Chapter 38 The New Class
There was nothing to say along the way, Lin Miaomiao's family arrived at the school very quickly, but the school was not only open for old students, but also for freshmen who came to sign up. There were a lot of cars parked at the gate, and there were more parents who came to see their children off than last year.

Lin Miaomiao's parents could only let her go in by herself. Before going in, Wang Shengnan told Lin Miaomiao again, and Lin Miaomiao ran to school without looking back when she saw the situation.

"Miaomiao, Lin Miaomiao!!"

Lin Miaomiao ran and heard someone behind her calling her to turn around and saw that it was Ye Xingchen.

"Why are you running so fast, and no one is chasing you, what if you fall down?" Ye Xingchen asked concerned.

"You don't know Lao Ye, if I don't run away, my mother will probably be able to talk endlessly."

Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "Auntie is so scary, why have I never seen it before?"

Lin Miaomiao said as she walked, "That's because you are a child of someone else's family. You have good grades and are polite, and you can't pick any faults."

"Hahaha, so I'm so good in your mother's heart, but it's also true."

Lin Miaomiao laughed and said: "I found that your skin is getting thicker and thicker. If I don't tell you, I'll go back to the dormitory to clean up."

Ye Xingchen also agreed: "Okay, I just need to go to the dormitory to tidy up, so I will go to school this semester."

Lin Miaomiao: "Day study? Why, isn't it good to live on campus?"

Ye Xingchen: "My house is relatively close, and I can still play with my mobile phone and computer when I go back at night."

Lin Miaomiao: "You're showing off again, but I'm not envious. If I go to school, my parents will watch me alone, and I won't have any free space."

Ye Xingchen: "Okay, then you go back to the dormitory first, I have to go to Teacher Zhao to go through the day-study formalities."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, Old Ye."

"See you tomorrow."

The new semester begins, of course it is still the familiar morning run, new and old students still have to run in pain, the teacher's words of encouragement came from the school radio.At this time, our protagonist Ye Xingchen is leisurely eating breakfast at home.

"Xiao Chen, it's almost time, hurry up and eat, don't be late." Mu Ying urged at this time.

"Understood, Mom, I'm leaving now." Ye Xingchen finished drinking the milk in front of him, and was ready to leave.

When Ye Xingchen came downstairs, he happened to meet Qian Sanyi who was also going to school.

"Qian Sanyi, why are you here? Do you live here?" Ye Xingchen asked in surprise.

Qian Sanyi was also very surprised: "That's right, brother Chen, you also live here, why have I never seen you before? Are you... a day student?"

Ye Xingchen explained: "That's right, I've already gone through the day-study procedures, and sometimes I need to check some information on the computer, so it's more convenient to go-study."

Qian Sanyi smiled and said, "Brother Chen is so good, let's be together in the future."

Ye Xingchen happily replied: "Okay, let's go, we'll be late later."

At this time, Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi had arrived in the new classroom.

Deng Xiaoqi looked back at the position Qian Sanyi had taken: "Yi Yi, my Yi Yi."

Lin Miaomiao said speechlessly: "Your Yiyi is gone, and he is sitting in this position now."

Deng Xiaoqi complained: "God is not fair at all, why did you separate me from my family one by one, and you are still with brother Chen."

Although Lin Miaomiao was happy in her heart, she said on her mouth: "Cut, you think I am willing, I just know how to tease me all day, so I don't want to be with him."

Looking at Lin Miaomiao's appearance in Versailles, Deng Xiaoqi felt a little envy and jealousy in her heart: "Hmph, I don't know who said: Wuwuwu, does Old Ye hate me, and he's still crying. Tsk tsk tsk"

The knife directly hit Lin Miaomiao's main artery, and Lin Miaomiao wanted to silence her in shame and indignation: "Xiao Qi has gone too far, if you say that you don't expose your faults, let's see how I deal with you." The two of them started arguing like this.

As soon as Ye Xingchen entered the classroom, he saw Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi fighting there. He walked in front of Lin Miaomiao and sat down.

Seeing Ye Xingchen coming, Lin Miaomiao immediately stopped fighting and turned around and said, "Old Ye, you are here, is this your position? Wow, you are still my front seat. It's great. We can get together again gone."

Deng Xiaoqi was still a little bit reluctant to part with her Yiyi: "Oh, it's a pity that my Yiyi left."

Ye Xingchen said at this time: "Qian Sanyi is the future champion of science. His family wants him to choose science, so it is not realistic to say that he chooses liberal arts for us. Besides, why is he here? The second child of a thousand years."

Lin Miaomiao quickly echoed and said, "That's right, I don't want to see that face, and besides, when I come here and get crushed by Lao Ye Lao Ye every minute, why is he here?"

At this moment, Lin Miaomiao suddenly remembered something: "Hey? Xiaoqi, have you noticed that Jiang Tianhao is not paying attention to you recently?"

Deng Xiaoqi also noticed this, and felt strange why Jiang Tianhao didn't bother herself suddenly: "It's just good that I don't come, no one bothers me anymore, be quiet." Sense of loss.

Ye Xingchen knew that Jiang Tianhao had listened to his own words.Seeing Deng Xiaoqi's performance, maybe Jiang Tianhao can really catch up with Xiaoqi.

