan family came out of the house, they leaned against the window of the co-pilot; their eyes were unfocused and empty, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

"seat belt."

As soon as Song Jin reminded, he fastened it mechanically like a robot.

"Lawyer Song, do you think he has changed?"

"It's really strange today. My father was not like this before. Why did he become like this?"

"It's not my intention to want those things, I just want to prove that he loves me; I don't want to become a helpless person like Min Qili before."

"But, I really want to be more pitiful than her now."

"Everything is telling me now; your past is so ridiculous."

Yan Jiaruo suddenly felt very cold, so he hugged himself tightly; hugging tightly can't relieve the cold, it can only be harder.

"Yan Jiaruo, are you going to strangle yourself to death? Are you crazy, or are you trying to punish someone?"

Song Jinyi forcefully broke away from Yan Jiaruo's tight hug; forcefully told her to calm down.

"He has no fatherly love for you now, and doing so will only make him happy."

"Don't you want to find out why?"

Yan Jiaruo regained his sanity from the madness, and looked at Song Jinyi ignorantly like a baby, "Can you find out?"

"You don't trust others, am I not worthy of your dependence?"

"Lawyer Song, you are the only one I can trust now. Don't lie to me."

Yan Jiaruo clenched the corner of Song Jinyi's clothes, his eyes were full of pleading.

"I am a good lawyer, and you are my client; I will never deceive my people, and you can trust me completely."

"it is good."

After the words fell, Yan Jiaruo burst into tears.

The rattling couldn't stop, "I've always been strong, I'm strong now; Lawyer Song, just ignore me this time."

"My car windows are privacy-proof."

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