The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 265 I hate people lying to me the most

Chapter 265 I hate people lying to me the most

After reading the manga, Lin Xiangzhi asked, "Student Ye Xingchen, is this really my memory from last week?"

Ye Xingchen, who was in meditation, was suddenly stopped. He opened his eyes and saw that Lin Xiangzhi was looking at him expectantly, as if waiting for his answer.

Ye Xingchen searched: "Of course, all the memories between the two of us are here, and there are no deleted versions."

Lin Xiangzhi looked at him with strange eyes and said, "Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"I'm sure I didn't lie to you." Ye Xingchen nodded solemnly.

"Then you swear!"

Ye Xingchen suddenly felt that Lin Xiangzhi in front of him was a little strange. He remembered that Lin Xiangzhi in the past was timid and shy, but today Lin Xiangzhi is abnormal. Suspect.

Ye Xingchen pretended to be angry and said: "Student Lin Xiangzhi, I spent two whole days to help you record the memory, and you actually doubt me. Does this make me too sad?"

Lin Xiangzhi was not moved by Ye Xingchen's words, but silently took out his notebook and put it on Ye Xingchen's desk and said: "I have no doubts, I just think why some things I recorded are different from what you recorded."

When Ye Xingchen saw the notebook, his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately felt bad. He pretended to be calm and smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to use notes to record your memories."

"Didn't you tell me that?" Lin Xiangzhi tilted his head and looked at him.

Ye Xingchen suddenly realized that this seemed to be what he really said. He opened the note and looked at it, and skipped the previous one. He turned to the note from last Friday afternoon, and the only bit of luck in his heart disappeared.

In the previous notes, Lin Xiangzhi only made a general outline, but she recorded all the details and conversations of that day.

And the final ending also summed it up: today is my happiest day, but it is also my least happy day. The happy thing is that today I finally made a good friend and found a way to never forget my friend’s memory. Happily, my good friend Ye Xingchen used my schoolbag to threaten me to eat two full bowls of octopus balls.

Although the little balls were delicious, Ye Xingchen finally revealed his villainous nature.

Conclusion: stay away from him in the future.

When Ye Xingchen saw this, his heart turned cold, and he tremblingly said to Lin Xiangzhi: "That, my that, no, I..."

"Why are you so nervous." At this moment, Lin Xiangzhi's expression was like that of a harmless white rabbit, waiting for Ye Xingchen's answer with his head tilted.

Ye Xingchen touched the sweat on his head and said calmly: "I'm not nervous? Who said I was nervous."

Lin Xiangzhi continued to ask: "Then you really bullied me last week?"

"No, no." Ye Xingchen fiddled with the notebook, looking at Bie Chu all the time.

"Then why don't you dare look at me?"

"I dare, why not?"

Ye Xingchen's eyes met Lin Xiangzhi's.

After 1 minutes, Lin Xiangzhi looked away, then turned around and took out the textbook and said, "I'm going to study."

Ye Xingchen felt that he could still save him and quickly explained: "You have to trust me, I really didn't bully you."

Lin Xiangzhi turned his head and said suddenly emotionally: "I hate people lying to me the most. If you chose to admit it instead of continuing to lie just now, maybe I will believe you in the future. But you are still lying to me. Ye Xingchen, Do you know that my memory will disappear so you can let me live forever in your fabricated memory?"

"I... I'm sorry!" Ye Xingchen was at a loss for words, he didn't know that this matter would make Lin Xiangzhi so angry, and it seemed that she would not forgive herself easily.

Lin Xiangzhi turned his head to look at his English book and said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to study now, don't bother me anymore."


Ye Xingchen knew that this matter should not be rushed, after all, it was indeed his fault to cheat.

Jiang Wu saw the whole process of the quarrel between Ye Xingchen and Lin Xiangzhi, and he knew without thinking that Ye Xingchen must be bullying Lin Xiangzhi again.Hey, why use another?

He went over and called Ye Xingchen: "Hey, Xingchen, is Xiangzhi angry with you?"

Ye Xingchen nodded helplessly:

"Go, go out and talk."

"it is good!"

Ye Xingchen took Jiang Wu to the outside of the classroom, and the two began to chat while lying on the railing.

"Tell me what's wrong?" Jiang Wu asked.

"Oh, it's like this..." Ye Xingchen told Jiang Wu about it, "Sometimes I want to smoke myself, I just save her memory by myself, why should I tell her Let her write a diary."

Seeing Ye Xingchen who was complaining, Jiang Wu said: "Look, you haven't realized your mistake until now, and you are still regretting telling Lin Xiangzhi how to write notes and memorize, why do you have to make such a final decision?" change the story?"

"I just want to leave a perfect image in her heart. How could I have thought that she still has a backup memory. Fortunately, I have been drawing comics for two days, and I didn't sleep much." Ye Xingchen felt that he was special. Wronged.

"Cartoon?" Jiang Wu asked suspiciously.

Ye Xingchen: "That's right, you can go and take a look later, there are 4 sheets of A50 paper, and it's still a refined version. I can publish all these comics, okay?"

"Good guy, I didn't expect you to be so attentive."

"That's right! Oh, but what can you do with your heart? Stealing chickens won't make you lose rice. After all the calculations, I didn't expect that she would write a diary by herself. Not only did I lose everything, but my image in her heart was also greatly damaged. "

Jiang Wu looked at Ye Xingchen who was decadent at this time and said with a smile: "You spent so long retrieving Lin Xiangzhi's memory, do you think she won't be moved?"

Ye Xingchen laughed at himself: "Moved? Come on, not only was he not moved, he even scolded me. Now he doesn't know what to think of me."

"You just made a small lie, and it's not a big deal. Xiangzhi is angry because her good friend would lie to her. As long as you admit your mistake, it will be fine. Believe me, as long as you are sincere, she will forgive Yours." Jiang Wu said the key points of the question at this moment, helping Ye Xingchen organize his thoughts.

Ye Xingchen frowned as he thought about Jiang Wu's words, and suddenly realized that he was too eager for quick success, which caused him to be inconsiderate in many places, or maybe because he was too tired for the past two days, and now he was in a dead end.

"That's right, we don't have any deep hatred. If there is a problem, won't it be over if we solve the problem?"

Ye Xingchen suddenly realized, he didn't expect that he would make such a mistake in his smart life.

"That's right, go buy some delicious food for Xiangzhi, and you'll be done if you coax him." Jiang Wu felt relieved after seeing Ye Xingchen figured it out.

"I know, I need you to teach me." Ye Xingchen walked down without looking back.

"Where are you going?"

"Buy food!"

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(End of this chapter)

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