Chapter 242

After Ding Chengxin came back, it was impossible not to be moved when he saw the house and dinner carefully prepared by his brothers and sisters.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, he found that he still gets along well with everyone, and the point is that there are two peers of the same age, Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai, so this camping trip is quite enjoyable.

Zhang Kaili quickly greeted everyone to take their seats: "Okay Ding, sit down quickly, your brother Xingchen has passed the skewer test in a while, everyone sit down, and we will have dinner in a while."

Li Sidani looked at Ye Xingchen who was busy in front of the stove and asked in surprise: "Ye Xingchen is grilling?"

"Yes, only he can. Thanks to the presence of stars today, otherwise you wouldn't be able to eat tonight's barbecue." Yang Mi replied.

Han Dongjun was also very surprised: "Almighty, Sister Mi recruited an all-rounder to come in. What else can Brother Xingchen not know?"

Yang Mi: "I also asked him this question this afternoon."

"and then?"

"Yeah, then what?"

Han Dongjun and Li Si seemed to know the answer to this question.

"He told us he was not going to have children."


"There's nothing wrong with what you said." Han Dongjun thought for a while, then said.

"Okay, don't be poor, sit down quickly. Is Xiaochen finished baking?"


Fortunately, the weather is cooler now, otherwise it would be too hot to sit by the stove.

Ye Xingchen put the grilled meat skewers on the plate, then took another handful of meat skewers and continued to roast.

"Mai Mai, come here and help everyone take it."

"Oh, good."

After hearing Ye Xingchen's call, Zhao Jinmai hurried over.

Ye Xingchen took one and gave Maimai a taste first: "How does it taste?"

"En! It's delicious." Zhao Jinmai nodded and said after tasting it and found that it tasted really good.

"That's good, then I'll trouble Miss Maimai to bring it to everyone." Ye Xingchen handed her the plate.

Zhao Jinmai found out that Ye Xingchen didn't stay at all, so she couldn't help asking with concern: "What about you?"

Ye Xingchen originally wanted to rub Maimai's hair, but when he saw his hands, he gave up the idea: "Isn't there still? I'm not very hungry. Today is mainly for Xiaoding, so he is the protagonist Be good, let's go over quickly."


Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, Zhao Jinmai could only bring it to everyone first.

"Wow, it smells so good, it looks delicious." Li Sidani already started drooling when she smelled the smell.

Han Dongjun was also eager to try: "Then let's start."

Li Sidani: "Yes!"

After Zhao Jinmai put down her things, she ran back to Ye Xingchen's side.

"Sister, don't you want to eat?" Ding Chengxin asked in surprise when he saw Zhao Jinmai leaving.

"I'll chat with Ye Xingchen for a while, you guys eat first."

At this time, Yang Mi and Liu Mintao also realized that Ye Xingchen had been busy all afternoon, and had also worked hard all afternoon, and now he still had to bake for everyone, and felt a little unbearable.

"Xingchen, why don't you come over to eat something." Yang Mi asked.

Ye Xingchen looked up at them: "No need, Sister Mi, you can eat first, I'm not very hungry, and besides, I've got so many things, I can eat whatever I don't want, don't worry about me."

"Brother, I can also bake. Why don't we switch and you can rest for a while." Han Dongjun said.

Ye Xingchen still refused: "No, no, don't worry about me, eat it quickly, eating up everything is the greatest support for me."

"What a good boy, Ding, thanks to brother Xingchen today, otherwise we really don't know how to prepare this dinner for you." Zhang Kaili said with emotion.

After hearing this, Ding Chengxin immediately said to Ye Xingchen, "Thank you Brother Chen."

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly: "You're welcome!"

Seeing that Ye Xingchen refused to come over, Yang Mi could only order everyone to eat first: "Let's eat first, we must not disappoint Little Xingchen's good intentions. When we are on the next trip, we can all prepare a surprise for him."

It's a good idea for everyone to hear.

Liu Mintao asked in a low voice: "We don't know what Chen wants, so how can we prepare a surprise for him?"


"Well, just ask Mai Mai later, let her find out if it's okay." Yang Mi narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had a chance to win.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai were chatting happily.

Ye Xingchen took out the tested wings and let Maimai have a taste.

"You try it."

Zhao Jinmai took it and blew it twice, then took a light bite.

"It's hot, it's so hot." Mai Mai kept fanning his mouth.

Ye Xingchen said with concern: "Hurry up, spit it out when it's hot."

But Zhao Jinmai still ate the bite of chicken wings just now.

Ye Xingchen said with concern: "Why do you have to swallow it? What if it burns?"

"It's delicious, and you baked it specially for me. If I spit it out, it's not worth your kindness."

Zhao Jinmai smiled sweetly and said naively.

Ye Xingchen thought and was moved after hearing this reason.

This silly girl!
"Then play a little longer next time, don't be so anxious."


After speaking, Mai Mai continued to enjoy the first chicken wing that came out of the oven.

Ye Xingchen's second round of skewers has also been grilled.He still asked Mai Mai to help him get it.

Zhao Jinmai took out 4 from the plate before bringing the rest over.

"It's so fast, how much more?" Han Dongjun asked in surprise after seeing that he had done better in the exam.

Zhao Jinmai said: "Well, there are quite a few more. There should be two-thirds of it, and there are grilled sausages and so on."

Yang Mi looked at her sister who was running before and after running and said distressedly: "Sister, sit down and eat for a while."

"Sister Mi, don't worry about me, I'll just eat over there." After speaking, he pointed at Ye Xingchen.

"Okay." Seeing Zhao Jinmai's insistence, Yang Mi did not insist.

I don't know why, but tonight's dinner is barbecue, but the air is always filled with the smell of dog food.

After Zhao Jinmai went back, she picked up a skewer and handed it to Ye Xingchen's mouth.

"No, since you can't spare your hand, Miss Ben will feed you."

Ye Xingchen looked at Zhao Jinmai in surprise, he didn't expect this girl to be so bold.

"Why do you look at me and despise me?"

Ye Xingchen hurriedly said: "No! No! I just..."

"It's just what, eat it or not, I'll eat it myself." Seeing Ye Xingchen's dumbfounded look like a piece of wood, Zhao Jinmai felt a little dissatisfied.

She thought to herself that all the girls are like this, and you are so cautious, it's really boring.

"Eat, can't I eat?"

"It's almost the same this time, ah, open your mouth." Mai Mai said with a smile on his lips.

Although Zhao Jinmai felt that Zhao Jinmai looked at him strangely, but he had to bow his head under the eaves, and Ye Xingchen could only do so in shame.

In fact, Ye Xingchen was born in the blessings and did not know the blessings.

I don't know how many people outside think that this is not okay.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket, thank you for the recommendation
(End of this chapter)

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