The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 405 When did the two of you wear a pair of pants

"Are you going too?" Lin Miaomiao asked in surprise.

Ye Xingchen nodded and replied: "Yes, I want to be a volunteer too, can't I?"

"It's okay...but..." Lin Miaomiao showed a hesitant expression on her small face.

Ye Xingchen understood what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "Anyway, it doesn't matter, just shoot it, I'm not so shameless, and I can control any words that are not good for me on the Internet, no need Worry about me."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and touched Lin Miaomiao's head.

"Okay, then I'll ask my father to make arrangements for the two of us." Seeing this, Lin Miaomiao reluctantly agreed.

"Okay, free volunteers, you can definitely go without uncle, after all, you don't need to pay wages." Ye Xingchen raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"That's right." Lin Miaomiao thought.

The next day, the two of them asked Lin Dawei to arrange it. This was the first time for Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen to be volunteers. They didn't understand many things. When Lin Dawei brought them in, he gave them detailed information Speaking of precautions:

"Come on, two reporters, this is the palliative care ward. Although it is also called a ward, here we not only relieve physical symptoms, but also relieve mental pain. We do not speed up or delay death. Spend your last days in peace, remember?"

Ye Xingchen nodded and said, "Got it, uncle."

Lin Dawei smiled, turned to look at what Lin Miaomiao was recording, and asked suspiciously: "Miaomiao, what are you remembering?"

"I'm remembering what you just said." Lin Miaomiao was still drawing with her head down and her pen.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Miaomiao, it's useless to memorize these things, you have to experience it yourself, aren't the two of us here to experience it?"

"Xiaochen is right. You don't need to memorize these dry words, you can learn the truth through practice." Lin Dawei nodded.

Lin Miaomiao glanced at the two people, and asked suspiciously: "Hey, let me tell you, when did the two of you get along so well? You both wear a pair of pants now, and you've already started to educate me, right?"

Lin Dawei put aside her words and said: "That's enough, don't be poor, you two follow me to watch and learn, and feel it."

Although Lin Miaomiao was a little dissatisfied, she still agreed. After all, she didn't come here to vent her anger, but to prepare for her own show.

Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao first followed Lin Dawei to the ward to have a look and learn how Lin Dawei did it. They would sometimes help with small things, although they were small things, but they could help The two were also very happy.

After one ward was done, the three of them continued on to the next ward without too much delay.

In the corridor, Lin Dawei asked the two of them: "How is it? Do you feel at ease after being helped?"

"Well, although I didn't do anything, it was just a little effort, but I feel that I feel a sense of accomplishment when the patient is happy." Lin Miaomiao has been smiling since she left the ward, and it can be seen that she is really happy.

Ye Xingchen also expressed his own opinion: "The ancients are indeed right. Helping others is the root of happiness. In fact, the feeling of helping others is really addictive. How can I say that feeling? It's more like salvation. Every time you help others Alone, your soul will be further sublimated."

"Xiaochen understands rightly. To cross people is to cross oneself. It is very rare to remember this feeling." Lin Dawei gave Ye Xingchen an appreciative look, thinking that this kid is really smart, so he said.


Listening to the words of the two most important men in her life, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but lament her luck.

Just as the three of them were walking to the next ward, a middle-aged woman came out of the room.

Lin Dawei hurriedly said hello when he saw him.

During the conversation between the two, Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao learned about the little girl in the house. Her name is Xie Yujia. Acute lymphocytic leukemia was detected during the physical examination on the eve of the college entrance examination. She is a very poor little girl.

Listening to Yujia's mother, Yujia doesn't like to talk, and she doesn't want to communicate with others, probably because she doesn't have much in common with adults.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao suddenly suggested: "Dad, let me try, we are about the same age, we should have something in common."

Although this method is feasible, Lin Dawei is still a little worried.

Seeing Lin Dawei's scruples, Ye Xingchen said, "Don't worry, Uncle, and I, it happens that the two of us also want to experience taking care of patients, so it's perfect for the two of us to chat with Yujia, don't worry I basically remember what you said just now, and nothing will go wrong."

After careful consideration, Lin Dawei still agreed.

Then Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao came to Yujia's ward.

Only then did I see that Yujia was very beautiful, but her face was a little pale, and she looked very weak, especially weak.

Lin Miaomiao knocked on the door, and then said softly, "Yujia, hello, my name is Lin Miaomiao, it's my first day here, so I want to see you."

Xie Yujia just glanced at Lin Miaomiao without any emotion in her eyes, and then directly ignored Lin Miaomiao.

Seeing that Yujia ignored her, Lin Miaomiao looked for other topics, and saw that she looked around and saw that the decoration inside the room was very beautiful, so she said with a smile: "Wow, your room is more beautiful than others. Everyone's room is warm, especially beautiful and cute, which fits your temperament very well."

Yujia still didn't speak.

Lin Miaomiao saw a guitar over there again and started looking for new topics. In short, Lin Miaomiao's purpose was only to arouse Yujia's interest, so that she could chat with her.

But she was still not interested.

Lin Miaomiao saw the notes on the wall again, and then said with a smile: "You are still a top student, the handwriting is so beautiful, I am a senior scumbag, my academic performance is very poor, and I studied hard frantically in the final college entrance examination, so I won't let you down. Got a second grade."

Ye Xingchen leaned against the door and watched this scene, and couldn't help shaking his head. Maybe Lin Miaomiao, a social cow, can quickly get acquainted with strangers in society, but facing introverted people who don't like to talk, or people who are autistic Words have no effect, and may even arouse the resentment of others. The next situation is really not as Ye Xingchen expected.

Xie Yujia showed displeasure on her face, her eyes were slightly rosy, and she asked, "Do you think good grades are useful?"

At this time, Lin Miaomiao didn't see what was wrong, and said directly: "Of course good grades are useful. Good grades can be admitted to a good university. It's not like I didn't get admitted to an ideal school."

"Do you think I can still go to university? How many days do you think I can live?" Xie Yujia asked Lin Miaomiao speechlessly.

Only then did Lin Miaomiao realize that she had said the wrong thing: "I, I mean..."

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