Chapter 240 Still malnourished
Zhao Jinmai closed her eyes and accepted her fate. She knew that Ye Xingchen would not let her go easily.

Seeing that delicate snow-like skin and that slender waist, Ye Xingchen was still a little bit moved. His sudden initiative was exactly what Zhao Jinmai was slightly looking forward to.

Ye Xingchen hugged his arms tightly, lowered his head and stuck it up, and finally freed up one hand, through the clothes...

"I..." Zhao Jinmai murmured.

Maimai's skin was very elastic and smooth. Under Ye Xingchen's walking, her breathing became heavier and she felt even weaker.

"" Zhao Jinmai murmured again: "Ye Xingchen, no! Don't go too far..."

Ye Xingchen had already been burned by the strange fire, and the so-called Bing Xinjue that made him sober had no effect at all, not only did not stop, but he hugged Mai Mai even tighter with one hand.

"I, don't, I can't do it anymore, Ye Xingchen, please don't be like this, my sisters will hear." Zhao Jinmai pushed Ye Xingchen's head away, not letting him kiss her again, and fled away from Ye Xingchen with all her strength. embrace.

"They can't hear them. Heitan controls everything within 30 meters." Ye Xingchen lowered his head and pressed Zhao Jinmai's lips again, dragging her back with his left arm, making her posture Slight incline.

At this moment, Heitan's siren sounded.

"Warning, boss, someone has entered the range."

This voice immediately startled the two who were engaged in it, and hurriedly separated.

Mai Mai hurriedly began to arrange her clothes.

On the other hand, after Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai separated, he calmly wiped the lipstick on the corner of his mouth with a tissue, as if nothing happened.

"Mai Mai, do you still have clothes to take?" Sister Mintao's voice came from nearby.

Mai Mai hurried out with two big bags of dried fish.

Ye Xingchen also slowly got out of the car with fresh ingredients and barbecue tools.

"Why are you so slow, Xingchen, have you got your clothes yet?"

Liu Mingtao didn't seem to notice anything unusual about the two of them, except of course that Mai Mai's face was a little red.

"I'm in the house, sister, you can take the ingredients first, and Mai Mai, hurry up and see if there are any clothes to take, I will go there in a while." Ye Xingchen said calmly.

Liu Mintao took the things over and said with a smile, "Okay, then hurry up, Xiaochen."


After the two finished speaking, Liu Mintao returned to the car.

"It's all your fault, Ye Xingchen, you can't treat me like this in the future, or I won't talk to you." Zhao Jinmai glared at Ye Xingchen, then turned around.

Ye Xingchen looked at Miao Miao who had grown up, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the little one before had become a slim and tall girl, Miao Miao's petite figure seemed to appear yesterday.

Ye Xingchen stretched out the sinful hand just now, and murmured: "I'm still a little malnourished, I think I'll have to ask the system if there's anything I can do."

But after being in a daze for a while, Ye Xingchen showed a wicked smile again.It's like a cat that steals a fish, there will be a second time for this kind of thing.After being bullied by her for so long, he can finally take revenge.

After Ye Xingchen packed up his change of clothes, he rushed to the car. After all, it was not too early and it was time to leave.

Soon a few people bought today's lunch again and drove back to the mountain.

At this time, everyone has already finished all the tents.

Lunch was going on normally, Ye Xingchen saw that Mai Mai next to him couldn't reach it, and still used the serving chopsticks to help her hold her favorite dishes.

Although everyone was no longer surprised, Yang Mi still wanted to tease the two of them.

"Brother Xingchen, I want to eat that twice-cooked pork, but I can't reach it."

Ye Xingchen knew that Yang Mi did it on purpose, but he still held her with the chopsticks without changing his face.

After clipping, I did not forget to look at everyone and ask: "Is there anything you can't reach? Tell me what you want to eat, and I will help you."

This behavior can't help but make Yang Mi look at him with admiration, because this face is born to be a star.

Han Dongjun also came out to hold fire: "Oh, I'd like to, but I don't know if Mai Mai is willing."

"Ah, it's none of my business, you can do whatever you want." Hearing that Han Dongjun and Sister Mi were teasing him, Zhao Jinmai's face turned red again.

There was no other expression on Ye Xingchen's face, he was still amiable, harmless to humans and animals, calm and composed.

"Brother Jun, is there anything you can't reach? I'll help you."

"No need, no need."

Seeing that his plan failed, Han Dongjun hurriedly refused a big man to bring food for him.

After dinner, it's time to talk about business.

Zhang Kaili did not have a good time with Han Dongjun because of motion sickness.

The reason was that Zhang Kaili wanted to drive because she was afraid of motion sickness, and Han Dongjun had to drive the lead car because he was worried about safety, which made the atmosphere very tense.

Although Ye Xingchen knew that he shouldn't come out to speak at this time, he still had to talk about some things.

"Sister Kelly, Brother Jun is right. You can't change the first car casually. I understand your motion sickness problem very well. It's very uncomfortable because I also get motion sickness. I know that feeling. It really can't be done. Next journey , you sit in my car, I will try to drive as steadily as possible."

Zhang Kaili didn't continue to be unhappy when she heard Ye Xingchen say that, at least she didn't show dissatisfaction on her face.

"Okay. That's the only way to go."


After the few people packed up the leftovers from lunch, Liu Mingtao wanted to lie down for a while, and then asked Ye Xingchen to continue massaging her.

Of course Ye Xingchen agreed, so he handed over the work to Ding and the others, and then accompanied Miss Mintao upstairs to rest.

Maimai was holding Xueqiu on the sofa and reading a book. Would you like to feed Xueqiu some dried fish? Of course, the ratio of the eating frequency between her and Xueqiu is 2:1, she has two cats and one.

Ye Xingchen glanced at her before going upstairs, and then took a photo of her with his mobile phone.

Ah!Let you quibble, see what reason you have next time.

Yang Mi discussed with Han Dongjun, Li Si and others below whether to take the children out to play this afternoon. If not, they will prepare for the evening barbecue together. If they are sure, they will go there in a while to see what is interesting. Take Ding Ding to play, mainly to accompany him.

Mai Mai told everyone about the motorcycle she played with Ye Xingchen, and everyone was very interested, especially Han Dongjun and Ding Chengxin.After all, a car is one of the romances of a man.

After Ye Xingchen watched Miss Mintao fall asleep, he also came down quietly, indicating that he also wanted to go out.Then he looked at Mai Mai and blinked at her.

Zhao Jinmai turned her head away from looking at him, because she knew what bad idea this guy was planning again.

The final conclusion is that Ye Xingchen, Mai Mai, Li Si, Ding, and Han Dongjun all want to go out to play.

But in this case, no one will prepare the barbecue, and the older sisters still don't know how to do it. Helpless, Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai can only let go of the idea of ​​going out to play, and accompany the older sister to prepare dinner at home with peace of mind.

 Thanks to Crystal's soda for the 2000 book coins
  Thank you Susu of Crystal for 1 monthly ticket

  Thanks to maisymind1 for the 5 monthly tickets

  Thanks to Xiaoxiao Anzhi for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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