Chapter 623 Yin Jin Chapter: Visit
"Our school is very strict, so you must study hard."

"You think I'm really so useless, but I'm very powerful."

"Okay, you are the best."

The two chattered and quarreled like this until dawn; Ning Yiru's burden was slowly lifted, and the two fell asleep cuddled together.

Ning Yiru slept badly. At ten o'clock in the morning, she turned over and woke Yin Jin up.

Holding the painful position, Yin Jin looked helplessly at the dishonest girl.

"Go to sleep, everything will be fine, I will always take care of you."

After covering Ning Yiru with the quilt, Yin Jin, who lost his sleepiness, went out with his mobile phone.

Last night, the two talked very late, and they will definitely lose their appetite and even feel uncomfortable when they wake up today.

There were no extra ingredients in the refrigerator, so Yin Jin only made a pot of light porridge with pickled side dishes.

Take out a bowl of porridge and let it cool, then put the side dishes on the table; keep the remaining porridge in the pot to keep warm.

Yin Jin ran away from the graduation ceremony yesterday and missed a lot of things; the teacher left him a message, giving him time to go back to school to deal with it.
At 04:30 in the afternoon, the porridge was completely cold.

Ning Yiru finally woke up.

Looking at the bed that he completely occupied, he froze for a while.

"Where's Yin Jin?"

The afternoon sun shone into the room, sprinkled on Yin Jin's body, and coated him with a layer of golden light; this layer of golden light fell into Ning Yiru's eyes, and it became the light of a Buddha.

At this time, Yin and Jin were the disciples of Buddha who could not be desecrated.

It's so sinful, she robbed someone's bed last night.

Ning Yiru shook his head, went to the kitchen to bring out the whole bowl of porridge, and ate it leisurely with side dishes.

After finishing a bowl of porridge, Ning Yiru still felt hungry.

Licking the corner of his lips, he looked at the face as big as his own, "Why is Yin Jin so stingy, just a little bit."

"What did you say to me?"

Buddha came.

After breaking away from the golden light, Yin Jin returned to the mortal world and became that ordinary person again.

"I said, you've done too little. I'm hungry and I want to eat."

Looking at the empty porridge bowl, Yin Jin was speechless.

"All the ingredients at home are in your bowl, if you eat them all, then there is nothing to eat; if you are still hungry, I will take you to school to eat, and do something by the way."

"Barely agree."

Yin Jin's school is also his future school, so it's okay to get used to it in advance.
Yin Jin sent Ning Yiru to the school cafeteria and gave her the campus card as well.

"I'm going to the teacher to do something, and the money in the card should be enough for you."

Ning Yiru waved his hand, "Got it, let's go; don't worry, I won't be polite."

Standing at the door, you can smell the fragrance coming in from inside.

Ning Yiru had already locked on the target, and ran into the cafeteria after answering perfunctorily.

After ordering food, he waited beside him and checked the information on his mobile phone.

Suddenly a shadow fell over his face.

Ning Yiru put away her phone and smiled with her lips curled up.

"Oh, I see, Yin Jin's card; do you like him, or are you his girlfriend? This kind of crude drama is too old-fashioned, don't play it in front of me; no matter what it is, you shouldn't come looking for it Me, if you are angry, you should go to Yin Jin. He gave me this card."

Looking at the speechless people being bullied opposite, Ning Yiru didn't bother to talk to them.

"Okay, I'm going to eat, stay away from me; Yin Jin is coming soon, how about giving you a chance to get to know each other?"

Holding the meal in one hand, Ning Yiru shook the meal card in his hand.

With a bit of deliberation, I started to eat.
"What are you doing?"

Yin Jin looked at Ning Yiru with an exaggerated expression in surprise.

"You really want to know?" Ning Yiru smiled slyly, "Since you want to know so sincerely, I will tell you mercifully."

Ning Yiru pulled Yin Jin up to that person, "Now, let me introduce you solemnly, this is your suitor; I like you very much, I just bought a meal with your meal card, and she expressed strong dissatisfaction.”

"Are you at a disadvantage?"

"No. How could someone let me suffer? It's not bad for me to let others suffer. Didn't you just say that you want to know Yin Jin? Now that you are standing in front of you, why don't you speak? Are you stupid?"

The girl on the opposite side held back for a long time, her face turned red.

"You are cruel enough."

"You just know."


Without her parents, Ning Yiru is her backing; only she bullies others, let others see her strength, and will never let others bully her.

Ning Yiru went back to continue eating.

Yin Jin didn't know why Ning Yiru was suddenly unhappy.

"Aren't you happy? That person just left because of your anger."

"No. I just thought about the past. In the past, because I didn't have parents, they all bullied me; later, I returned them one by one, and no one dared to bully me anymore. My reputation was spread, and everyone Afraid of me. It’s been a long time since I fought back like this, a little excited, a little happy, a little sad.”

After Ning Yiru finished speaking, she lay down on the edge of the bowl and ate with big mouthfuls.

After eating, Yin Jin took the plate back.

Ning Yiru followed behind him.

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because I have to take care of you, even if you want to fire me; this month is not over yet, after this month, let's discuss this matter again?"

Yin Jin's gentle voice was almost sincere.

Ning Yiru was touched, "Well, I can only work hard on you."
The assistant has found a nurse.

Ning Yiru nodded in satisfaction as she watched the nurse's gentle and methodical care.

"Thank you for your hard work, this nurse is great."

"This is what I should do. There are still things that I need to deal with in the company; as in, someone will come to see Mr. Ning later. Please wait a little longer and receive the guests."

"it is good."

Ning Yiru nodded and sat down on the bench.

"Guests? Yin Jin, you were hired by Ning Zhu. Guess who those guests are?"

Yin Jin shook his head.

"Although I was hired by your aunt, I spent the longest time with you; I only know you, and others don't know. As for the guests who will come to visit, I don't know who they are."

"Okay. Then it can only be the expectation of opening the blind box."

Ning Yiru pouted.

She was getting tired of waiting, and the agreed guest was late.

"Hi, I'm here to see Ning Zhu; you are her niece, she told me about you. Hello, I'm Min Qili, and this is my husband Li Juehong."

"You are very beautiful, and your husband is also very handsome." Ning Yiru acted gracefully, "Although the car accident was serious, the doctor told me that he would definitely wake up; don't worry, if my aunt finds out that there is a friend like you to visit You will be very happy to see it.”

In front of outsiders, Ning Yiru is still called Aunt Ningzhu.

"Then, I hope she wakes up early; your aunt is a very good person, and she deserves the best end."

"Will do."

Ning Yiru responded politely.

After exchanging pleasantries, Min Qili saw Yin Jin standing behind Ning Yiru.

"Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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