The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 11 I Don't Want to Just Be Your Classmate for 3 Years

Chapter 11 I don't want to be your classmate for just three years
In the afternoon, it was time for Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen to be on duty again.Lin Miaomiao still ignored Ye Xingchen, maybe she didn't know why she was angry for so long because of a trivial matter.In this way, the two of them did their own work well, and the time passed quickly.

"That's all for today's campus news. Next, please listen to Shuimunianhua's song "I Have You in My Life." After Lin Miaomiao finished speaking, today's work came to an end.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao packing up her things alone, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but speak first: "You're still angry."

Lin Miaomiao was ready to leave after packing up her things.Ye Xingchen grabbed her hand.

Lin Miaomiao: "Let go!"

Ye Xingchen: "I won't let you go, unless you stop being angry."

Lin Miaomiao: "Let go of me, I'm going back to the dormitory."

Ye Xingchen: "Don't let go!"

Lin Miaomiao tried hard to break free from Ye Xingchen's hand, but Ye Xingchen directly pulled Miaomiao into his arms and held her like that.Lin Miaomiao didn't expect Ye Xingchen to hug her suddenly, and her mind went blank for an instant.

"Do you know why I keep urging you to study?" Ye Xingchen said softly.

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao was silent, she continued: "I don't think you are stupid, you are a very smart girl. Although you are usually careless, you are actually more careful than anyone else. I don't just want to be your classmate for three years. , I feel that three years is very short. I am very greedy, so would you like to go to college with me?"

When Ye Xingchen said this, Lin Miaomiao was a little nervous, thinking that he was confessing his love to me.Why would he not like me.I don’t know why besides being nervous, there’s a little joy in my heart

"I... I am willing, you let me go first."

"Hold for a while."

In this way, the two of them did not know how long they hugged each other.Lin Miaomiao, who returned to the dormitory, didn't know when she walked out of the radio station, nor did she know how long the two of them hugged each other.The whole person was a little dizzy, Deng Xiaoqi asked her for a long time to hear.

Deng Xiaoqi: "Miao Miao, are you uncomfortable? I called you many times and you didn't respond."

Lin Miaomiao: "Ah, did you call me?"

Deng Xiaoqi: "Are you sick? When you return to the dormitory, you will be like this, as if you have lost your soul."

Lin Miaomiao patted her face with both hands to wake herself up.

"I'm fine, Xiaoqi, don't worry about me." Lin Miaomiao told Xiaoqi not to worry about herself.

"Could it be that Ye Xingchen bullied you at the radio station?" Seeing Lin Miaomiao like this, he said jokingly.

Lin Miaomiao said with a guilty conscience: ", I ignored him today."

Deng Xiaoqi looked at Lin Miaomiao playfully: "No, then why are you nervous? Tell me, what are you two doing secretly?"

Lin Miaomiao: "We didn't do anything. Get out of the way and I'm going to sleep." Seeing that something was wrong, she quickly ran to the bed and lay down to avoid Deng Xiaoqi's questions

On this day, the Chinese teacher called Jiang Tianhao out: "Jiang Tianhao, the whole class has memorized "Teacher List", and you are the only one left!"

Jiang Tianhao kicked the wall indifferently: "I've been a little busy in training recently."

Teacher: "Don't use training as an excuse! Qian Sanyi is also busy with training, but he can memorize every piece of ancient prose fluently!"——Qian Sanyi participated in the training for the Hua Luogeng Mathematical Cup Competition.

Jiang Tianhao twisted his head and looked sideways at the teacher.

Teacher: "Not convinced? Qian Sanyi wrote his composition last week in classical Chinese. Can you do it?"

Since he gave birth to Hao, how could he give birth to Yi?Jiang Tianhao spoofed in the composition: "The moonlight is shining in front of the bed, and I bow my head to eat lunch. I sat up in shock when I was dying, and asked where the guest came from with a smile. I think back in the past, Xiao Qiao got married for the first time, which made me unhappy!"

Chinese teacher: "A person like you with a simple mind and well-developed limbs will not be able to do well in sports in the future. Those who won gold medals in the Olympics have brains..."

Jiang Tianhao: "Teacher, rote memorization is what Kong Yiji did in the era. Now I can Baidu these ancient texts in minutes. Why should I put them in my brain? We should do more creative work and not focus on These meaningless dead knowledge above."

The Chinese teacher is young and energetic, with a thin skin. He gave the student such a top, and immediately said: "Okay, I will ignore you from now on. Anyway, what I teach is meaningless."

The biggest punishment a teacher can give a student is not to tear up the homework with the palm of his hand and to punish him for copying, but to ignore it.Jiang Tianhao's style originally had a strong demand for his own presence, but now the Chinese teacher treats himself as air, how can he bear it?So Jiang Tianhao made strange noises and said strange things in the Chinese class to gain a sense of presence.The teacher felt embarrassed: "Jiang Tianhao, get out of the classroom!"

Jiang Tianhao: "You don't have the power."

"Okay, if you don't go, I will go!" The teacher simply slammed the door and went out, striking out.

The representatives of the Chinese class and the squad leader went to invite them together, but they couldn't invite them back.The two discussed it and found that the person who tied the bell had to be untied, so Jiang Tianhao was asked to apologize to the teacher, but Jiang Tianhao refused to go: "None of my business, I apologize to the devil. You should let Qian Sanyi do it, he You have a lot of face, the champion." After speaking, he lay down on his seat.

Seeing Haozi's appearance, Ye Xingchen knew that it would be impossible to fight this guy and he had to outsmart him.

Ye Xingchen: "Haozi, if you don't invite the teacher, doesn't that mean giving Qian Sany a chance? If Qian Sanyi invites the teacher back, then the students will say that Qian Sanyi is better than Jiang Tianhao. The matter was settled as soon as Qian San stepped out."

