The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 124 Begins at first sight, ends at old age

Chapter 124 Begins at first sight, ends at old age

Ye Xingchen quickly came to the flower shop.

"Boss, do you have roses here?"

"Yes, see what you want. There are red ones, white ones, and blue ones."

"The red one, please wrap it for me."

"Sir, do you want to confess?"

"Huh? How do you know." Ye Xingchen was a little puzzled.

The store manager smiled and replied, "I bought roses because of my confession."

"I did use it as a confession."

As soon as he heard that it was for confession, the boss immediately asked: "For confession, besides red, blue is also good. It has a different flavor and looks more eye-catching. What style do you want? We have finished products here." pictures."

The store manager passed the tablet to Ye Xingchen, and Ye Xingchen took a fancy to one at a glance.

"Just this blue queen."

"The price may be a little on the expensive side."

"That's all, hurry up, hurry up."

"Okay, please wait a few minutes."

After the selection, Ye Xingchen paid immediately. The store manager confirmed the style and asked others to prepare it immediately. The bouquet of flowers was packaged in about seven or eight minutes.

There are some lights dotted around the bouquet, and the crown is extraordinarily beautiful under the embellishment of lights.

It's a pity that it's daytime. If it's night, this bouquet of flowers will look better.

"Sir, your flowers."

"Okay, thank you, the money has been paid. Let's go." Ye Xingchen ran back in a hurry.

Lin Miaomiao was a little bored waiting, and was looking for Ye Xingchen everywhere.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen's voice came from behind.

Since Ye Xingchen was holding his hands behind his back, Lin Miaomiao didn't notice the flowers behind him.

"Why have you been there for so long? What are you going to get? What's behind you?"

Ye Xingchen quickly stopped her: "Don't move, close your eyes, I'll give you something."

Ye Xingchen felt it was not fun to tease Lin Miaomiao like this: "What, it's mysterious."

"You close your eyes, I tell you to open them and you are opening them!"


Lin Miaomiao obediently closed her eyes.

Ye Xingchen brought the flower in front of Lin Miaomiao and said softly, "Okay, you can open it."

After Lin Miaomiao opened her eyes, she looked at the flowers in front of her and was stunned. She asked in disbelief, "Is this for me?"

Ye Xingchen said seriously and solemnly at this time: "

Time is the matchmaker, and the rest of my life is the engagement. Use your name and my surname. I love you, and I am willing to hold my son's hand and grow old together with my son, starting from the first meeting and ending in old age.

Miaomiao, would you like to be my girlfriend? "

Lin Miaomiao froze in place, the deer in her arms bumped wildly, as if it was about to jump out, tears of emotion swirled from her eyes.

"I am willing!"

Lin Miaomiao hugged Ye Xingchen tightly, as if to prove that all this was true.

Ye Xingchen hugged her tightly with the bouquet in his hand.

The original plan was to confess his love after graduation, but he couldn't wait any longer. If possible, Ye Xingchen wanted Lin Miaomiao to belong to him now.

Because, he was afraid that one day...he wouldn't be there.

Feeling the rushing heartbeat of the beautiful woman in his arms, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but said, "From today onwards, you... are my girlfriend."


"Then are you still mad at me?"

Lin Miaomiao shook her head.

After Ye Xingchen let her go, he handed Lin Miaomiao a few tissues: "Wipe it, I'm about to cry like a little cat."

"You're just a little cat, so I don't blame you for giving me my flowers." Lin Miaomiao said fiercely.

"No, take it." Ye Xingchen handed it over to him. It had to be said that the bouquet of flowers was really big, and Lin Miaomiao was completely blocked when she held it.

Lin Miaomiao: "Ah, I can't see the front!"

Ye Xingchen: "...Forget it, give it to me, and you can take it back when you go home."


Lin Miaomiao reluctantly returned the flowers to Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen: "Then, classmate Lin Miaomiao, shall we still look for them?"

"Well... I don't want to go, I want to catch dolls."

"Catch the doll?"

"Hey come with me."

Lin Miaomiao pulled Ye Xingchen to a claw machine in the mall.

"I want that husky so that my Lin Haohao will have friends, can you catch it?"

Ye Xingchen: "Your boyfriend is omnipotent."

Lin Miaomiao winked mischievously at him: "Bragging, I don't believe you can catch it. If you catch it within 3 times, I will promise any of your requests, but if you can't catch it, you have to promise me A request."

"Oh, Miao Miao, I have to say that you really don't seem to be very smart, and you often come to your door by yourself." Ye Xingchen was secretly happy.

"Oh, don't be complacent, I don't believe you can catch it."

"Although I chose the liberal arts, I'm still a top student in the science department, so look forward to it."

Ye Xingchen tried twice first to see how tight the machine hook was, but of course he didn't catch anything these few times.

"Hahahaha, idiot, you really only know how to brag. This is the last time. If you can't catch it, you have to agree to any of my requests unconditionally." Lin Miaomiao was very excited, as if she was about to win.

Ye Xingchen actually knew how to adjust the grip of the machine a long time ago. There was a formula in his previous life, left, right, left, right, down + button twice.

After Ye Xingchen's experiment, he only heard a beep from the machine, and the reset was complete.

With the fall of the paw, it successfully grabbed a slightly larger husky plush toy, then slipped along the track and successfully caught it.

"Impossible, impossible. I have played many times and failed to catch it. You caught it three times." Lin Miaomiao had a suspicious expression on her life at this moment.

"Okay, you said it yourself, "unconditionally" agree to my request, and you are not allowed to go back on your word." Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao playfully and said.

"I, what I said is that you can't ask too much, it's not what you think." Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen's appearance and quickly denied it.

"You don't count what you say?"

"I didn't, that's what I said. Besides, you have evidence to prove that my words don't count?"

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen proudly, she liked to see Ye Xingchen look helpless against herself.

Ye Xingchen took out his phone from his pocket and turned on the recording and playback button.

"Bragging, I don't believe you can catch it. If you catch it within three times, I will agree to any of your requests, but if you can't catch it, you have to agree to one of my requests."

Lin Miaomiao's voice suddenly came from inside.

Lin Miaomiao was stunned: "How come, when did you record the sound?"

"Don't worry about this, anyway, the evidence is solid, so you don't want to run away."

Ye Xingchen actually discovered another function of the bracelet long ago, that is recording.

You can record all day, and then directly send it to the connected mobile phone according to your own selection.

"Ye Xingchen, you tricked me again."

"Hey? You made the request. I didn't say anything. How can you say that you are my routine? You obviously sent it to the door yourself, and you blame me."

Lin Miaomiao became a little angry: "I don't care, you are bullying me."

 Thank you Jinmailang who wants Maimai for your reward
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(End of this chapter)

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