Chapter 476 Need Help?

Mai Mai was successfully "driven off" by Ye Xingchen.

"What's so fierce, I can pack my luggage without your help!" This was the first time Zhao Jinmai wanted to be so strong.

After getting out of the car, I opened the door to carry the luggage by myself, but it took all my strength to pull the box to the door of the RV, but I didn't know how to put it down.

At this time, Ye Xingchen folded his hands in front of his chest, leaning against the door of the RV, looking at Mai Mai carrying his suitcase, and said triumphantly, "Do you need help?"

"No need, please stay away from me, thank you!" Zhao Jinmai said without turning her head.

She continued to find a suitable angle to find a way to get the suitcase down, but it was too heavy, and pulling it down forcibly might strain her arm, but she didn't want to ask the annoying guy next to her for help.

Seeing the anxious look on her face, Ye Xingchen pulled her out of the car.

"What are you doing?" Mai Mai, who was held by Ye Xingchen, resisted dissatisfiedly, but how could she be as strong as Ye Xingchen for her thin body.

Ye Xingchen immediately let go of her hand, then moved her suitcase out of the car, and finally closed the door, saying, "Let's go, let me carry it for you."

"I can take it myself, I don't need Young Master Ye." As he said that, he was about to reach out for his suitcase.

Ye Xingchen stretched out a hand to press Mai Mai's forehead, but he couldn't reach the suitcase that was close at hand.

"You're so old, and you're still playing childish, and you can't hold it by yourself. Besides, there are so many cameras, it's no wonder I don't get scolded to death if this is broadcast."

Zhao Jinmai said angrily, "Don't worry, you won't be scolded to death, the disaster will last for thousands of years, you are so old."

Hearing these words, Ye Xingchen felt the corners of his mouth twitching, this venomous tongue was definitely Miaomiao.

Ye Xingchen knew very little about Mai Mai's personality. Although he had been with Mai Mai for many days, except for the fact that she was a gentle and considerate girl at first, he never felt gentle after knowing that she was Miao Miao.

He remembered that he accidentally watched an interview. Mai Mai once said that she and Lin Miaomiao have completely different personalities. It seems that this video is really going to become a thing of the past.

After getting off the car, Yang Mi saw Ye Xingchen bullying Mai Mai, and immediately reprimanded him severely: "Ye Xingchen, what are you doing?"

Hearing the sound, Ye Xingchen quickly let go of his hand, which made Mai Mai, who was still pushing forward, fall straight into Ye Xingchen's arms due to inertia.

Ye Xingchen hurriedly put down the suitcase, and then caught Mai Mai with both hands.

Time stood still at this moment, and even Yang Mi, who had rushed over to reprimand Ye Xingchen just now, didn't react, and then she felt a little regretful in her heart, what did she do in the past because of the young couple fighting.

Yang Mi, Li Si and the others tacitly turned their heads and pulled their suitcases to the camp.

"Let go of me quickly." Seeing that she was misunderstood by Sister Mi and the others just now, Zhao Jinmai became even more ashamed and angry.

Ye Xingchen let her go disapprovingly, and said: "You sent it up yourself, I just helped you, and the sun can learn from it, not to mention Miss Mi saw it just now."

"Ye Xingchen, I feel that you are the leader of the wolf pack, the leader of the satyr." Zhao Jinmai stamped her feet angrily, and then chased after Yang Mi and the others.

"Cut, it's not just me, don't you? Have I agreed to touch me while I'm sleeping? Little pervert." Although Ye Xingchen muttered in a relatively small voice, Zhao Jinmai still heard her. arrive.

"You... are unreasonable!"

Maimai's face has turned an attractive pink at this moment, she is so ashamed and angry that she doesn't know how to refute at this moment, so she can only run away.

Ye Xingchen looked at her running back and smiled slightly, then continued to walk forward with her luggage.

After arriving at the camp, Ye Xingchen handed Mai Mai's luggage to Li Si and asked her to help carry it.

"Mai Mai looked quite angry just now, have you provoked others?" Li Sidani's gossiping heart gradually rose, and she grabbed Ye Xingchen and asked.

"No, she's just angry with herself, which confuses me."

"Really, didn't you provoke others?"

Li Sidani had doubts about Ye Xingchen's words.

It wasn't until Ye Xingchen sighed and said whatever it was, that he reluctantly believed it.

Ye Xingchen finally understood how important the first impression is in the eyes of others.

The camping place this time is very beautiful, this is the only place Ye Xingchen feels is really suitable for camping these days.

Ye Xingchen walked to the small river, looked at the mountains in the distance and the water nearby, breathed the fresh air in the mountains, and suddenly became interested in this camping.

"It looks like, brother, you like this place very much." Ding Chengxin walked over and said.

Ye Xingchen opened his arms, embracing the nature to his heart's content: "After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather is late in autumn. The bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring rocks flow upwards. Do you feel that this poem is particularly suitable for this place?"

Ding Chengxin frowned and thought: "I am very familiar with this poem. Whose poem is it, I suddenly can't remember it."

"This is Wang Wei's mountain dwelling in autumn.

After the new rain in the empty mountain, the weather is late in autumn. The moon shines among the pine, and the clear spring stone is up. The bamboo noise goes to Huannu, and the lotus moves off the fishing boat. Break free to Chun-fang, Sun-self to stay.

No matter what, I will also recite it. "

Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen proudly and said.

Ye Xingchen looked at Maimai who was taking pictures of the forest in the mountains with a Polaroid, and suddenly thought of a fun game: "Why don't we recite a poem each, the poem must fit the scene at this time, and we take turns." , until the other two give up, how about it?"

"Sure." As a liberal arts student, this is her strong point.

The betting game between the two made Ding Chengxin very embarrassed. Although he is also a college student and can memorize a lot of ancient poems, it is really not easy to find the appropriate poems in his own mind.But finally agreed: "I will try too."

Ye Xingchen: "Okay, then I'll start first. The trees are all in autumn, and the mountains and mountains are only in the sunset. Tang Wang Ji's Wild Hope."

Zhao Jinmai thought for a while, then smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Green trees close to the village, green hills and Guo slant outside. Meng Haoran's "Passing the Old Man's Village"."

Ding Chengxin barely thought of one: "The mountains follow the plains, and the rivers flow into the wilderness."

Ye Xingchen frowned, and said slowly: "This is fine too, okay, it's my turn. The trees are thick and the grass is luxuriant. Cao Cao: "Guan Canghai"."

"The mountain wind blows the empty forest, rustling like someone. "Twilight Autumn Mountain Journey" Tang Cen Shen." Mai Mai followed closely.

"The green hills on both sides of the strait are facing each other, and the lonely sail is approaching the sun. This should be okay."

Ding Chengxin had no choice but to make up for it, after all, it was too difficult to find a poem that fit the occasion.

"Yes, very good." Zhao Jinmai gave Ding Chengxin a thumbs up.

This made Xiao Ding a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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