Chapter 413
Mu Ying nodded, expressing her understanding, and took advantage of this matter to tentatively ask: "It's a big deal to become a full-time official. When you become a full-time regular, Auntie and Uncle must celebrate for you, but don't forget to call your parents. Together, we happen to know each other."

"Cough, cough, cough." Ye Xingchen had just taken a sip of water, and suddenly choked when he heard his mother's words.

Good guy, this can be related to the topic of parents' meeting, and the answer is so perfect that even a doctor like Ye Xingchen has to admire his mother. Sure enough, the queen mother is still the queen mother, so I can't accept it.

Lin Miaomiao didn't expect that the topic would come here suddenly, and she didn't know how to answer for a while, so she thought for a while and said, "Auntie, I will tell my parents."

"Okay, okay, eat quickly, eat more, it's not enough for Xiaochen to do it again." Mu Yinglian said three good words, feeling more and more satisfied with Lin Miaomiao.

Mu Ying kept adding vegetables to Lin Miaomiao for a dinner, and Lin Miaomiao didn't waste her attributes. She ate a lot this night, but the more this happened, the more satisfied Ye Mu was with her, so that the two It's just a matter of seeing each other once.

Although Ye Xingchen's house is big, it only has two big bedrooms, which Mu Ying and Ye Bowen planned long ago.

After the meal, Ye Xingchen put all the tableware on the table into the automatic dishwasher, set the program, and left the rest to Heitan.

At this time, the family of four sat in the living room quietly watching TV, talking a few words from time to time.

It wasn't until after 10 o'clock that Mu Ying suddenly said: "It's getting late, my dad and I will go to bed first, you two should go to bed early too."

"Okay, mom, you and dad have been on the plane for a day, and you are also tired, so let's take a rest."

Ye Xingchen got up and said.

"Miaomiao has to go to work tomorrow, you guys should go to sleep too, don't play too late." Mu Ying instructed again.

It's just that the tone this time is obviously implying something, but Lin Miaomiao didn't understand it, but Ye Xingchen did.

"Understood." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

Lin Miaomiao also said politely: "Good night, uncle and aunt."

"Good night." To Lin Miaomiao, Mu Ying and Ye Bowen always had smiling faces, which made Lin Miaomiao feel very kind and easy to get along with.

After the two elders returned to the room, Lin Miaomiao asked Ye Xingchen awkwardly: "Why don't I go back tonight."

Ye Xingchen suddenly felt a little funny, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go back to the apartment." Lin Miaomiao said solemnly.

"Why, my house is too small to accommodate you?"

Ye Xingchen, who had been out of favor tonight, was still a little bit resentful, so his tone was a little bit thorny.

But at this time, Lin Miaomiao didn't care about this, what she cared about was her image in Ye Xingchen's parents' heart, so she said: "Then I can't still sleep with you, what will my uncles and aunts think of me?" .”

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao, who was so concerned about her image, and sighed for a while at her IQ. Her parents' intentions were so obvious, but she was so stupid that she didn't see it, so she clicked:
"Miaomiao, guess why my parents came back suddenly?"

"Why?" Lin Miaomiao couldn't understand the intention of the second elder for a while.

"Just so you don't have time to prepare, and then let the two of us live together, idiot."

When Ye Xingchen said this, Lin Miaomiao had already reacted, and her little face showed a nice blush.

"But...why do uncles and aunts do this?" Lin Miaomiao still didn't understand something.

Ye Xingchen was also completely defeated by Lin Miaomiao's innocence, so he directly pointed it out: "Miaomiao, let me tell you this, my parents are in such a hurry to come back, the purpose is to settle things between the two of us. Tonight is just asking you to invite your uncle and aunt to have a meal together, after the meal, I guess it's time to discuss the date of our engagement."

"Engaged, engaged..." Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen in astonishment, her heart pounding.

Ye Xingchen smiled helplessly and said: "Yes! I know my parents best. They both want us to get the certificate tomorrow, so you will definitely not be able to leave tonight. If you leave, I will be finished tomorrow .”

Lin Miaomiao seems to have understood something. She really doesn't understand the adult's thoughts, but Ye Xingchen said that she already understands everything, but if she really lives here tonight, then she will just acquiesce. What should I do?

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's entanglement, Ye Xingchen directly grabbed her hand and pulled her into his room.

"What are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao exclaimed.

Ye Xingchen immediately made a silence: "Shh."

Lin Miaomiao was also obediently not talking, she didn't understand what Ye Xingchen wanted to do.

At this time, Ye Xingchen looked at the door quietly, and counted silently: "20, 19, 18..."

Lin Miaomiao frowned, and looked at Ye Xingchen in confusion.

" On."

After Ye Xingchen finished counting down, he directly opened the door of the room.

At this time, Mu Ying and Ye Bowen were eavesdropping at the door, and when Ye Xingchen opened the door suddenly, they were at a loss for a while.

"Dad, Mom, what are you doing?"

Ye Xingchen asked as if he didn't know anything.

Mu Ying and Ye Bowen couldn't hold back their faces at this time. After all, it would be embarrassing enough to be caught on the spot for eavesdropping, but they still found a lame reason: "Your dad is thirsty, didn't you come to ask if there is still hot water?" ?”

Well...exquisite reasons.

"Yes, it's in the living room. Didn't the fire just start?" Ye Xingchen still pretended not to know.

After all, I still have to give the face of the two elders. If the two of them can't step down, isn't it equivalent to cutting their own way.

"Ooo, look at me, it's easy to forget things when you get old. Go to bed early, and your dad and I will go to bed after drinking water." Mu Ying said.

Ye Xingchen: "Well, rest early."

After the two of them left, Ye Xingchen closed the door, looked at Lin Miaomiao who was "well-cooked" behind and said with a smile, "How, I'm right, do you still have any concerns?"

Lin Miaomiao shook her head lightly, then hurried to the bed and "play dead."

It was so embarrassing, I even felt awkward in the back of the scene just now.

Ye Xingchen saw Lin Miaomiao who was lying down strangely, she was also changing clothes on one side and then lying on the other side, and then said to Lin Miaomiao who was under the quilt: "You have to get used to it, and accept your identity as the eldest mistress of the Ye family as soon as possible."

"Bah, I'm running the train with my mouth full. I don't care about it, go to bed quickly, I have to get up early tomorrow to go to the company to edit the video."

"Well, I won't talk about it, anyway, you will get used to it naturally later, and you will find out how happy it is to be Young Mistress Ye."

(End of this chapter)

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