The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 428 Marriage proposal, chapter return.

Chapter 428 Marriage proposal, return.

"The young master said let me take you to the door, and I'll know when you go in." The driver uncle didn't say much, the task that Ye Xingchen gave him has been completed, and the rest is out of his control.

Lin Miaomiao complained in dissatisfaction: "It's inexplicable. After I see him later, don't give me a reasonable explanation to see how I beat him."

After speaking, he waved his little fist and got out of the car angrily.

As soon as Lin Miaomiao entered the school gate, she saw a huge arrow on the road, and it said, go here.

"What the hell are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao followed the direction of the arrow and walked straight forward.

There are not only road signs but also signposts along the way, the purpose is to let Lin Miaomiao follow the instructions to the correct place.

When she came to the front of the teaching building, an idea popped up in Lin Miaomiao's mind: the destination could not be my former classroom.

Lin Miaomiao followed the instructions and came to the second floor. Just as she imagined, it was really her former classroom.

For some reason, when she came here, some images that did not belong to her memory suddenly appeared in her mind, which made her a little dazed.

After standing at the door of the classroom for 1 minute, Lin Miaomiao took a deep breath and walked into the classroom.

What she didn't expect was that the chairs in the classroom hadn't been changed, they were still the blue ones she used back then.Even the flowers I painted on my desk back then are still there.

Everything in this classroom has not changed, and Lin Miaomiao feels as if she has returned to high school.

At this moment, the curtains on both sides of the windows of the classroom were closed automatically, and the whole classroom was dark. Lin Miaomiao was shocked by this "supernatural" event, and instinctively wanted to run out, when she just had this idea , the projector in front suddenly turned on.

A video slowly appeared on the screen, a video of arguing with classmates during the third year of high school. Lin Miaomiao's eyes widened in surprise when she saw it.

There are five people in the entire video, and these five people are Lin Miaomiao, Deng Xiaoqi, Jiang Tianhao, Qian Sanyi, and... Ye Xingchen.

The entire video is very short, only two to three minutes long.

Then came the second one, and the third one. The characters appearing in each video are constantly changing, but each video has a person who should not appear in the first place——Ye Xingchen
"Is that really the case?" Lin Miaomiao said blankly looking at the screen.

After the video was played, a lot of photos slowly appeared at the end, and these photos were obviously from Ye Xingchen's phone.

At this time, Ye Xingchen's voice came from the back of the classroom: "Does it feel particularly incredible?"

Lin Miaomiao turned around and saw that Ye Xingchen had arrived in the classroom at some time. He was leaning against the wall at the door in a suit, and said while looking at the screen in front of him.

"It's okay, it's nothing." Lin Miaomiao smiled faintly.

Ye Xingchen was a little surprised by Lin Miaomiao's performance: "Don't you have anything you want to ask?"

"Will you tell me if I ask you?" Lin Miaomiao didn't answer his question directly, but asked Ye Xingchen instead.

Ye Xingchen walked forward slowly, and when he came to Lin Miaomiao's side, he stopped and said, "Yes, but I don't know when to start, the whole thing is too complicated, and I can't explain it to you. .”

Lin Miaomiao suddenly hugged Ye Xingchen tightly without warning, and said, "Then don't explain."

Ye Xingchen was taken aback for a moment, then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

After the two hugged each other for a while, Lin Miaomiao said in a low voice: "Actually, I have known about these photos for a long time, but I have been waiting for you to tell me."

"You...really not surprised at all?"

"I'm not surprised, but scared."

"afraid of what?"

"Scared, you left suddenly."

Hearing this, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but tremble, and then he pretended to be calm and said: "Are you stupid, where am I going?"

"I don't know, I always feel in my heart that you will leave me." Speaking of this, Lin Miaomiao hugged him even harder.

Ye Xingchen gently stroked her back with his hand, making Miaomiao relax a little.

Time passed slowly, and as the last photo on the screen ended, all the curtains in the classroom opened automatically.

At this time, the sunlight outside was particularly dazzling.

Ye Xingchen looked at the familiar desk and couldn't help but said to Lin Miaomiao: "This is your place."

"I know." Lin Miaomiao also let go of Ye Xingchen at this time, took her own position again, and then pointed to the side next to Ye Xingchen's shocked eyes and said, "This is your position."

"You...remember?" Ye Xingchen said uncertainly.

Lin Miaomiao pouted and nodded slightly, and responded: "I have a little impression, I just remember a little bit."

After Ye Xingchen smiled and walked to the location pointed by Lin Miaomiao, after doing it, Ye Xingchen began to recall the past.

"I remember when we first met, when we were moving the table, you and Haozi, the three of us went downstairs first. Do you have any impression?"

"It seems to be." Lin Miaomiao's mind was in a mess, and the two different memories conflicted with each other, causing her head to feel extremely painful when she recalled the past.

It wasn't until she looked at Ye Xingchen again that she noticed that Ye Xingchen was dressed very formally today, it seemed to be the first time he was wearing a suit.

"Did you just come back from the company?" Lin Miaomiao asked in surprise.

“How come you see?”

"Because you don't usually wear a suit, you said you had something to do in the morning, so you probably went to the company."

Ye Xingchen shook his head: "You guessed wrong, I wear suits for you to see."

"Wear it for me? What do you mean?" Lin Miaomiao suddenly had a bold idea in her heart.

Ye Xingchen stood up again and said: "Whether it was before or now, I feel that I owe you something, and I want to make up for it today."

As soon as the words fell, the two memories in Lin Miaomiao's mind suddenly merged completely, and at this moment she also remembered what happened back then.

Almost instantly, Lin Miaomiao's temperament also changed.

"Ye Xingchen, you..."

The host still has 30 seconds, please be ready.

However, Ye Xingchen acted as if he didn’t hear it, and took out the ring he had prepared from his pocket, “Actually, sometimes I wonder, is this a chance given to me by God, or is it playing tricks on me? When it came, I realized that this is not important anymore, what is important is that with you and me in the future, we can always be together."

"Before this, I rehearsed today's scene countless times in my mind. But when I stand in front of you today, I am really, really nervous.

I know you are a very special girl, all you want is a firm preference.I want to tell you today that I want to marry..."

As soon as the beam of light hit Ye Xingchen's body, Ye Xingchen had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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