At this time, Tang Yuanming, Lin Miaomiao's little uncle, came in, clapped his hands to signal the students to be quiet, and said, "Let's find a place to sit first."

Lin Miaomiao said in surprise, "I'll go, little uncle."

Before Lin Miaomiao could react, Tang Yuanming continued: "Students, I will be the head teacher of your class from today on. No matter how you get together, from now on we will be a member of the liberal arts class of the elite middle school. At the same time, you also represent The level of liberal arts classes in elite middle schools, I hope everyone will work hard."

Lin Miaomiao nodded at this moment.

Tang Yuanming: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Tang Yuanming, Tang from the Tang Dynasty, Yuan from the Yuan Dynasty, and Ming from the Ming Dynasty. That's right, I am a history teacher." The students below were all amused when he said this.

Lin Miaomiao said to Deng Xiaoqi and Ye Xingchen slightly: "This is my little uncle."

Deng Xiaoqi was also very surprised when she heard it: "Really?"

Ye Xingchen gloated and said, "You're not finished now, your every move is under your mother's nose."

Lin Miaomiao was very frustrated: "Oh, it's over now, Wang Shengnan will definitely let him stare at me from all angles."

Deng Xiaoqi comforted: "It's okay, don't worry when the tiger still takes a nap."

At this time, Tang Yuanming continued: "In the future, no matter what problems students have, they can come to me directly, because we all came together with a common goal, that is the college entrance examination, I hope everyone will work hard together. "After speaking, the students in the audience applauded, and the applause filled the classroom.

Tang Yuanming hadn't finished speaking at this time: "Students, stop for a moment. Let me introduce a classmate to you. This classmate is Ye Xingchen. In the past year, he successfully surpassed the number one in the senior high school entrance examination recruited by our elite middle school. He is now ranked in the age ranking. First, when I heard that this student came to our liberal arts class, I was very happy, because it is said that our liberal arts students can only study liberal arts if they can't study science. Ye Xingchen also beat them hard when he came. Face, everyone welcomes Ye Xingchen to say a few words to everyone."

This is when the students thought about Ye Xingchen, and Ye Xingchen walked to the podium and started his speech: "Just now Teacher Tang said, I don't need to introduce myself. My name is Ye Xingchen, an ordinary As a student, you have [-] million points of handsomeness, [-] million points of talent, and [-] million points of good grades. Hahaha, well, I won’t be kidding. When you can't go on, when you are discouraged, you must grit your teeth and persevere.

We don't need to cry bitterly over a small setback.Life is full of ups and downs, how can pearl oysters without trauma have sparkling and charming crystals.It is common to fall and stumble several times.If you capsize in the same ditch, your life will be pale and absolutely not vivid.If I lose, I can start all over again. If I win, I can ram the foundation stone under my feet.Although the meteor has fallen, it cuts through the night sky with beautiful light. Although the music is over, it inspires people with passionate melody.

When the wind is howling in your ears, you only think of it as a breeze;People must never give in in the face of adversity.I am here to wish everyone success in the college entrance examination, thank you all." Ye Xingchen's inspiring speech instantly detonated the audience, and every student in the audience applauded vigorously.

Even Tang Yuanming was deeply impressed by his words, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

After Ye Xingchen returned to his seat, everyone still had no intention of stopping.

Tang Yuanming said at this time: "Okay, everyone, please stop. Student Ye Xingchen's speech is really exciting. He is indeed the only genius in our school. Everyone must firmly remember what Student Ye said, and have the spirit of not giving up ,Did you hear me."

"heard it."

"Okay, everyone, get ready for class."

Everyone picked up the textbooks and scored 12 points, all of them were full of energy.

Lin Miaomiao patted Ye Xingchen on the shoulder at this time: "Lao Ye, you are so awesome, I feel that you are like the head of an MLM organization, and just a few words make everyone feel like they have been beaten."

Deng Xiaoqi also said: "Yeah, you did the same thing last time in the cram school. The atmosphere was really top-notch."

Ye Xingchen looked at the two of them who had never seen the world and said: "Where is this? You have never seen the pre-war mobilization. After the leader finishes the pre-war mobilization, the disabled can pick up the crutches and charge. I'm nothing."

Lin Miaomiao said disdainfully: "Come on, you don't know how happy you are. Look at the way these little girls in our class look at you. They want to eat you up. You just like to show off. Hmph"

Ye Xingchen was wronged a lot: "The conscience of heaven and earth, I didn't choose to go up, it was Mr. Tang, your little uncle made me go up, why did I want to show off?"

Lin Miaomiao insisted, "You have it."

Deng Xiaoqi jokingly said, "Miaomiao, if you're jealous, just tell me, we don't make fun of you."

Ye Xingchen also said meanly at this time: "Yes, I am so good, if you are afraid that I will be snatched away by them, just tell me, why are you beating around the bush?"

Lin Miaomiao glared at Ye Xingchen angrily and said, "Even if all the boys in the world die, I can't be jealous of you." Then she took the notebook and hit Ye Xingchen fiercely, "Turn around, or I will be jealous of you." Call the teacher."

Ye Xingchen felt baffled: "I was smiling just now, but now I'm so fierce, it really is."

Lin Miaomiao threatened to sue the teacher, "Are you going back?"

"Huihui, you are amazing. Hmm(ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻"

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