The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 391 Boyfriend and Mother Visited Together

Because of Ye Xingchen's online guidance, Lin Miaomiao's editing work went very smoothly.

Even Xiao Yao couldn't help but praise Lin Miaomiao's enthusiasm.

Because the video will be released next Monday, Lin Miaomiao works overtime every day until very late.

Ye Xingchen also knew how hard Lin Miaomiao had been working these past few days, so he specially made dinner and sent it over. When he entered the company, Lin Miaomiao was working seriously with earphones on.

Even when Ye Xingchen walked in front of her, she didn't notice immediately.

As soon as Lin Miaomiao finished editing this section, she felt that there was a person in front of her. She looked up and found that it was Ye Xingchen, and said excitedly: "Ye Xingchen, why are you here?"

"Of course I came to visit the class. I haven't eaten dinner yet. Eat something quickly. You will have the strength to work when you are full." Ye Xingchen put the lunch box on the table, and then unwrapped it for Lin Miaomiao.

"It smells so good." Lin Miaomiao looked at the pork ribs, chicken thighs, and a bowl of porridge in front of her, her appetite suddenly whetted.

"Eat quickly."

Ye Xingchen casually pulled a chair from the empty seat next to him, and sat next to Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao had already picked up the chopsticks and began to strike at the drumstick: "Yeah."

Because Lin Miaomiao was not the only one who worked overtime in the company, other colleagues looked this way after smelling the fragrance.

One of the female colleagues came over and praised: "Wow, Miao Miao, is this your boyfriend, so handsome."

"Ah, this is my boyfriend, his name is Ye Xingchen." Lin Miaomiao got up and introduced shyly.

Ye Xingchen was also very polite, and greeted Lin Miaomiao's colleagues: "Hi, my name is Ye Xingchen, Miaomiao's boyfriend, Miaomiao will trouble everyone to take care of her in the company from now on."

"Haha, it's easy to say. Are you giving Miaomiao a love dinner?" The female colleague pointed to the lunch box on the table and said.

Lin Miaomiao was a little embarrassed to open her mouth, but Ye Xingchen was different. She was good at socializing, so she answered her question immediately: "Isn't it because Miaomiao is still working overtime, so I made some meals for delivery?" come over."

"I really envy you Miao Miao, your boyfriend is so handsome, he can cook, and treats you so well."

"There's nothing to envy about this. All you see is the surface. He can be irritating sometimes. Don't be fooled by his surface." Lin Miaomiao waved her hand quickly and said.

Ye Xingchen gave Lin Miaomiao a sharp look in his eyes. He originally wanted to establish a perfect boyfriend image, but let Lin Miaomiao's one-word plan go to waste.

At this time, some colleagues started to boo: "Miaomiao, we haven't eaten yet, can I have a taste?"

"Me too, let's have a taste of what this Love Bento tastes like."

"That's right, let's try it."

Facing a colleague's request, Lin Miaomiao glanced at Ye Xingchen to ask for his opinion, Ye Xingchen nodded in agreement, Lin Miaomiao looked at her colleagues with a smile, and said generously: "No problem, everyone has a share."

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Miaomiao's colleagues rushed forward and each took a piece of chicken leg.

After the entrance, two words came to everyone's mind, delicious.

So they all praised without hesitation: "It's delicious, Miaomiao, your boyfriend is really amazing, he's so handsome, and he cooks so deliciously."

"I'm so lucky."

"Is there any love bento tomorrow?"

Lin Miaomiao looked at them angrily and said, "You guys have been thinking about it since you ate it once, right? Don't even think about it, tomorrow is mine."

"Hey, I know the food protector, it's not bad." Ye Xingchen patted Lin Miaomiao's head and said with satisfaction.

"Hey, showing affection is too much."

"It's just too much, condemn, must condemn."

While the few people were laughing and chatting, Wang Shengnan also came to the company and happened to see this scene.

"Miaomiao, Xiaochen."

Lin Miaomiao turned around and saw her mother at the door of the company, so she ran over and hugged her.

"Mom, why are you here?"

After Wang Shengnan heard it, his face was a little displeased: "What's wrong, I didn't answer the phone call, I didn't reply to the message, I thought my daughter was missing, why don't you hurry up and take a look."

"No, I'm busy with work." Lin Miaomiao said coquettishly.

Wang Shengnan looked at the cutlery on the table and asked, "Are you busy with work?"

Ye Xingchen walked over, touched his head and explained: "Miaomiao is too busy with work and has been working overtime, so today I cooked a meal for Miaomiao and brought it here. I didn't expect you to come to see Miaomiao today, Auntie Shengnan." gone."

"You cook it yourself?" Wang Shengnan was a little surprised.

"Yes, Ye Xingchen's cooking is delicious. Didn't I tell you last time?"

Lin Miaomiao spoke first.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help shaking his head, thinking that this kid is really careless, didn't he see his aunt holding a lunch box on her mobile phone, just hope that the fire doesn't burn himself, so he hurried to remedy: "I just do it casually, It’s definitely not as delicious as my aunt’s.”

"Don't say that, go to auntie's house to cook some other day, and let your uncle and I have a taste of your cooking." Wang Shengnan was not jealous, but rather interested in Ye Xingchen's ability to cook?
"Okay, as long as you don't dislike it."

Now Lin Miaomiao's colleagues are even more envious. It seems that these two couples are already authorized by their parents. Hey, they are different from single dogs like them.

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao had no intention of leaving, Wang Shengnan couldn't help asking, "Why aren't you off work yet? Haven't you finished your work yet?"

In order not to worry her mother, Lin Miaomiao said, "I still have a little work to finish, so I need to stay for a while. You can keep that meal for me. Ye Xingchen just brought it for me to share with my colleagues." It's almost done, I can finish eating what you made for me."

Ye Xingchen couldn't help giving Lin Miaomiao a thumbs up, yes, her IQ hasn't completely dropped to zero, she can talk.

"It's so late, you still have to work." Wang Shengnan asked with concern.

Ye Xingchen saw that Lin Miaomiao was in trouble, so he hurried out to make a rescue: "Auntie, I'll just stay here with Miaomiao, you can go back first, I think it's getting late."

"Okay, then please take care of Miao Miao." Wang Shengnan instructed.

"Don't worry, auntie, it's on me. Then I'll take you back."

Wang Shengnan quickly stopped: "I don't need to drive here, just go back by yourself."


Ye Xingchen didn't continue to be polite, he sent Wang Shengnan downstairs, watched her leave, and then went upstairs.

Lin Miaomiao originally wanted to let her colleagues taste the things Wang Shengnan gave her, but her colleagues were also very sensible, and they didn't make any progress, so they just had to grab some food, and it couldn't be endless.

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