The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 217 This Mai Mai Is Completely Different From My Impression

Chapter 217 This Mai Mai Is Totally Different From My Impression

"It's not fair, why no one pressed my shoulder, I protest." Han Dongjun said jokingly.

To be honest, Ye Xingchen didn't expect that Yang Mi would come to help him press his shoulders, which made him feel a little flattered.

Ye Xingchen said tremblingly: "Sister, why don't you go and press it for brother, I can do it, I don't really need it."

Yang Mi ignored what Ye Xingchen said, looked at Han Dongjun and replied angrily: "Han Dongjun, can you stop comparing yourself with children."

Han Dongjun felt that he was speechless, so he directly turned on the shameless mode: "I can also be a child."

Yang Mi didn't continue to talk to him, but Zhao Jinmai was already squatting on the ground laughing.

After Ye Xingchen had almost rested, he stepped forward and asked the staff: "Brother, let me ask if we need to pay for the venue if we set up a tent here?"

"Need to pay a cleaning fee of 200 yuan and a venue fee of 200 yuan?"

Zhao Jinmai opened her mouth wide in surprise, "It's so expensive."

Han Dongjun came over and said, "It's indeed a little expensive, but there's nothing you can do about it."

"Then, let's put our things here first, let's go down and pick up Sister Mintao and the others. By the way, I took a look just now. There are no pumps for tents, and there are no shelves. It should have fallen into the RV. Do you have any?" Does anyone remember where they put it this morning?" Ye Xingchen asked.

Zhao Jinmai suddenly remembered: "I don't see the pump, but the shelf is placed under the RV."

Ye Xingchen: "Where did you put the pump after you used it up yesterday?"

"Forgot." Zhao Jinmai shook her head
Yang Mi thought for a while and said, "I didn't seem to see it this morning. Tangtang, did you see it?"

Han Dongjun: "No, didn't that one and I leave early?"

Ye Xingchen was suddenly a little speechless. If he didn't mention this matter, he would come up and go down once in a while. "Okay, it doesn't matter if I don't remember it. I also have an air pump and a tent in my RV. I'll bring them up later. My sleeping bag and pillow will be brought up together later. Let's go down the mountain and give them to them, Mai Mai." Call to see if there is anything else you have brought, check for gaps and make up for omissions, and take out the tent racks, don’t forget about it in a while.”

"okay, I get it."

Zhao Jinmai took out her phone and began to explain what Ye Xingchen had ordered.

Finally, when a few people went down, everyone had already packed up all their things. Compared with when they just came, there were almost very few things left.

After a few people got into the car with their things at the foot of the mountain, Yang Mi said with concern: "Xing Chen, are you tired? Why don't you let sister Mingtao drive for a while? I see that you have been working and have not rested. You can rest later." For a bar."

"Yes, let me have a meeting, Xiaochen, take a break." Looking at Ye Xingchen who hadn't rested since morning, everyone couldn't express their distress.

Because after getting along yesterday afternoon and this morning, everyone regarded Ye Xingchen as a member of the team, even the core.

"Mai Mai, go and sit in the front, and let Xing Chen rest in the back for a while." Yang Mi said.

Almost without thinking, Mai Mai blurted out: "Ye Xingchen gets motion sickness, it's better to do the front."

"Motion sickness? Xiaochen, are you motion sick?" Yang Mi asked in surprise.

"It's a little motion sickness. It's an old problem." Ye Xingchen didn't react because he was really tired today.

Yang Mi said with concern: "Okay, you can go ahead, let sister Tao drive, and sleep well in front of you for a while."

"Okay." Ye Xingchen didn't refuse, after all, he was really tired today.

The car started slowly, Ye Xingchen also closed his eyes and prepared to rest for a while.

Yang Mi chatted with Mai Mai in the back.

"I didn't expect Xiao Chenchen to get carsick too."

"Isn't it amazing?"

"It's quite amazing, I can't see it unless you tell me."

When Ye Xingchen heard this, he suddenly realized that he had motion sickness and hadn't told Zhao Jinmai, but how did she know.

Looking at Zhao Jin, Mai Ye Xingchen, who was seriously teasing the cat from the rearview mirror, he fell into deep thought.

Half an hour later, everyone arrived at the top of the mountain. After getting off the car, Ye Xingchen looked at the weather and knew that there might be rain tonight.

Yang Mi also knew this problem in his heart, so he said what was in his heart for Ye Xingchen: "Everyone, take a rest for a while, and put up the awning after you rest, I'm afraid it will rain later."

Han Dongjun said, "It's okay, I'm not tired."

Ye Xingchen also said: "I'm not tired, we can directly set up a tent."

"I can do it too." Mai Mai walked to Ye Xingchen's side holding the snowball.

"Sister Mintao and Sister Kelly go to the house to rest for a while, we can just set up a tent." Yang Mi looked at the tired two and said with concern.

At first, the two were evasive.But everyone wanted them to take a rest, and finally agreed to go to the house to rest for a while.

Ye Xingchen and Han Dongjun were relatively experienced, and took a few Xiaobai to set up the two tents in less than an hour.

"It's finally set up, and we can rest for a while." Ding Chengxin squatted on the ground and looked at the tent that was set up together, feeling a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"Miss Kelly and the others should have cooked a meal. Is anyone hungry? If so, let's go in and eat." Yang Mi asked everyone.

"I'm not hungry, I'm taking a breath outside." Ye Xingchen shook his head, because he ate late at noon, so he's not very hungry now.

"I'm not hungry either." Zhao Jinmai followed up.

Yang Mi looked at Ding Chengxin: "Na Ding, are you hungry?"

"Fortunately, not very hungry."

Before Yang Mi could look away, Han Dongjun spoke by himself: "I'm not hungry either."

Yang Mi sneered: "I didn't ask you either."

"Pfft, hahaha." Zhao Jinmai, who was stroking the cat, laughed again.

Ye Xingchen still prefers to watch Mai Mai's innocent smile than watching celebrities bickering.

Because whether it's Lin Miaomiao or Mai Mai, they always give people a very healing feeling when they smile.

Yang Mi looked at the black luxury tent and sighed: "Okay, if you are not hungry, pack your luggage and go back to the house, Xiao Chenchen, your one-person tent looks quite big."

"Fortunately, you should always bring your equipment for camping." Ye Xingchen looked at the tent that was out of place with the other two, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Because it comes with the system, tents, mattresses, pillows and sleeping bags all use different black technologies, which can ensure the quality of sleep.

Zhao Jinmai asked as she walked, "Let's go back to the house. Did Ye Xingchen Xueqiu bring any dried fish?"

"I have it, it's in my schoolbag." Ye Xingchen replied.

"Then I'll feed the cat first." Zhao Jinmai ran to the front with the kitten in her arms.

"Mai Mai, slow down, the road is slippery and don't slip." Yang Mi looked at his sister in front of him, his heart was broken.

Ye Xingchen came to Yang Mi's side, looked at Zhao Jinmai in front and said, "It feels like she is completely different from what I remembered."

"It's different."

"My impression of Mai Mai is very quiet, now it looks like."

"How does it look?"

"This is just a joke..."

"What are you kidding, brother, what did you want to say just now?"

 Thank you for the reward of 1500 coins for killing Ma Fengma after the [-]th Five-Year Plan
  Thank you for the monthly ticket for the post-[-] Killing Horse Crazy Margaret Reward
  Thank you for the monthly pass rewarded by pleasing to the eye, fresh and drunk

  Thanks to Mingmu Zuishang for the monthly ticket

  Thanks to A Peng, the rewarded monthly ticket
  Another chapter will be posted at noon.

(End of this chapter)

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