Chapter 106 This is the bride price
"That song...was written for me?"

"To be precise, it was sung for you."


"Because I didn't write this song."

"But why have I never heard of it, and I can't find it on Baidu." Lin Miaomiao asked with some doubts.

"Well...well, I'll tell you later." Ye Xingchen didn't know how to explain it, so he simply typed a riddle.

"Hmph, it's not fun to ask me to guess riddles every time." He expressed his dissatisfaction, but still hugged Ye Xingchen tightly, "I will study hard, and I will send you my acceptance letter when the time comes." hands, and tell you that this is my bride price."

"Huh? Why is it a dowry? Shouldn't it be a dowry?" Ye Xingchen heard something was wrong.

"It's the dowry, yours is the dowry, why do you have any objections?"

"No, but isn't the dowry a little short? Should there be something else?"

After hearing this, Lin Miaomiao let go of Ye Xingchen, looked up at him and said angrily, "Then what else do you want?"

"Well... I want you!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Miaomiao felt a force coming from her hand.

At that moment, Lin Miaomiao only had time to exclaim before being hugged by Ye Xingchen.

The moment she was held in her arms, she felt a strong force enveloping her.

Two warm arms held her tightly and gently through the clothes, as if melting her into his arms.

Lin Miaomiao didn't struggle, just let him hug her, smelling the fragrance of Ye Xingchen's body, Lin Miaomiao slowly leaned her head against his chest, and slowly closed her eyes.

"It's really greedy." Lin Miaomiao said.

"Huh? I'm just that greedy. As I said at the beginning, I'm very greedy."

"You haven't revealed that you're a pervert in the first place."

"So what if you're exposed now, you can't run away anymore."

"Hmph! Who said that, I can run as soon as I want." Lin Miaomiao was still stubborn.

"The point is, are you willing to run?" Ye Xingchen said softly.

"Who says I'm reluctant... Hmph, I won't run away, I'll piss you off."


"You laugh again?"

"I'm not smiling anymore."

Just at this time, Deng Xiaoqi's dance started, and the two separated, because it would be difficult to explain if someone came in and saw it.

"Xiao Qi is really beautiful, and she dances so well."

"Really, why do I feel less beautiful than you."



Lin Miaomiao glanced at Ye Xingchen and showed a satisfied smile: "Slick tongue, you know how to make me happy."

"The sun and the moon can learn from the conscience of heaven and earth. I have always thought that you are more beautiful than them." Ye Xingchen said in a serious tone.

"Hmph, you have eyesight."

Deng Xiaoqi's dance is indeed very charming, and she deserves to have won a municipal award for a solo dance.It's just that this is a school, and the students seldom know how to appreciate it, and there are more booing. After the dance ended, the host announced that the New Year's Day party was coming to an end, and everyone left in a hurry and orderly.

Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao also left, because it was the party, so there were not many day students here, except for Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi.

Soon the two came side by side to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory.

"Well... you should go back quickly, it's getting late, so slow down on the road." Lin Miaomiao said with some reluctance.

"Why, I'm afraid I'll get lost at night. You think I'm the same as you."

"You! Hmph! You don't know good people, I'm going up, you can stay if you want." Lin Miaomiao was in a good mood at first, but when Ye Xingchen said this, the originally somewhat romantic occasion turned cold in an instant .

"You just left?"

Lin Miaomiao stopped and turned around and said, "Why?"

"Will you go in without a hug?"

At this time, Ye Xingchen stretched out his hands in a hugging posture.

Lin Miaomiao also wanted to go over and give her a hug, but there were too many classmates floating around, and it was easy to be spotted, so she said, "Don't think about good things, go home quickly, I'm going upstairs too."

After speaking, he turned and ran into the dormitory building.

Ye Xingchen wasn't disappointed, because he thought from the very beginning that it was absolutely impossible for Lin Miaomiao to give him a hug here, after all, it wasn't a university.

After watching Lin Miaomiao go in, he hurriedly prepared to rush home, after all, the school might be closed soon.


The New Year's Eve party came to an end, and it was Ye Xingchen's and Lin Miaomiao's turn to be on duty at the radio station.

"Hey, Chen, you will broadcast the ranking list later." Lin Miaomiao said in a slightly begging tone.

"Why?" Ye Xingchen asked knowingly.

"Look, Xiaoqi and I are best friends. If she knows that the well-prepared dance only won No.3, and I broadcast it, how will we get along in the future." Lin Miaomiao expressed her worry.

Of course Ye Xingchen knew what she meant, but it's not Ye's style to not mention conditions for such a good opportunity.

"It's not impossible, but it's the old rules."


"Promise me a condition that is not too excessive."

Seeing Ye Xingchen's familiar smile, Lin Miaomiao knew that this guy had started again.

"You, oops, I don't agree whether you are annoying or not." Lin Miaomiao said angrily.

"Oh, then you can announce it." Ye Xingchen handed back the list and lay down on the chair leisurely.

"You!! Okay, I promise, can't you do it? Hurry up and announce."

Lin Miaomiao had no choice but to succumb to Ye Xingchen, after all, this matter was extremely urgent.

"Bring it here."

Lin Miaomiao hurriedly handed over the list at this time.

After a series of broadcasts, it finally came to the end, and the next step was to announce the ranking of the results of the New Year's Day party.

Ye Xingchen was reading the press release at this time: "According to the voting rankings of all the students in the school, our New Year's Eve party ranked first in the song "How Lucky" brought by classmate Ye Xingchen, and No.2 was Jiang Tianhao Qian Sanyi The group dance brought by others and the group dance by Lin Miaomiao and others, the No. 3 is the solo dance "Spring River Flower and Moon Night" brought by classmate Deng Xiaoqi..."

Deng Xiaoqi felt very uncomfortable when she heard that her dance only won No.3.

She wondered why Lin Miaomiao and the others could get No. 2 for their dance of demons, but her dance could only get No. 3. This made her feel a little jealous. Thinking that Ye Xingchen, an outstanding boy, likes her, and she is still on New Year's Day. An original song was sung to her at the party, and she suddenly felt jealous.

At this time in the radio room...

"Ye Xingchen, what should I tell Xiaoqi?" Lin Miaomiao said worriedly.

Ye Xingchen stopped what he was doing, looked at the thoughtful Lin Miaomiao and said, "Miaomiao, what are you worried about? The grades are real, there is no secret operation, and the students' approval rate for your group dance is lower than that of the small ones." Qi's dance is high. What are you afraid of?"

"No, Xiaoqi will definitely be unhappy when she finds out. Me, me, oh, I don't know how to say it."

(End of this chapter)

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