The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 335 Miaomiao understands the true meaning of making trouble for no reason

Chapter 335 Miaomiao understands the true meaning of making trouble for no reason

Ye Xingchen said with poetry in his belly: "There is no one else in sight, and you are everywhere.

Hibiscus is not as good as beauty makeup, and the water palace wind comes with pearl and green fragrance.

Looking back, Bai Meisheng smiled, and the Sixth Palace had no color.

Everyone looked at Yan Rantong, the color of the world was like dust.

Yun Xiang's clothes are beautiful and beautiful, and the spring breeze is blowing.

Pretty like a peach in three springs, pure and simple like a chrysanthemum in nine autumns.


Ye Xingchen casually said a few words to praise the girl's beauty, and then asked triumphantly, "Now do you know how you look to me?"

Ye Xingchen wanted to wait for a compliment, but Lin Miaomiao over there blinked her eyes, and asked with great doubts in her small head: "This, what does it mean?"

Pfft... Ye Xingchen clutched his chest, as if he had received a critical blow of ten thousand points.Because he ignored a problem, that is, Lin Miaomiao couldn't understand.

"I'm dizzy, sister, I'm praising you for being beautiful." Ye Xingchen said helplessly.

Lin Miaomiao looked surprised: "Ah, is it? I thought you had a literary disease."

Well, you are amazing, who told you to be Lin Miaomiao, what you said is right, just follow you.

At this moment, this is Ye Xingchen's most sincere thought.

Lin Miaomiao blinked, seeing Ye Xingchen stopped talking, she quickly asked, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"No, I didn't say that." Ye Xingchen shrugged and said.

"You have it!"

"I really don't."

"But you just looked at me wrongly." Lin Miaomiao said with narrowed eyes.

Ye Xingchen was startled, wondering if Lin Miaomiao would be so smart when she grew up?Actually look at the eyes.

But at this moment, Lin Miaomiao also saw his shocked expression.

Lin Miaomiao said angrily, "Ye Xingchen! What kind of expression is that on your face?"

"Huh? Didn't you realize that your pajamas and mine are a couple's style?" Ye Xingchen immediately changed into a hippie smiling face, trying to change the subject.

But Lin Miaomiao would not give him this chance, and continued to force her to ask: "Don't change the subject, and say, do you think I'm stupid?"

"No, when did I say it, please don't make trouble for no reason." Ye Xingchen said helplessly.

"Being unreasonable, now you think I'm being unreasonable, right? We've only been together for a few days and now you despise me. Sure enough, men like new things and miss old ones. Do you want to see the girl who returned to China as soon as possible?"

Good guy, Ye Xingchen called it a good guy, the standard girl's unreasonable tricks, self-taught, directly start the endless loop mode, you say no, she insists on saying yes, you say yes, you are finished, if you If you don't answer, she will treat you as a ghost and acquiesce. Anyway, in the current situation, you will die no matter what.

Of course, according to Ye Xingchen's usual practice, at this time, he usually hugs her tightly and kisses her forcefully, everything will be resolved, but making trouble on the phone unreasonably, you can't kiss the phone, it's a bit perverted, bah, it's too perverted.

"I was wrong, I'm guilty of capital punishment, I can kneel on the washboard." Ye Xingchen could only admit his mistake.

But Lin Miaomiao's next sentence made him feel unrequited in an instant: "What's wrong with you?"


At this time, Ye Xingchen seemed to be pierced by two swords at the front and back.

Wanting to cry without tears, he now knows that every word he says is wrong, so he can only keep silent.

Who knew that Lin Miaomiao, who was originally angry over there, suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha, how about it, you must be scared. Hmph, I will be like this if you make me angry in the future, see if you are afraid."

Seeing that he was being tricked, Ye Xingchen not only didn't get angry, but heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that luckily he was playing tricks on me, if it was true, he really didn't know what to do.

"I will never make you angry in the future." Ye Xingchen promised.

"Hee hee, it's almost the same. Well, I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep, good night." Lin Miaomiao waved her hand cutely.

Ye Xingchen then waved his hand in the same way: "Okay, good night."

Although they were saying good night to each other, neither of them hung up first, they just looked at each other in blank dismay.

Lin Miaomiao first asked, "Why didn't you hang up?"

Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "I'm waiting for you to hang up."

"I'm also waiting for you to hang up." The smile on Lin Miaomiao's face increased significantly after hearing this.

"It's better for you to hang up, I feel more at ease if you hang up." Ye Xingchen made so many jokes in his previous life, so he definitely can't believe a woman's words at this time, if he hangs up first, he will die.

"No, you hang up first."

"No, you hang up first!"

"You hang up first!"

"You hang up first!"


Ye Xingchen wanted to hang up the phone countless times and go to sleep, but reason told him not to.

"You hang up first." Lin Miaomiao was still insisting.

Ye Xingchen came to the bedroom with his mobile phone and said, "Then since you don't hang up, let's just sleep on the microphone."

Sleeping with wheat-another way of sleeping for humans in the new era, although generally two people who sleep with wheat cannot fall asleep, it is still yearned for by young people.

Lin Miaomiao nodded thoughtfully and said, "Well, that's fine, then put your phone on the cabinet, I want to see you."

"Okay." Ye Xingchen didn't refuse either. He took out a mobile phone holder and put the mobile phone on the bedside cabinet. The angle was just right enough to see Ye Xingchen.

"Then, am I sleeping now?" Ye Xingchen asked tentatively.

"Sleep, I'm going to sleep too."

Lin Miaomiao nodded and said, then put the mobile phone on the bedside table, and then the two just looked at each other like this, slowly sleepiness hit, and Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao fell asleep.


The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on Ye Xingchen's face, and his brain woke up in an instant. The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to see if the video on the cabinet was still on.

Fortunately, there was no network interruption during the video call, and the little Miaomiao on the other side of the video screen was sleeping soundly while hugging her quilt.

"Sure enough, she's so cute when she's asleep." Ye Xingchen sighed with a chuckle, and got up to wash up. Although it's only 6:30, it's still a long time before nine o'clock, but Ye Xingchen's habit of getting up early has always been there.

After washing up, he made some breakfast and went back to the room to take a look at Lin Miaomiao, unexpectedly this little one was still sleeping.

No way, the video cannot be hung up yet.I can only hang up on mute first, so as not to disturb her by making a sound.Switching to the video on the small screen, then checking the news on the phone, and finally came to the study room, habitually helping Lin Miaomiao find a job with better pay.

At about 7:[-], Lin Miaomiao turned over.Originally, Ye Xingchen thought she was going to wake up, but who knew that she just turned over and continued to sleep.

Ye Xingchen smiled lightly and shook his head, and continued to pass the time boredly. During this period, Jiang Tianhao sent himself two messages, asking if he wanted to have a meal together, but Ye Xingchen refused, saying that he had something to do today, of course Didn't say anything.

Jiang Tianhao also understands very well, after all, he is a doctor, so he made an appointment on the weekend to be with Miao Miao.

Ye Xingchen didn't refuse this time, but simply agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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