"That's right, do you want that guy Qian Sanyi to show off?" Lin Miaomiao quickly agreed upon seeing this.

When Jiang Tianhao heard this, he obediently went to the Chinese teacher to admit his mistake.

Seeing Jiang Tianhao's sincere attitude, the Chinese teacher said: "Actually, you are quite smart, otherwise your math and other grades would not be so high. Work hard on Chinese. Go back, and I will go back too." Go to class." After finishing speaking, he picked up the textbook and walked into the classroom.

After Zhao Rongbao heard about this incident, he also talked to Jiang Tianhao: "You are really in a daze, dare to give up Chinese? The score of the college entrance examination is 150 points!"

Jiang Tianhao: "150 points in mathematics, 300 points in comprehensive science!

Zhao Rongbao: "Confused! Chinese is our mother tongue, and we have the genetic advantage to take advantage of the opportunity. You don't know whether it is lack of intelligence to seize the advantage?!"

Jiang Tianhao: "My strength is science!"

Zhao Rongbao: "Damn! You can't do Qian Sanyi in science!"

Zhao Rongbao went on to say: "It's not too late to make use of your strengths and avoid your weaknesses when you get into university!"Now in high school, you have to do several homework at the same time in order to guarantee the total score.Look at Qian Sany, how did he get the number one prize?None of the doors is a short board, ten fingers stick out like they are all together..."

The word "No. [-] Scholar" stimulated Jiang Tianhao: "One No. [-] scholar comes out every year. The record I created in the city has been broken by no one in almost three years! Which one do you think is the best?"

Zhao Rongbao: "Jiang Tianhao, don't lie on your three-year record forever! The junior high school page has been turned over, and the college entrance examination doesn't admit the old score."

"Qian Sanyi blatantly plays with his mobile phone in school, we have to collect it, it's not fair!" Jiang Tianhao looked provocative.

Zhao Rongbao couldn't talk to him, so he said affectionately: "Tianhao, I'm all for your own good!"

Jiang Tianhao stubbornly replied: "It's good that the teacher treats everyone equally."

Old Zhao looked embarrassed: "Okay, you go back first."

That's how this thing came to an end
During the general cleaning of the dormitory, Jiang Tianhao took everyone up and down to make it clean, except for Qian Sanyi's bed and table.Although Qian Sanyi has a bed, he has never been to the dormitory.Jiang Tianhao didn't notify him to participate in the cleaning, so he let the dusty corner hurt the teacher's eyes.Ye Xingchen didn't care about this matter either, because he didn't feel obligated to clean it for Qian Sany.

At this time, Li Daokui, the life teacher, came to check. After seeing that all the places were clean, he looked back at Qian Sanyi's bed: "Why is this place not cleaned? 10 points will be deducted." All 10 points were deducted.

When Jiang Tianhao heard that 10 points would be deducted, he felt very upset. Just as he was about to explode, Ye Xingchen next to him spoke up.

"Why are our points deducted? Three people live in a dormitory for four people. Even if Qian Sanyi doesn't live in the dormitory, he will still arrange a bed for him. Although good students have privileges, don't you think this privilege is a bit too much? Don't do class work. Forget about yourself I don’t even do the basic labor. Heh, if I deduct points because of this, I have nothing to say. There are so many dirty places in this world, but I didn’t expect it to be like this in school, especially in our famous elite high school. Dirty. Check it out, it’s nothing more than day school. We still don’t know how to clean this place, if your teacher likes to lick Qian Sanyi, you can clean it yourself.” After finishing speaking, he walked out of the dormitory without looking back.Jiang Tianhao and the others were left with a confused look on their faces.

"He has no respect for his elders, and he contradicted the teacher at a young age. What's his name, Ye Xingchen? Unreasonable, a little annoyed.

Jiang Tianhao looked shocked. In his impression, Ye Xingchen had always been a relatively stable boy, and he was calm about big and small things.He had never expected to contradict the teacher suddenly today.

Li Daokui called Zhao Rongbao and explained the matter emphatically, and then Zhao Rongbao asked someone to call Ye Xingchen in the classroom.

At this time, Ye Xingchen was playing backgammon with Lin Miaomiao in the notebook, drawing a circle and a cross.

"Hahaha, you can't stop me now." Following Ye Xingchen's strokes on the notebook, the game ended with Lin Miaomiao losing.

"Ah, I'm so annoying, I lost again, Lao Ye, you don't know how to let me crush me every round, it's too much but not too much." Lin Miaomiao was a little annoyed
"Heaven and Earth Conscience, I have given you a lot of steps, otherwise you would have lost, if you don't believe me, you can ask Xiao Qi Haozi," Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing when he saw Lin Miaomiao like this.

Lin Miaomiao glared at Ye Xingchen angrily and said, "You mean I'm stupid."

Ye Xingchen can't fix this, how can I understand it. "What did I say, don't talk nonsense, okay?"

"That's what you mean." Lin Miaomiao insisted.

Deng Xiaoqi and Jiang Tianhao next to them watched the two quarrel, feeling particularly CP.

"Brother Chen, how can you reason with girls." Deng Xiaoqi joked beside her.

"She doesn't look like a girl. Every time I hit me, I feel like I've been hit hard." Ye Xingchen started to be funny again.

"Lao Ye. Do you want to die, Xiao Qihao, help me hold him down."

"How can you say that about my family Miaomiao?"

"Lao Ye, I'm going to criticize you. It's really too much."

There were two fanning the flames next to them, and the four of them started fighting like this.

"Brother Chen, Teacher Zhao is looking for you." It was Sun Chuan calling at the door
(End of this chapter)

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