Chapter 34 Four Corners Game
"Lao Ye, where should we go now?" Lin Miaomiao asked quickly.

Su Yuzhe: "I feel that there must be a door, otherwise what would we play?"

Ye Xingchen said lightly: "That's right, there must be a door. Let's walk along the side and touch the wall. The door should be on both sides of these corridors."

It was still pitch black inside, so everyone walked along the side, and as expected, Ye Xingchen touched something like a doorknob, and then turned the door hard to open it.

After everyone entered the room and closed the door, the lights turned on automatically.

After Ye Xingchen saw the light, he felt at ease for a while. To be honest, after the two scares just now, Ye Xingchen became a little more courageous. After all, the strong wind and waves are coming, there can be nothing more terrifying than just now.

This room seems to be prepared for children, there are many toys on the floor.Compared with the two rooms just now, there is no terrifying anger here, so the four of them searched for clues leisurely, and when everyone was trying to find it, Lin Miaomiao shouted: "Look what I found? "

The other three looked at her. It turned out to be a box. This box was a particularly delicate wooden box. Lin Miaomiao found it under the pile of toys.

When everyone opened the box, there was only a small note inside.What was written on the small note was a game description. The game is called the Four Corners Game, which means that four people need to walk to the four corners of the outer corridor in order. After completing this ceremony, the door to clear the level will automatically open.After reading this rule, Ye Xing will be scolding his mother. I just got out of the wolf's den and haven't wiped off the blood, so I'm going to enter the tiger's den again this time.

There was no way for the four of them to follow the instructions and stand outside in order. Lin Miaomiao stood at the first corner, Ye Xingchen was at the second, Zhao Maimai was at the third, and Su Yuzhe was at the fourth, because they needed to stand in order. Su Yuzhe walked over by himself.In order to alleviate the fear, everyone chatted loudly.

Zhao Maimai: "Su Yuzhe, have you arrived yet?" No one answered.

Ye Xingchen was also squatting in the corner and shivering. He didn't hear Su Yuzhe and asked, "Su Yuzhe, let's talk when it's time." Still no one answered.

At this time, everyone gathered together, and Lin Miaomiao asked, "Where is Su Yuzhe?"

"I don't know, let's go and have a look." Ye Xingchen suggested.

"Let's go."

Just like that, the three of them walked towards Su Yuzhe's direction, and when they got there, they found that it was a wall. They were very surprised why the good one disappeared.Everyone couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Ye Xingbie suggested at this time: "Let's go through the order just now, this time everyone should not be separated." Lin Miaomiao and Zhao Maimai nodded in agreement.

In this way, when they walked again and came to Su Yuzhe's place again, the wall had disappeared, and what they saw was a longer passage, and there seemed to be a light at the end of the passage.In this way, they walked for a long time before going out. At this time, they were already outside, and Su Yuzhe had been waiting for them for a long time.Zhao Maimai hurriedly ran to Su Yuzhe's side, hugged him and said worriedly: "I saw you missing just now, I was scared to death."

Su Yuzhe also quickly comforted: "I didn't expect that I would pass the customs directly after I came out, and then the staff would not let me in, so I can only wait here for you."

Ye Xingchen felt confident again after leaving the secret room of the haunted house, and his whole person was completely different from before.

Su Yuzhe said to Ye Xingchen: "Brother is very strong. Just now I heard from the staff that the people who entered basically did not pass the customs. The four of us are the only ones who passed the customs. Without you, I guess Maimai and I can only be passed by the staff." Bring it out."

Lin Miaomiao also said at this time: "Come on, it's good to have you, otherwise we will probably be brought out by the staff." After speaking, he gave Ye Xingchen a deep look.

Of course Ye Xingchen knew what Lin Miaomiao meant, indeed if it wasn't for Su Yuzhe, he might have called the staff.

Su Yuzhe said, "Okay, anyway, thanks to Brother Ye Xingchen, by the way, what are you going to play next, do you want to play together?"

Ye Xingchen resolutely refused: "No, no, Miaomiao and I will go around alone."

Su Yuzhe also smiled as if I understood: "Okay. Then let's say goodbye. See you by fate, bye."

Lin Miaomiao waved her hands enthusiastically: "Goodbye, goodbye, Miss Maimai."

After Su Yuzhe and the others walked away, Lin Miaomiao turned to look at Ye Xingchen and asked, "Where are we going to play next? Do you want to experience the secret room again? I think there are other things."

When Ye Xingchen heard what was going on, he quickly refused: "No more, what's the point of just playing in the secret room, let's go play the Ferris wheel."

"Okay, let's go."

The place on the Ferris wheel is very small, so there is not much room for two people to move around.Lin Miaomiao kept looking at the surrounding scenery, and Ye Xingchen just looked at her like this.If this scene is seen by others, it is estimated that a poem will come to mind.That's right, it's a broken chapter, a poem written by Bian Zhilin.

You stand on the bridge and watch the scenery,

People watching the scenery are watching you upstairs.

The bright moon decorates your windows,
You decorate other people's dreams.

Lin Miaomiao turned her head and said and found Ye Xingchen was looking at her like this, she couldn't help but angrily said: "Look at me, I'm going to dig out your eyes for you, believe it or not."

Ye Xingchen said: "Why do you say you are so violent as a little girl? You see Zhao Maimai is a lady."

Lin Miaomiao was not happy when she heard this: "Tsk tsk tsk, why did you fall in love with Sister Maimai? Why don't you just go to Sister Maimai, but she already has a partner, so you should give up."

