The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 263 Lin Miaomiao is contagious.

Chapter 263 Lin Miaomiao is contagious.

Looking at the stubborn Lin Xiangzhi in front of him, Ye Xingchen really couldn't persuade him at all.Well, since I can't say it, then I'll play tricks.

Ye Xingchen tightly hugged the schoolbag on his chest and said, "I won't give it to you if you don't eat it. Anyway, your homework is here, of course you can choose not to do it."

Lin Xiangzhi looked at Ye Xingchen in disbelief, he didn't expect him to be a rascal.

"Give it to me." Lin Xiangzhi stretched out his hand to grab it.

"No!" But Ye Xingchen would not let her succeed, so he turned around nimbly and dodged.

"Give it to me now."


"I am angry!"

"Aren't you angry just now?"

Lin Xiangzhi looked at Ye Xingchen's rascal, and was really about to cry out of anger. After struggling for a while, Lin Xiangzhi gave up, because she knew that Ye Xingchen would not give her schoolbag this time.

"Then why are you willing to give me my schoolbag." Lin Xiangzhi asked helplessly.

When Ye Xingchen saw that there was something going on, he smiled and said, "Go back and eat up the little balls and I'll give them to you."

"You, hum!"

Lin Xiangzhi had no choice but to agree to Ye Xingchen's request.

"What are you looking at, let's go."


Ye Xingchen walked in front, and Lin Xiang reluctantly followed behind.People who didn't understand what was going on saw it and thought Lin Xiangzhi was being bullied by Ye Xingchen (Lin Xiangzhi: I was already being bullied, okay).

"Are you back? Have you coaxed your little girlfriend?" The stall owner looked at the two of them with a smile.

"Boss, you have misunderstood. I am not her boyfriend. We are good friends." Before Lin Xiangzhi could speak, Ye Xingchen explained first.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought you two were boyfriend and girlfriend, seeing you are so well matched, don't mind."

Lin Xiangzhi smiled awkwardly and shook his head to express that he didn't mind.

"Okay, your two big octopus balls."

Ye Xingchen took it and said, "Thank you boss, how much is it?"

"Just give me 20."

Ye Xingchen took out 20 yuan from his schoolbag and handed it over: "Here."

"Okay, take your time and come back after it's delicious."

"Good boss."

Ye Xingchen replied with a smile.

Then he gave Lin Xiangzhi a portion of octopus balls in his hand: "Eat it quickly, this one is still delicious."

Lin Xiangzhi took it and tied it with a stick, blew it gently, and then slowly put it in his mouth to chew.

Ye Xingchen asked expectantly: "How is it, is it delicious?"

Lin Xiangzhi nodded, and then began to tie up the second, followed by the third, and the fourth.

Seeing that Lin Xiangzhi, who was still reserved just now, was holding the small balls and eating them vigorously, Ye Xingchen suddenly felt that the small balls in his hand didn't seem so delicious. He found a more "delicious thing", that is, looking at Lin Xiangzhi Xiangzhi eats small meatballs.

As the saying goes, beauty can be eaten, Lin Xiangzhi's temperament is matched with the speed of eating small balls to form a huge contrast.Unlike Lin Miaomiao, maybe because she is used to watching her eat in a storm, so she doesn't feel this way when watching Miaomiao eat.

At this time, Ye Xingchen felt that watching Lin Xiangzhi eat was a kind of enjoyment. Maybe he noticed Ye Xingchen's hot eyes. Lin Xiangzhi looked up at Ye Xingchen and found that he was really looking at him.

So he asked shyly, "Why are you looking at me if you don't eat?"

"I was a little hungry just now, but now I'm not hungry anymore." Ye Xingchen said.


"Because the beauty is delicious."

Lin Xiangzhi suddenly had the urge to put the bowl on Ye Xingchen's head, and for a moment, it was like an instinctive reaction, which made her a little strange and scared.

"You, don't look at me, I can't eat it." Lin Xiangzhi blushed and said nervously.

But Ye Xingchen didn't agree: "It's okay, just pretend that I don't exist."


Lin Xiangzhi just found out that Ye Xingchen was indeed the Great Demon King, and it took only a few days for him to reveal his true colors. Although he was embarrassed, but looking at the three small balls lying quietly in his bowl, Lin Xiangzhi swallowed his saliva, and then quickly Throw all the octopus balls into your mouth.

This made her mouth bulge, making her look even cuter. Ye Xingchen had a photographic memory and superb drawing skills. At this time, he had an excellent idea in his mind.

Directly draw the story of the two people into a cartoon, so that the story between the two can be shown more directly.That is to say, I made it myself and used my own perspective to completely present the story of the two in the form of comics, and Ye Xingchen believes that the Q version of Lin Xiangzhi is cuter.

After making up his mind, Ye Xingchen didn't forget to take the empty bowl in her hand, and then put his little balls in her hand and said, "No, I'm not hungry, help me eliminate it."

"I'm full." Lin Xiangzhi refused without thinking.

Ye Xingchen: "No, you didn't."

Lin Xiangzhi: "..."

There are only 10 small balls that cost 12 yuan a cent, which is fine as a snack, as long as you are full.Besides, Ye Xingchen believes that the characters played by Mai Mai are definitely good at eating.

Lin Xiangzhi looked at the bowl full of small balls, and was struggling violently in her heart. Her heart refused, but her stomach agreed, and the point was that her brain also acquiesced.

How could Ye Xingchen fail to see her hesitation, so he gently moved the balance in Lin Xiangzhi's heart.

"Eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold, and if you don't eat it, I'll throw it away."

After hearing Ye Xingchen's words, in the spirit of not wasting food, Lin Xiangzhi still "turned his back on his original intention" and ate the large portion of small meatballs in a "humiliated" way.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Xiangzhi with such a good appetite, and couldn't help asking, "Are you often hungry?"

Lin Xiangzhi: "..."

Seeing Lin Xiangzhi's eyes that wanted to kill him, Ye Xingchen quickly covered his crow's mouth, and his mouth really went further and further away from the road to death.

Seeing Lin Xiangzhi reaching out to him for something, Ye Xingchen happily returned the schoolbag to her.

After Lin Xiangzhi took the schoolbag, he put the empty bowl in Ye Xingchen's hand, and walked towards his home without saying a word to him.

Ye Xingchen knew that he had succeeded in making her angry again, but it didn't matter, anyway, she refreshed her memory once a week, so she wouldn't remember what happened the next week.

The big deal is that I can just rewrite some memories in the manga diary, I really am a genius, ah ha ha ha.

After making up his mind, Ye Xingchen cheerfully ran home, before going upstairs, he didn't forget to buy A4 paper for drawing downstairs.

After Lin Xiangzhi returned home, he looked at Xiaoyu on his desk, and had a question in his heart: "Is Ye Xingchen a bad guy?"

At this time, Xiaohong and Xiaohe in the fish tank seemed to have become spiritual, and they kept spitting bubbles.

Xiao Hei: He is a villain.

Xiaohong: He is not.

Xiao Hei: He is

Xiaohong: He is not.

(End of this chapter)

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