Chapter 327
Ye Xingchen found a slightly comfortable position, and then said confidently: "It is indeed difficult for you, but for me, it is quite trivial."

"Cut, bragging, try it." Lin Miaomiao was full of disbelief.

"Okay." Ye Xingchen didn't say anything unnecessary, but just signaled Lin Miaomiao to start clicking on the checkpoint.

In this way, the two played this small game like children for a whole afternoon. The previous levels were relatively simple, so they didn't show much of Ye Xingchen's skills, but there were still some details, and sometimes skills were used The level of proficiency really surprised Lin Miaomiao.

Ye Xingchen looked at the time and found that it was past 3 o'clock, so he reminded: "What time does the school's recruitment interview start?"

"3:30, what's the matter?" Lin Miaomiao was looking at the equipment in the backpack, and said without paying too much attention.

Ye Xingchen was startled and said in a low voice, "It's 3:10 now, and there are still 20 minutes left, so we should be there in time, right?"

"What! It's 3:10, it's over, it's over, it's over." Lin Miaomiao jumped up from her chair.

Ye Xingchen picked out his ears, and the exclamation almost knocked him out of his soul. After he recovered, he quickly comforted him: "It's okay, there is still time, and besides, there are definitely a lot of people interviewing now, and there is still a queue to go. .”

"Really?" After hearing Ye Xingchen's words, Lin Miaomiao calmed down a little.

Ye Xingchen stroked his loose long hair and said: "Really, I know the school recruitment best, almost all of them are like this, let's go, you change your clothes quickly, I'll wait for you downstairs first, don't worry, There is still time."

"Okay, then I'll go change my clothes." Lin Miaomiao didn't notice Ye Xingchen's small movements at this time, because her mind was not on it at all.

Ye Xingchen went out to get the car keys and waited for Lin Miaomiao in the car ahead of time. After Lin Miaomiao packed up, the two went directly to school.

Just as Ye Xingchen guessed, there were indeed quite a few interviewees, and everyone was waiting in an orderly manner.

"Thank God, I can still catch up." Lin Miaomiao took her resume and ran to the front to line up.

Ye Xingchen immediately followed and lined up with Lin Miaomiao.

"Why are you queuing?" Lin Miaomiao asked puzzled.

Ye Xingchen said with a playful smile, "Let me see how this company is doing. If it's not good, I'll knock you out and take you away."

"Childish ghost." Lin Miaomiao gave him a blank look, then turned and ignored him.

Ye Xingchen saw that Lin Miaomiao didn't pay attention to him anymore, so he stood behind and put on his earphones and played games for a while.

At this time, a boy with a backpack came up behind Lin Miaomiao and patted her on the shoulder lightly and said, "Miaomiao!"

Lin Miaomiao turned around only to realize that it was her senior brother: "Hello senior brother."

"Why do you feel like you didn't sleep well yesterday?" Lu Jiawei said with concern.

"Yes, I have something to do at home. I still have two drawings of that character, I will leave it to you tomorrow." Lin Miaomiao said embarrassedly.

Lu Jiawei also showed that it doesn't matter: "It's okay to paint, don't worry, you should finish the interview first."

Lin Miaomiao nodded, indicating that she knew.

Lu Jiawei leaned into Lin Miaomiao's ear and said, "I told my classmates on the Internet that as long as you pass the group interview, it's not difficult to get to his level. I will leave you an internship as a news editor."

Lin Miaomiao smiled gratefully after hearing this: "Thank you, Senior Brother."

"Be polite with me. Well, let me tell you one more thing, pay attention to the strategy of the group, be the leader for the topics you are good at, and be a team member for the topics you are not good at. Don't stand out until you find the right time. If identified as..."

Before Lu Jiawei could finish speaking, Ye Xingchen's hostile voice came from behind: "Miaomiao, who is this?"

Ye Xingchen stared at Lu Jiawei intently and asked.

Both Lin Miaomiao and Lu Jiawei could feel the hostility in Ye Xingchen's eyes very keenly, so she quickly explained: "Oh, this is my senior brother."

Then he introduced Ye Xingchen to Lu Jiawei: "This is mine..."

"Hi, I'm her boyfriend. My name is Ye Xingchen." Ye Xingchen took the initiative to introduce his identity, especially the word boyfriend.

Lu Jiawei wondered why he had never heard of Lin Miaomiao's boyfriend.

But now is not the time to think about this. Seeing Ye Xingchen's hostile look, Lu Jiawei was a little frightened by Ye Xingchen's aura, and stretched out his hand nervously and said, "Hello, my name is Lu Jiawei, Lin Miaomiao's senior brother." .”

"Senior Brother? Why didn't I know that you have such a good relationship with Miaomiao?" Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao with a smile, waiting for her explanation.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help covering her head when she saw Ye Xingchen's jealous outburst, and said helplessly, "You can't know all the people in the school, right?"

"Oh!" Ye Xingchen replied lightly.

Lu Jiawei also saw that something was wrong with the atmosphere here, so he quickly found a reason to leave: "Well, I have other things to do, so I'll leave first and talk another day."

Lin Miaomiao also said apologetically, "Okay, senior brother, go slowly."


Lu Jiawei left here disheartened with his backpack on his back.

After the person left, Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen angrily and said, "What are you doing? You scared him, and he didn't mess with you."

Ye Xingchen pursed his lips and said, "Are you concerned about him?"

After hearing this, Lin Miaomiao closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then opened her eyes and said in a low voice: "Ye Xingchen, can you stop making trouble for no reason, we are just ordinary friends."

Ye Xingchen spread his hands in disbelief and said, "I'm powerless to make trouble. Other boys are already lying next to my girlfriend's ear, so I can't even ask."

"Huh—okay, I'll tell you when I go back after the interview." Lin Miaomiao turned her head and ignored him.

But Ye Xingchen insisted from behind: "The way he looked at you just now was obviously wrong, he is interested in you."

"It's not over, is it?" Lin Miaomiao turned around and asked angrily.

Ye Xingchen looked into Lin Miaomiao's eyes without hesitation and said, "I'm jealous."

Looking at the different Ye Xingchen on the other side, Lin Miaomiao couldn't scold if she wanted to.How should I put it, if a girl looks like this, it might be a bit pretentious, but Ye Xingchen's look makes her feel very cute.

But cute is cute, Lin Miaomiao didn't give him a good face: "I'm jealous and hold back."

"Oh!" Ye Xingchen pouted and lowered his head unhappy to continue looking at his phone.

Lin Miaomiao originally wanted to ignore him, but after seeing Ye Xingchen's appearance, she couldn't bear it: "Hey, how can you not be jealous."

Ye Xingchen looked up at Lin Miaomiao pitifully and said, "Can you stop contacting that person in the future, he is definitely not a good person."

Pfft... Lin Miaomiao couldn't help it this time, she covered her stomach and laughed, Ye Xingchen was really funny.

(End of this chapter)

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