It's so beautiful, this is the feeling that popped up in Ye Xingchen's mind instantly.The white dress, the loose hair, and the shoulder straps inlaid with pearls added a bit of nobility and elegance to the originally agile Lin Miaomiao out of thin air.

And this dress can perfectly show Lin Miaomiao's figure.

Ye Xingchen looked Lin Miaomiao up and down unscrupulously, always feeling that something was missing.

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Xingchen finally realized that he was missing a pair of white high heels, and then he said to the shop assistant next to him, "Can you help my girlfriend choose a suitable pair of high heels? Make it better."

"Of course." The young lady said with a smile.

Lin Miaomiao ran to Ye Xingchen and said shyly, "Is this too revealing, I feel very awkward."

"No, you are very beautiful now, this suit seems to be specially made for you, be good, go and choose some cool and beautiful shoes with Miss Sister, be obedient." Ye Xingchen petted Lin Miaomiao's face warmly Said loudly.

Lin Miaomiao had no choice but to obediently agree. When she saw herself in the mirror just now, to be honest, she really felt different from her usual self. Lin Miaomiao took off her headband and let her hair loose, as if this was more suitable for her. Accurate That being said, it matches the outfit better.

After a while, Miao Miao walked over in high heels, maybe because she didn't wear high heels very much, so she walked a little clumsily and cutely, because she was anxious to run to Ye Xingchen's side, so she almost fell if she didn't pay attention. Ye Xingchen stepped forward to support her.

Lin Miaomiao stood there with her hands behind her back, and Ye Xingchen could clearly feel that she was at a loss.

"Miaomiao, you are really beautiful now."

Ever since Lin Miaomiao came over, Ye Xingchen never took his eyes off her, and couldn't help but praise her.

"Really?" Lin Miaomiao happily came to the mirror next to her and looked at herself in the mirror.

Ye Xingchen stood behind Lin Miaomiao and hugged her gently: "It's so beautiful, I don't want to bully you anymore."

The manager's sister and the clerk's sister next to her suppressed their smiles. Looking at this loving couple, they couldn't express their envy in their eyes. They envied that this girl had a boyfriend who spoiled her so much.

"Don't, don't make trouble." Lin Miaomiao shyly broke away from Ye Xingchen and ran to the side.

Ye Xingchen didn't continue teasing her, handed the card to the manager and said, "Just swipe the card. That's all, there is no need to issue an invoice."

"Okay. Sir, just wait a moment." Seeing Ye Xingchen's arrogance, the smile on the manager's face became brighter.

Lin Miaomiao looked at the back of the manager going away, stepped forward to hold Ye Xingchen and said coquettishly: "I really want to buy it, isn't it very expensive?"

"Didn't we agree just now? Listen to me today, and for the last time, tomorrow we will change jobs. You work hard to earn money to support me, and I will eat at home and wait to die. Bah, you are a husband and a child."

"Eh..." Lin Miaomiao felt very helpless seeing Ye Xingchen's dishonest appearance.

The most is the success of consumption.Originally, Ye Xingchen wanted Lin Miaomiao to wear it back, but she refused desperately, so she had to change her own set of clothes again, and then let the shop assistant wrap it up and take it away.

After coming out of the clothing store, it was almost 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

The two started to rush to Wang Shengnan's house. On the way, Ye Xingchen suddenly found that Lin Miaomiao hadn't spoken since she came out of the shopping mall, and she was acting abnormally. She couldn't help but smiled and asked: "What's the matter? I’m unhappy, isn’t it because I’m afraid to go home?”

Lin Miaomiao did not answer this question directly, but asked casually: "You said that the consciousness in today's movie travels through time and space, is it possible to exist?"

"It's really possible to exist. After all, there are so many wonders in the world. What's the matter, do you want to go back to the past and talk about a love that spans time and space?" Ye Xingchen thought that Lin Miaomiao was bewildered by watching a movie, and replied casually , and didn't care about the way Lin Miaomiao looked at him at this time.

"Well, I think."

Ye Xingchen was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I'll take you there when I have a chance."

"How?" Lin Miaomiao asked curiously.

At this time, Ye Xingchen looked at her with squinting eyes, and then said with a smile: "Go home and show me the clothes, and I will take you there."

"Get out, die." Lin Miaomiao mercilessly gave Ye Xingchen a fist the size of a sandbag.

Because Ye Xingchen was driving, the two of them stopped fighting.

Until the two came to the downstairs of Lin Miaomiao's community.

Ye Xingchen asked nervously before going in: "Miao Miao, what impression does Uncle have of me?"

"Pfft, why are you scared? Didn't you have fun when you bullied me just now? After a while you're done, I'm going to sue." Seeing Ye Xingchen's nervous look, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but want to tease him .


Ye Xingchen had a black hair, if Lin Dawei knew that he was bullying Lin Miaomiao, he would die immediately.

"Let's go." Lin Miaomiao could not help but pull Ye Xingchen upstairs.

Ye Xingchen was obviously not particularly willing, but there was no other way.

After the two went upstairs, Lin Miaomiao took the key and opened the door directly.At this time, Wang Shengnan was already preparing things in the kitchen, and Lin Dawei was also tidying up the room.

Lin Gougou was playing in the living room. When he saw his sister and brother Xingchen coming, he immediately dropped the toys and ran over.

Lin Miaomiao originally wanted to hug her younger brother in front of her, but Lin Gougou skipped Lin Miaomiao and rushed towards Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen also quickly put the things in his hand on the ground, and caught Lin enough firmly.

"Brother Xingchen, I miss you so much." Lin Gougou raised his head and said grandma.

"Brother has thought enough, come and see if you like the toy I bought for you." Ye Xingchen hugged him with one hand, picked up the things with the other hand, then walked to the living room and put them on the table.

Lin Miaomiao looked at this little white-eyed wolf, and was so angry that she almost crushed her back molars, it was for nothing, ah... the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

At this time, Lin Dawei hurried forward to greet him: "Xiaochen, why are you here to buy so many things as a guest? It's too expensive."

Although he said so, seeing a large table of gifts, he couldn't help but be very satisfied with Ye Xingchen, at least the etiquette is in place.

"It doesn't cost money. Last time I came here, I wasted a meal. I'm a little embarrassed. Uncle bought tea for you. I don't know if you like it or not." Ye Xingchen gave away the tea in a gift box past.

The smile on Lin Dawei's face became even brighter after seeing the packaging, and this gift was sent to his heart.Because he always wanted to buy something to drink, but it was too expensive.

"I like it, I like it, but don't spend so much next time, it's too expensive." Although Lin Dawei likes it, he also knows that the price is not cheap.

Ye Xingchen chuckled and said, "It's okay, as long as uncle likes it."

Wang Shengnan came out of the kitchen, saw Ye Xingchen coming, and immediately said enthusiastically: "Xiaochen is here, sit down quickly, don't stand up, Brother Dawei is going to wash some fruit for Xiaochen to eat."

Ye Xingchen said embarrassedly: "Don't be such a troublesome aunt."

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