Then he turned his head and ignored Ye Xingchen. Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao sulking and ignored her.After getting off the Ferris wheel, the two played the pirate ship, the big pendulum, and the roller coaster together. In short, Lin Miaomiao played all the exciting things.

Ye Xingchen's two lifetimes combined have never been as exciting as today, and now there is no Xiaomi bracelet. If there is one, the heart rate of this morning will be 100+ in real time, and it will definitely not be [-].

Lin Miaomiao finally had a good time, and it was almost lunch time after the two of them came out.Lin Miaomiao thought in her heart that she could finally eat Ye Xingchen's cooking again.

Thinking of this, Lin Miaomiao hurriedly urged: "Hurry up, Lao Ye, my stomach is almost starving."

Ye Xingchen was a little helpless, his little heart hadn't stabilized yet, and he didn't have any intention of eating.

The two quickly came to the restaurant last time, the waiter saw them and quickly recognized them, she stepped forward and asked: "You two are here again today, what are you going to do this time. "

Ye Xingchen asked Lin Miaomiao, "What do you want to eat today?"

Lin Miaomiao said anxiously: "What do you say I will eat, can you hurry up, I feel that I am so hungry that I have no strength."

Ye Xingchen thought to himself: It wasn't like this when you dragged me into here just now.

I had no choice but to inform the waiter to prepare the ingredients, and then I went to the kitchen to work.This time Lin Miaomiao obediently waited outside and did not go in to make trouble. At this time, Deng Xiaoqi made a video call to Lin Miaomiao.

"Miaomiao, where are you now? Are you eating out?" Deng Xiaoqi asked curiously when she saw Lin Miaomiao's environment.

Lin Miaomiao also explained: "It's too boring to be at home during the holidays, so Lao Ye and I discussed going out to play. This place is the special restaurant I told you about. It only provides ingredients and you need to cook by yourself. "

"Wow, then you can eat the food cooked by Brother Chen again, I'm so envious."

"Then come on, take a taxi and you'll be there in a while."

"I'm not going to be a light bulb anymore. It's not good to disturb you and brother Chen living in a two-person world."

Lin Miaomiao explained with a red face: "Xiaoqi, can you stop making such jokes, we are good buddies, if you come, come, it's so interesting for everyone to play together."

Deng Xiaoqi: "Hahaha, I understand what it means to be shy. Alas, I really envy Brother Chen taking you out to play. I am alone at home. Next time you come out to play, can you take me with you?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Okay, let's call Jiang Tianhao and Qian Sanyi, let's have more fun together."

Deng Xiaoqi: "Okay, that's great, I can be with my family one by one, don't forget to call me next time. Then I won't bother you, bye."

Lin Miaomiao: "Okay, bye Xiaoqi."

After Deng Xiaoqi hung up the phone, she immediately sent a message in the group of five people: "Major event, Lin Miaomiao and Brother Chen didn't bring us when they went out to play, and Brother Chen is cooking for Lin Miaomiao. Envy (expression) )”

After Jiang Tianhao saw Deng Xiaoqi's message, he immediately replied: "Where is the location? I'll go over to eat."

Qian Sanyi also teased Lin Miaomiao after seeing it: "Come on, Haozi, Lin Miaomiao can't eat enough for one person, and you still want to grab it, you are not afraid that she will bite you."

Jiang Tianhao: "Sanyi, I advise you to withdraw quickly before Brother Chen sees it, or you will die."

After seeing the news in the group, Lin Miaomiao took a photo of Ye Xingchen cooking: "Let me show you how Lao Ye cooks."

Jiang Tianhao: "In a daze.jpg. Can anyone tell me what else Brother Chen can't do? Suddenly I feel like a waste."

Qian Sanyi: "Haozi, you can't compare with anyone, you have to compare with him. Isn't this uncomfortable?"

Deng Xiaoqi: "Envy.jpg"

Lin Miaomiao: "Don't be envious of letting Lao Ye cook it for you next time we go out to play together. I'll tell you that it's really super delicious. Forget about the words, it's too weak. You should try it yourself if you have the chance. .”

After the three of them hang out in the group for a while, Ye Xingchen's work has almost come to an end.This time Ye Xingchen also cooked home-cooked dishes, spicy chicken, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, braised prawns, nine-turn large intestine, and a seaweed egg drop soup, the same four dishes and one soup as last time.

As soon as the food was brought to the table by the waiter, Lin Miaomiao eagerly took a bite with the chopsticks and wow, it was still so delicious.Then he took out his mobile phone and took a few pictures and sent them to the group. This move caused dissatisfaction among others.

Deng Xiaoqi: "Miao Miao, you are going too far."

Jiang Tianhao: "Human?"

Qian Sanyi: "Hehe!!"

Seeing Lin Miaomiao fiddling with the phone, Ye Xingchen asked curiously: "What are you doing, Miaomiao, isn't the food delicious? You only know how to play with your phone, who are you chatting with?"

Lin Miaomiao laughed loudly at this time: "Hahahahaha, Lao Ye, look at the group."

Seeing them chatting in the group, Ye Xingchen raised his head and said to Lin Miaomiao, "You are really human. Are you not afraid of being beaten to death by them?"

Lin Miaomiao said: "You have to know how to share good things, and they have to thank me." He picked up his chopsticks and spun them.

Ye Xingchen sighed with black hair and said, "I can see that they really want to thank you in person!!"

"Hmm!!! It's so delicious, Lao Ye, why do you cook so many dishes. I decided that this will be my dedicated canteen in the future, and you will be my royal chef, please thank you."

"Thank you Lord Ron, long live long live long live long live."

"So nice."

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(End of this chapter)

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