Chapter 326

Jiang Zhao was standing at the door, waiting for Jiu Qi to set up the carriage.

It's almost March now, and it's much warmer than before. Jiang Zhao felt that he could take off two clothes a little bit.

The weather will gradually heat up in the coming days, and the temperature in the winery will definitely increase by then.

The insulation measures in the brewing room are relatively good, and there is still the step of distillation. In summer, it must be too hot. At that time, a lot of ice cubes will be needed to cool them down.

However, the price of ice cubes in this ancient summer is as expensive as gold, and you need ice tickets to buy them.

Jiang Zhao was thinking in his heart, how can he get a lot of ice in summer?

And to drink wine in summer, it must be chilled wine.

Just when Jiang Zhao was in a trance, Jiu Qi came out from behind in a carriage and waved to Jiang Zhao.

"Let's hurry up and pick up Zhongqing and the young master home, otherwise Madam Ding will have the meal ready soon, and we haven't come back yet, the meal will be cold by then."

"You just care about eating."

Jiang Zhao said as he got into the car.

"Say it like you're not."

"I'm not, I just want to bring Zhongqing and Mu Bai brothers home quickly, and then we'll have dinner together."

"Aren't you still just thinking about eating? You still have the nerve to talk about me."

"No, no, although they all want to eat, but what I think is different from what you think."

"What's the difference? Don't they all want to eat?"

"You only think about coming back late, and the food will be cold, which means that you only think about yourself, but I think about everyone coming back to eat together, which means that I think about everyone, and I am taller than you too much."

"But pull it down, you'll only put gold on your face, you're all thinking about eating, and you've even put some grades on it. We're different, so don't make fun of the other."

"Joke, can I be like you? I'm much taller than you."

"I'm too lazy to tell you, we are obviously the same, if you are a foodie, don't deny it."


The two sat in the carriage and kept arguing until the palace gradually got closer and closer to them.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you, the palace has already arrived."

Jiuqi snorted coldly, and then said to Jiang Zhao.

Jiang Zhao saw through him at a glance: "Why don't you bother arguing with me, obviously because your young master is in front, so you don't dare to quarrel with me."

Jiu Qi, who was punctured, was not annoyed, but just said with a smile.

"Yes, what can you do with me?"

"What about you? Believe it or not, I'll give you another crushing duel."

Jiang Zhao looked at him disdainfully and said.

As soon as I heard the crushing heads-up, some bad memories of [-] gradually came back.

"Don't rely on Zhongqing if you have the ability, don't tie my hands, let's have a real heads-up and see who crushes who."

For the heads-up, he was particularly unconvinced. In the previous two heads-ups, Jiang Zhao asked Wei Xiang to tie his hands to the heads-up.

Without Wei Xiang, he would not have believed that Jiang Zhao could defeat him.

"Oh, if you don't look at Wei Xiang, you can only rely on your young master. If you rely on your young master, you won't even have a chance to single out."

Jiang Zhao said.

Jiu Qi glanced at her, his teeth itching with hatred, but he couldn't say anything, he didn't want to single out with his young master.

The carriage drove steadily on the road, gradually approaching the gate of the palace, Jiang Zhao waved to Simubai and Wei Xiang.

"Zhongqing, Brother Mu Bai, we are here."

Wei Xiang and Simu Bai who heard the voice turned their heads and saw Jiang Zhao and Jiu Qi sitting in the carriage.

Si Mubai said doubtfully.

"Aren't you in the palace, when will you be with Jiu Qi?"

"I came out early, but I was too lazy to go back when I saw that it was almost time to go to the Imperial Academy, so I went home directly. At that time, Mother Ding was asleep, so I asked Jiuqi to accompany me to dinner , but when we went back, we found that you hadn't gone back, thinking you should be waiting for me here, so I came to pick you up with Jiu Qi."

Jiang Zhao explained the words again.

"We thought you were still in the palace and hadn't come out yet. I was still thinking, why have you been in for so long and haven't come out yet? I'm afraid something will happen to you."

"What can happen to me? His Majesty is not a cruel person, and he won't chop off people's heads at every turn. In addition, I am so gentle and humble, His Majesty will definitely not do anything to me."

"It's fine, let's go home first."

After saying that, Simu Bai and Wei Xiang got into the carriage.

Anyway, Wei Xiang got into the carriage, so Jiu Qi simply asked him to drive the carriage, handed Wei Xiang the whip, and got into the carriage himself.

Jiang Zhao didn't say anything, just took the whip and drove the carriage home.

When the group returned home, Nanny Ding had just finished cooking the meal.

After eating, several people went back to the room to rest, while Madam Ding took a wooden barrel and walked towards the east door.

Over there is where the cowshed is, and the bucket is placed under the cow, and Nanny Ding is skillfully milking the cow.

As long as the cow eats more, it will produce more milk.

After a while, the bucket was full, and the cow's lower body slowly disappeared.

Nanny Ding returned to the bubble house with a whole bucket of beef, and poured the milk into the pot to cook.

About half an hour later, the milk inside continued to boil, bubbling non-stop.

Nanny Ding took out four bowls, filled some milk, and sent them to Jiang Zhao and the others.

"Dong dong dong."

"Miss, come out to drink milk."

Jiang Zhao, who was reading a book, came out and opened the door when he heard the voice.

As soon as the door was opened, there was a strong smell of milk.

Seeing several bowls of milk in Nanny Ding's hands, she said in surprise.

"Oops, that cow is finally producing milk?"

Nanny Ding smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I've been at home for so many days, and I'm serving delicious food and drinks, so it's time to produce milk."

"Didn't you say that drinking a bowl of milk before going to bed can help you sleep? I specially squeezed a bucket of milk tonight, so hurry up and drink a bowl. Drinking a bowl will help you sleep better at night."

Jiang Zhao nodded: "Okay."

Then he reached out to take a bowl of milk.

"Huh, this milk is a bit hot."

"Isn't it, just came out, be careful."

Mother Ding reminded.

Jiang Zhao nodded, and then went into the room carrying the milk.

Nanny Ding knocked on the two doors next to her again, and told Sim Bai and Wei Xiang to come out and bring a bowl of milk to drink as well.

After they took away the milk, Nanny Ding went back to the bubble house and filled a bowl for herself.

She liked to drink this milk when she drank it before.

Thinking about whether to take some back home for his son Song Xinghui to taste, he always reads all night.

Nanny Ding was always worried about his health.

Jiang Zhao said that cow's milk can help sleep, so he brought it back to let his 0th son taste it, so that he can go to bed early every day.

(End of this chapter)

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