Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen with narrowed eyes, and said with a curl of her lips: "Che, you really know how to comfort people. According to you, the reason why my luck is not good now is that my luck reached the peak before and then fell down." .”


Lin Miaomiao then asked: "Then tell me how lucky I was?"

"No, isn't that obvious? It's not your luck that I became your boyfriend. You are handsome and rich like me, who can cook and take care of others. He is a top student, omnipotent, and even spoils his wife." Is there a second boy in the world?" Ye Xingchen used this incident to praise himself without hesitation.

"Eh~haha!" Lin Miaomiao sneered and turned her head away, ignoring him.

Ye Xingchen also sat back in embarrassment, put on his seat belt and drove home.


The next day, because Wang Shengnan needed to accompany Lin Dawei in the hospital, and he really didn't have time to take care of him tomorrow, he could only entrust someone to take care of him.But now there are only two people who can call, one is Lin Miaomiao and the other is Ye Xingchen.

Wang Shengnan was really embarrassed to ask Ye Xingchen to help again, and after hesitating for a while, he still called Lin Miaomiao who was working.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao was working overtime at the company, and received a call from Wang Shengnan: "Hey, Mom, what are you calling for?"

"Miaomiao, Mom really has nothing to do tomorrow, so I can only ask you to take care of me."

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help showing a sad face when she heard this: "Mom, I'm really ups and downs now, and I even offended my boss. If I don't make some achievements, I'm really going to leave."

"Forget it, let me ask your aunt." Wang Shengnan said with a sigh.

Lin Miaomiao turned her head at this time, and suddenly thought of someone, so she hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, no, mom, what do you think? You can ask my aunt, she will be fine if she doesn't get sick, and she still expects him to see her." Child. Forget it. I'll see if Ye Xingchen is free tomorrow."

When Wang Shengnan heard that Lin Miaomiao wanted to bother Ye Xingchen, he subconsciously wanted to refuse: "Don't, it's not good to bother Xiaochen."

"I know, I don't like to bother him, but do you have any other way now?" Lin Miaomiao asked back.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Shengnan really had no other choice, so he could only agree: "Okay, then you can ask him, but don't force him if he doesn't have time."

"Don't worry, I understand, let's not talk about it, hang up."

After speaking, Lin Miaomiao hung up the phone in a hurry.

Then he made a video call to Ye Xingchen.

After connecting, Ye Xingchen was busy in the kitchen at this time. Before Lin Miaomiao could speak, he said, "What's the matter, are you hungry now? You have to wait for dinner."

Lin Miaomiao was still smiling just now, but she was unhappy when she was said by a word: "Hey, in your eyes, do I only know how to eat?"

Ye Xingchen looked at the time on the bracelet again, and then asked uncertainly: "It's almost time, isn't it?"

"I... okay, I don't care about you, I have something I want to ask you to help." Lin Miaomiaohe rolled his eyes across the screen.

Ye Xingchen put the ingredients in the pot again and again and said relaxedly: "Just say what you want, why don't you be polite to me."

"Well, isn't my mother taking care of my dad? I can't ask for leave in this situation, so can I ask you to take care of my brother tomorrow."

Ye Xingchen was slightly taken aback, then said: "Tomorrow, when is tomorrow?"

"I guess you'll come over before I leave home. I won't go back tonight. I'll go home and take care of you enough."

"But I also have class tomorrow, which happens to be in the morning."

When Lin Miaomiao heard that Ye Xingchen was also busy, she frowned again: "Ah, what should I do, I really can't ask for leave now."

Ye Xingchen thought about it for a while, and said, "Well, I'll take enough to school tomorrow."

"Ah, you took enough to go to school, so you let him sit in the classroom?" Lin Miaomiao couldn't help being surprised, and always felt that this operation was very familiar.

Ye Xingchen said helplessly: "That's right, that's the only way, it's the same as you were back then."

Hearing Ye Xingchen mention this incident, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but blushed, because it was too embarrassing at that time, and she really didn't want to recall it.

"Can it work like this, won't your leaders talk about you?"

"Don't worry, it's okay, I'll just tell them. By the way, you just said you won't be back tonight?"

"Well, my mother will go to the hospital in a while. It's enough to worry about being alone at home. I have to go back and watch."

Ye Xingchen nodded, and said understandingly: "Okay, I'll go to the company to pick you up after I cook the meal, and I'll take some food back with me when the time comes."

"it is good."

Lin Miaomiao readily agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Xingchen sent a message to the professor, explaining the situation.

The professor also replied in a timely manner, agreed to his request, and asked with concern if he needed someone to take care of Lin enough.

Of course Ye Xingchen would not bother him, so he rejected the professor's offer.

After the meal was ready, Ye Xingchen packed it in an insulated lunch box and went to the company to pick up Lin Miaomiao, and then sent her home.

When Wang Shengnan was about to call Lin Miaomiao at home, the door opened.

"Miaomiao, why did you just come back? I just wanted to call you." Wang Shengnan complained a little at first, and then said in surprise when he saw Ye Xingchen behind him, "Xiaochen is here too, so hurry up!" Come in and rest."

Ye Xingchen was not polite either, and when he came to the living room, Ye Xingche handed one of the two lunch boxes to Wang Shengnan and said, "Auntie, I made some nutritious meals myself, take them to Uncle."

"I have a heart." After Wang Shengnan took it, the smile on his face couldn't stop.

"It should be Auntie, by the way, Miao Miao said that you will not have time to take care of Zuozou tomorrow when you are hungry. I just have no class tomorrow, so let me play with Zugou for a day."

Lin Miaomiao was about to refute him when she heard it, but was stopped by Ye Xingchen's eyes, as if she understood what he meant, Lin Miaomiao didn't continue to say anything.

"It's really troublesome. Alas, your uncle is still in the hospital and needs someone to take care of him. Auntie really has nothing else to do."

Wang Shengnan said embarrassingly, as a strong woman, she generally doesn't like to trouble others, let alone trouble a junior.

"It's okay, I haven't seen enough for a long time, and I miss him quite a bit, right enough." Ye Xingchen looked around the room and found that Lin was not there, so he asked suspiciously.

"Oh, Enough just fell asleep."

"That's it."

Lin Miaomiao stood beside her like a decoration, and the two of them completely ignored her.Then she said dissatisfiedly: "Mom, why don't you hurry up, my dad is waiting in the hospital."

After being reminded by Lin Miaomiao, Wang Shengnan remembered: "Yes, I was too busy chatting with Xiaochen, and forgot about the business."

"Auntie, I'll take you there." Ye Xingchen said hastily.

"No, I'll just drive there by myself. You can stay here with Miaomiao. Miaomiao, you must be careful."

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