During the four years of college, Ning Yiru had always maintained a bad attitude with Yin Jin.

Yin Jin is also responsible for managing the Ning family.

In Ning Yiru's sophomore year, Ning Zhu's situation finally improved.
"Happy graduation. You asked me if I would be sad after graduation; now, I want to tell you that I am sad when I can't see you."

"Yin Jin, it's been four years, haven't you given up yet?" Ning Yiru looked at the bouquet in front of him, his expression moved; he glanced at Yin Jin's smile, and moved again.

Yin Jin looked at himself in Ning Yiru's eyes, "Then did you give up on me?"

"How can I give up on you? You are my favorite person."


Ning Yiru pondered over the meaning of this word carefully.

"Yes, I love you; my love for you is beyond everything, and I can give up everything for you."

"Your love is too great."

A gust of wind penetrated into the bachelor's uniform, and Ning Yiru felt his heart numb, feeling very strange, "Yin Jin, I am not that kind of noble person; I am not worthy of you, and you will discover my shortcomings in due course. The beauty you once thought was beautiful, you will find that it is an illusion."

"Could it be that the year I spent with you in the third year of high school was all fake? You were already acting at that time?"

Ning Yiru suddenly looked at Yin Jin who was holding back his laughter.

"you know?"

"I know, I've always known; your bad words to me, your ignorance of me, your sensitivity, your vulnerability, I know all of these. I love you very much, as; four years ago, I I know, I fell on you. I have always liked you only, Min Qili was just my ignorance when I was young; you are everything I decided to protect after careful consideration."

"Yin Jin, are you real?"

Ning Yiru still can't believe it.

How could Yin Jin like herself?
Since childhood, those good students in the class were only bored with her, and never liked her.

The teachers don't like her either, and they only greet her with a smile when they want her to go to extracurricular remedial classes.

Ning Yiru saw the faces of these people clearly, and after rejecting them with righteous words; seeing their cold faces, received their bad treatment.

They are not afraid of the Ning family, because they don't care.

Ning Yiru was the "thing" that ruined the Ning family.

"It's true, no matter what those people said before; I have always been sincere to you, never mixed with falsehood."

"It would be great if Yin Jin met you earlier."

"It's just right now. We were immature back then; we couldn't handle these things well. Now that we have grown up, I have the ability to protect you and everything you want to protect."

Ning Yiru tilted his head and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Can you stop saying such touching words, Yin Jin, do you know that you are so annoying?"

"You don't hate what you do with me?"

Yin Jin smiled and hugged Ning Yiru in his arms, with tears in his eyes, trying to hold back the tears.

"Then you can only be compensated to me, so that I don't hate you anymore."

"Don't cry, fool. I'm already yours."

Yin Jin conjured up the contract, "I renew the contract every year, do you want to renew the contract this year? If you sign it, you cannot go back on your word; liquidated damages are for you, and the agreed time is for the rest of your life."

"Ah, the terms of this contract are so harsh?"

Ning Yiru flipped through the two-page contract pretending to be disgusted, and looked at Yin Jin's vigorous and powerful name on it; he took off the pen with his hair curled up, and solemnly signed his name.

"Okay, the signing is successful, now you are mine, you can't go back on your word. If you go back on it, I will expose you on the Internet and let everyone know about you."

"It's so scary, then I can only listen to you."

"It's good to know."
Four years ago, Yin Jin did not see his full graduation ceremony.

Four years later, Yin Jin accompanied his wife to watch her complete graduation ceremony.

After the graduation ceremony, they received a call from the hospital, and Ning Zhu woke up.

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