"As long as you're happy..." Ye Xingchen smiled wryly.

Well, lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot.Ye Xingchen now felt that life was hopeless.

And most importantly, Lin Miaomiao looked at him with a hint of playful eyes... This made him feel that his situation was very bad, with a hint of danger.

Ye Xingchen didn't say a word along the way, more words make more mistakes, less words make fewer mistakes, anyway, the more he explains, the more confused he becomes, it's better not to explain.

After arriving at the destination, Ye Xingchen found a parking space and stopped the car. After getting off the car, he took Lin Miaomiao's hand and walked into the theater.

"What do you want to see?" Ye Xingchen turned around and asked.

Lin Miaomiao looked at the newly released movies scrolling on the big screen, picked out a romantic movie at random, and said, "No, that's all."

"Okay, wait here for me to buy tickets. By the way, do you want some popcorn?" Ye Xingchen asked.

Lin Miaomiao shook her head and said no need: "Forget it, don't eat, I was too full just now."

"it is good."

Ye Xingchen came to the counter and bought two movie tickets, and took two bottles of Vitamin C.

"Let's go, don't be too surprised for a while."

Ye Xingchen said playfully.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's appearance, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help frowning and asked, "What the hell are you planning?"

Ye Xingchen didn't speak, and skillfully grabbed Lin Miaomiao's hand, because Ye Xingchen could check the tickets directly after buying the tickets, so the two of them went in without delay.

Ye Xingchen bought a VIP private room, so there were only two people in the whole room. When Lin Miaomiao entered, she found that it was not the kind of sitting that she imagined, but a big bed, complete with pillows and quilts. Why does Ye Xingchen look at himself so much?

Lin Miaomiao knew that she had been cheated, and wanted to turn around and leave: "I, I, I won't watch."

But Ye Xingchen held her hand tightly and said with a smile: "The money can't be refunded anymore, the ticket is very expensive, don't waste it."

"But, you didn't tell me it was a bed." Lin Miaomiao said angrily.

Ye Xingchen showed an innocent expression on his face, and continued to bewitch: "I didn't say it wasn't a bed, but the bed is so good, it's so comfortable to lie down and watch a movie, don't worry about it, the movie is about to start."

In the end, Lin Miaomiao agreed, mainly because the money was spent, it was a waste to just leave like this, and the price was very expensive, obviously this was planned by Ye Xingchen long ago.

Lin Miaomiao took off her shoes and sat on the bed, grabbed the pillow next to her and hugged her tightly, which would make her feel more at ease.

Ye Xingchen lay on the bed with ease, quietly waiting for the movie to start. Seeing Lin Miaomiao's nervous look, he couldn't help but said, "It's not like we haven't slept together before, why are you so reserved."

"Hey, who slept with you before? I kindly took you in because I saw you were homeless. Don't push yourself."

Before turning off the lights, Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes, leaned against the head of the bed, and bent her knees.

"Okay, my wife kindly took me in, and Ye is very grateful."




Soon the movie started, the lights in the private room were automatically turned off, the whole room was pitch black, only the screen was on, and at this time Ye Xingchen's hand became dishonest, and he quietly reached out to grab Lin Miaomiao's hand.

"What are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao exclaimed, and quickly took her hand back in fright.

Ye Xingchen said plausibly: "Isn't it normal for couples to watch a movie holding hands? Make a fuss."

"No, stay away from me, I warn you to watch the movie well, don't have any bad intentions." Lin Miaomiao said "viciously".


Ye Xingchen agreed perfunctorily.

However, she still sneakily stretched out her hand. At first Lin Miaomiao resisted, but in the end she just gave up and let him grab her.

As the plot of the movie progressed, the two watched more and more.

The content of the movie is roughly that the male protagonist brings a memory back to the past, finds the girl he has always liked but dare not approach, and then gradually becomes a good friend of the girl from the perspective of God, and finally confirms the relationship in high school, and even some The reason is that the two lived in the same community by fate, so the two spent two years of high school happily, but on the male lead's birthday, the male lead disappeared.

After he woke up, he sent out that he had just had a dream, and nothing had changed. He couldn't accept it for a while, and immediately came to the high school where the two of them went to school. Looking at the familiar school in front of him, for a while, he Trapped in memories.

But at this moment, a girl in a white skirt walked up to him.

He took a closer look and found that it was the girl he missed so much.

"You..." The male protagonist looked at the girl and was speechless for a while.

The hostess suddenly stepped forward to hug him and said, "I thought you left me behind."

At this moment, the male lead finally realized that this was not a dream. He hugged the girl in front of him tightly and said softly, "No, I've always been here."

The two ended up kissing in the sunset.

Since this video ends
Does it feel that the plot is very familiar? That's right, Ye Xingchen also feels this way. Except for the name, everything else remains the same, and even the general direction of the plot is completely the same.This made him think that the main character was himself.

At this time, he turned his head to look at Lin Miaomiao, and found that Lin Miaomiao had a strange expression, as if she was deep in thought.

"What's the matter, feeling uneasy?" Ye Xingchen asked with concern.

Lin Miaomiao frowned slightly. She also felt that this plot was very familiar, as if, as if she had experienced it personally.

"No, I just feel it. It's so familiar. I seem to have seen it, but I can't remember it."

Ye Xingchen was startled, it is possible that Miaomiao has memories from the past.

"I feel like I have experienced it myself, but I can't remember it, so it feels very strange." Lin Miaomiao lay down and searched carefully for the memory in her mind.

Ye Xingchen suddenly turned over at this time, and the whole person came to the top of Lin Miaomiao, looking down on Lin Miaomiao from a high position.

"Ye Xingchen, what are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao asked in a panic.

"Of course it's what you should do."

"You promised me not to do bad things."

"sorry, I do not have."


Next... I understand everything. In order not to close the little black room, I will directly omit a thousand words.

After the two came out of the movie theater, Lin Miaomiao's face was flushed, and Ye Xingchen was smiling. The service staff of the movie theater seemed to be familiar with this phenomenon after seeing it.

But don't get it wrong, Ye Xingchen is not such a beast, he just did a little bit of strange things, it's not that strange, think about it for yourself.

"Let's go, go buy something for uncle and aunt."

Ye Xingchen said.


Lin Miaomiao nodded in response, her voice was very small, as if it was coming from her nasal cavity.

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